Get Your Home ready for a more pleasant summer ... and ready for the guests you will have -during A Century of Progress.* convenient ternis may be arranged on major appliances. Thne capacity of this Hermetic Refrigerator is 5½ 2-ýcubijo ëfee! G uaranteed for 3 years, ~I19~~ ... and the mechanical unit is-hermetically sealed, fully enclosed, Perm anently oiled, dust-tighit and quiet .. the fast4freezing is controlle fom the outside, with 9 temperature vairiationis .. proxylin lacquer exterior and porcelain enamel interior. On the Lour 1Jloor This FulIy-Modern GAS RANGE $6950 A beautiful tJiïive rsal A ndover, table-top Stove with a fuli set of moder* conveniences .ý are-some typical advantages: *New sim tner-save economy burner, for greatest heat variation. e Autornatic lighter. s out the H]a ve you seen the NEW ýTHINGS in our Conve nient Ki tchen'?ý Yes; lots of new things have Jst heen added to the donvenient Kitcben' on the Fifth'Floor of Fi eld's Evanston Store are some, of the very interesting feature.s: Magie Chef gas range with 6 burners and 4 ovens: broiling, warming and 1 large and 1 small for baking-with grand outlay of new con yen- iences , . . $262 Dual Autoniatie con- Irolled Westinghouse re- frigerator, with 9 cubic feet ofspace for food. $36 9 A kitchen cabinet with a sliding porcelain top. $45, Brooni or utilîty cabinets to match, each. $9.75 The new Westinghouse washing machine with the very convenient finger-tip control . $100 A metai cabinet to hold THE, EVANSTON STORE * CHURCH AND SHERMAN IARSHAL .L. FIELD & Co M PAN Y-