Here is a fashionable assemblage of the importfant. dres-s styles for'suammier. fa cha'os. fram. You must .ses end try themf on tai realize how becoming they reailly are--ýand $1285 $6-50 Dresses, for j 4. Boys' SHIRTS lime New Aroliks are here. Corne in and«I se tfhe- Iatest -the. new ARROW SHIRT -fUlly Sànforizeci Skrunk in two-tone Blues,. Browns and. Greens. hi\'j"> ~YF ~dI AI For. the MISS A mosf u nus uaà siues. 65C each 2 sleeves. 59c, Bos'SHORTS Covetfa6ric, sizes' 6 to 12, per pair Siz es 2 ta 8 years WORTHEN S Dept. Store-I 146-48 Ave-Phn. Wî 588.589 Mens Store-Fi rst NatiOnal Sank biJg.-Pmone Wilm.ttg 2655 Ithree Van Hot the regular pi 3 for .00