TýHE BIG I.DEA ona ýjCotto iWeek at Field. Evarlii.àston Store Organdie dress in a. selection of Summer ecolors; 8,.to IL. $3.95 Emibroidered eyelet wash dress with organdie frili trim; mai ' e, hitte and peach; 10 to 16 . . $3.95 Cotton matelassee dresses in white or maize; with cape on the back of the shoulder; 10 to 16 . $3.95 Pique shorts for sports wear; white, red, copen and; Amierican blue; sizes 10 to 16 ..es*85e Second Floor Cotton Suit. forVeryYoiung Men Sieeveless wash suits for boyis; made of Everfast poplin; colors for warm weather; aizes4to9,$Si.98 Wash suiîte *ith- Sports collar and cap.sleeves; solid colors or 2-toue; blue, tan, green;, 3tolo . $1.18 00, "Steady Gains iLn Cotton" at FIELDIS EVANSTON STORE Interesting new fashions in Cotton f*abrics are being shown in the special Cotton week costumes, mnode1ed in the Fabrie Section, Third Floor. The Handkerchief Bazaar is trimmed with the 3nost fascinating disp',ay of smart new cotton fabries, at 8c and l Oc. First Floor. This week real cotton bous ---the way ,Cotton grows down South--are being given.to the children . outh Second Floor. Fields1 been S.F foir Na i LOIJ L1piil 7mI 's CotnILSYouiiin rieminione Sheer-pique wash dress in blue, mnaize and Pink; sîzes 7 to 12.$29 soln