part i ,)ir James b arrie's imirnortaI S 1tory, made famous on the stage by Maud Adam~s, are taken by north shore girls, whô will he in -the cast duriîig the three-week run of the play. Miss Helen Bell of Winnetka bas- heen given the important role of' Mrs.,IDarling, the mother; Mrs. Ste- phen Harrington ofý Indian Hill, who had one of the outstanding',.rotes *in "The Secret Garden,," is John. Mrs. Sherwood Kellogg Platt of Glencoôe (Dorothy Pickard), well known to north shore theater audiences, is %reIidy. Miss Jeanne Street of Win- netka, f roin behind the scenes, .works the liglit and the beils. knowix as Tinker Bell, the fairy. Miss Eleanor. Cushman and Miss Jean Milsted of Winnietka are two of the Pirate band. The leading role is playe -byMrs- John H. Winterbotham, Jr., one of the best known of the Junior l-eague actresses. Another.important part i s played by Mrs. Robert Hoffmnan, Jr., the former Emilv-Pope of Glencoe, another of the Junior league stars., 1After th~e current run of this play is over, the Junior league will give a series of one-act plays till the end of, July. "Peter Pan" wvi1i be put back in, the Enchanted Island theater. in Oc-] t ob er. Mrs. Charles Kremer Heads Kappa Mothers Mirs. Charles F. Kremier of \\-Il- mette was elected president of the Kappa Kappa Gamima ,\-other'sas- ciation at the group's animal meeting on May 5, at the chapter house in Evanston. Qther offic ers elected are. .Mrs. N. H. \Velch of Chicago, firsi vice-president; 'Mrs. C. D. Terrell of Evanston, second vice-president; Mrs FOR.I IPROPERTY OWNERS RUASON No8 is this y,-ear's 'golf chairmnan, with Mrfs. C. B3. Scott and Mrs. J. Harvev Ellis, lier assistan ts. Tuesdays will be the regular womens golf day as in previous vears, but- the guest days. will -be the third Friday of the nionth. The sumimer social s eason o pensý Dec- oration day with. a dinner»dance. Broadcasts Friday Mrs. Paul B.1 Wagner of. Evanston.- a. member of the' Woma.n*s Club of Wilmette,- will broadcast a talk 'on *'Antique's as a Hiobby," Friday morn- ing of this.'week at 10:30, o'clock from, station WAAF, on the E flie Marine, Harvey hour, an hour devel- oped àlong the line of, aduit educa- tion. Mrs.-Wagner gave a talk al the Woman'.s club last Februa.ry, and aled has club engagements for. this fal when sbe wili give. talks en- titled -Out of Grandmothers Attic". E. C. Iredale-'of Eanston, seecretary, and Mrs. George Quinlan of Wil- mette, treasurer. The meetings of the Mother's asso-' ciation are held on the first Fridav of the mnonth from October until, 1MNay. Ail Kappa mothers are wel- come. the iiew president states. eta wuî meet at home for the report ing, committee, eleci and other important Sargent's lnmitiat- 1officers, Bridge ýWiI Bene fit Women .Disabled in War The Women's Overseas Service league will give a bridge party at the Palmer bouse, Saturday, May 20, at 8 o'clo*ck, for the benefit, of women whose disabilities, are the resuit of ovresservice. Miss Shirley Farr is the, national president. Among the riorth sbore wopien whoare on the general committee -are Miss 'Es- ther: Dunshee ýôf Wilmette, 'who served, with>the Y., M. C. A., Gondre- court; LeMans; San Malow; Miss Elizabeth Breden ýof Highland Park ýwho served with the Y. M. C. A., in London'; Mis-1ILFùisa L.. Burrows of' Lake Forest, with the. Red Cross in France; Mrs. J. A. 'DeCelle of Highland Park, with the Y. M. C. A. at Brest ;'and Mrs'. C. S. Delong of Lake Forest, with the A. F. for F. W. anid the army. On Mlondav Mr. and Mrs, Cedri c H. Smith, 205 Essexc road, Kenil- worth, motored to Wisconsin for a trip of a few days. Coming soon-watch for anftouncement TIms U~ rAUTI I-m _ IN CELEBRATION 0f mny 24th Anniversary in thé profession and my 5th in Wilmtte 1 OFFER wili réè 1R. B.WHITAKER 841 Elm St. . Ph. Winn.3250 MU . WINNETKA OPEN WEEK PAYS-NINE TO« NINEý