spOelalu for TENDE,jUICY. Round or b Siroi ...Ibo CLUB, MINUTE, PORTERHOUSE GENUINE. SPRING LEG 0F LAMiD lbo 151/2 DIROILERS 2-lb. Fane: P~g rcsh -Dr Bat. RAKED Rot froni our ovens Sliced e aeh 4" N. Y. HERKIMER SHARP uer.. JL111 j nori snorjFpeoie are LdFaki an interest, is the Southern Arizona School for Boys which is located twelve' miles~ east of Tucson, in the foothilis of the Catalina mountains. - The connecting link between this western school and the north shdtre is the fact that George A. Harper-,isone, of the foùniders and head master, and Mr-. Harper was, for a, number of years, the loved and respected dean of boys at New Trier. He is the brother. of, J.. R. Harper, superintiendent of. the ,Wilmette schools. A number of years ago, Mr. Harper was foi-ced as. a matter of health pres- ervation, to. leavethe rigorous climate, of the north shore for. the milder cli-, mate of Arizona. His' interest in edu- Cation and his love for boys led to the founding of this school. His associate in the. establishmient of this- school is Capt. Russell B. Fair- grieve, an educator and an ex-arnmy officer. The school itself is beautifully situ- atéd. The highést point' in the mountains is distant only six miles and rises 2,000 f eet above the school. A picturesque canyon makes a natural playground for the boys. The Hopi house (main buildinig) con- tains the living room, dining roomn, classrooms, offices, kitchen and store- rooms. The lodges or dormitories have large sleeping. porches and rooms for The lb. 221/20. Lhmit - Â BABY LOBSTERS JELLO Ail FIavors COMERCE MAY 22 TO 27 INCLUSIVE Avail yourself et the .advantages offered by Walton Summer, classes to make rapid progresa toward a successful busi.- ness career.ý Prof essiosal School of Businsess' jOff erisg Universisy Grade Courses Wilhite Pho)to George A. Harper those' of California, yet the f act re- mains that during the school year 'it is warmn and dry and altogether delight- fui. It is common for the boys to study outside in the middle of january; The school provides for a maximum eniroliment of thirty boys. Six mnasters look after the education of these boys so that means a. great deal of iiîdividual attention. Ti'e school is f uliy equipped to prepare boys for the coliege entrance board 'exarninations i n ail subjects. The' boys, range ini age f rom Il' to i8 and the work in the schiooi corresponds to grades 7 to 12, inclusive. The boys engage in ail sorts of ath- letie enterprises, but perhaps horseback riding is..the favorite., A regulation- size polo field is maintained by the scho 1 and, the polo team, under, the. direction 'of a icompetent coach, fil'nds keén competition throughout the year with teams in the southwest. In no smail de>e the success of t-he Please send school catalog and full Elisabeth Rose, Louise Hickman,~ information regarding the value of busi- Ruth Kibitz, jean Spanuthi, Mary ness education.- Jane Falvey, Rosemnary Day, Evelyn Nane .....................Thompson, Betty Turck;. (young Addressartist pupils) Mary Ray, Margaret Addess..................... Kerekes, Babette Lavin, Helen, Sand- Clty and State...........strom, and Ruth Johnston.