Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 38

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ta Entertain Gard Club of America its ann garden Ilumi The Kenilworth Garden club is col- garderý laborating with the Evanston and are th( Lake Forest Garden clubs,,as mein- D. Ew, ber clubs, i. playing hostess to the mette; Garden Club of.America which will, Sheridz hold its annual. meeting in. Chicago Mrs. June 6-9, with headquarters at the > wood Drake hotel. Amt Kenilworth itself will, entertain the Mrs. Je national garden club by opening tworodJ of the gardens of its residents 'dur- S. Bre, ing the convention. While it is a road,1 smnal 'comrnunity with no large show 'iie gardens, it will offer hospitality>to a viie groôup just as interested in the de- Turicu'i velopinent of a small plot. Mrs. Hugli the foi Foresman's garden on. Essex..road mick. and Mirs. Harry Olin's on Warwick. Gardt road, to lie opeiled, are unusual ex- variety amples of, what sinali gardens c,4n statelyr be, t he former a type tha t caîî be liness; developed in the middle of the block, unique the latter an example of 'a corner heautift garden. usual sr Two members- of the Kenilworth LnF Garden club living inii Winnetka will Ln raine, ii have their larger gardens on display , to ýthe visitors. 'At the homel.of thé îay be club's president, Mrs. M.1ark Cresa p h ng of on Woodley road, the garden will be mnan of open and thirty gluests will be her tee, or1 guests at luncheon. Thirty women of 1518 also will be entertained by Mrs. Sid- tationm ney Y. Bail of Indian 'Hill. Both startsf of these gardens have natural set- o'dlock. tings which are, in the former case, a marshy bac'kground, and in the lat- Instai ter instance, a woods. The BaIl home is quite a show place at this season of the year wth its rather formai The gardens, and woods filled with mer- stalledi tensia and triliium. At Mrs. Cresap's a receri home are found both formaI and in- the Ge( formai gardens, one feature of which WoodS is an avenue of apple trees leading9 ident; to a pergola which in turn l.eads ta mnette, a service.rdi garden, aff ording' a beauti- Atwater. fui vista. secretar3 In addition to, Mrs, Cresap officers lowing of' the club and commnittee chairnien, 'Lewis A some of whom' head committees for erature:, the Garden Club of America, are: mette, ai Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, vice-president ; Evanstoi have its next regular meeting kriday, May 26; at the home~ of Mrs. Bent- ley McCloùd, 338 'Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs.' W. O. Green will speak 'about "Lawns." At this session 'reports of, the.. crab tre.e and narcissi nuai spring tour of north shore ns on Wednesday, May 24. 'A er of unusual and interesting is wili be visited,' among which hose belonging to Mrs. Charles ker, 11-11 Ashland avenue, Wil- Mrs. Lansing B. Warner, 201 Jan: road, Hubbard- Woods, Andrew MacLeish, 459 Lon g- avenue, Glencoe; -Mes. Perc% trong, 861 Bluff street, Glencoc;, o hm T. Pirie, 930>E. Rosemnary Lake Fore 1st; 'and Mrs. Walter 'wster, 776 North ,Green -Bav Lake Forest. Others may lie if timie permits, including Villa, ini, the Lake Forest. estate oi ermer Mrs. Rockefeller McCor- fen loyers are promnised a gre on this tour. There will1 formai visitas of, spring loy, quaint, old-fashioned nooký rock gardens; and 1rare ai ful flowers in addition to ti spring 'favorites. heon will lie at the Hotel M( n Highland Park, and t.icke esecured from Mrs.' C. L. Dai [1538 Highland avenue, chai] fthe ways and means commil by, caliing Mrs. 'A. 'L. Christ, Wilmnette avenue. Transpoi will be provided and thetot .froin the club house at1 Il New Off icers' of Friends in Counci following officers were 'jr in the Friends i'n Council a nt; luncheon meeting hehd a eorgian hotel; ,Mrs. Denni Smith of Wilmette, vice-pres Mrs. Roger Jenness of Wil secretary; Mrs. Charles E ýof Winnetka, correspýondinj 'y and treasurer;, and the fol commi-ttee chairmen: Mre Alcott Peck of Evanston, lit ;Mrs. H-arry Garner of Wil art;. Mrs. James D. Fouclit c nm, American citizeniship; Mrs lie e- lie and a rather lengthy' business 'ses- Chairmian Announces Committee sion comprised the program of the fo)r First Luncheon May 23, Northridge Woînan's club meeting and Summer Scbedule on M~ay 8, at the homne of Mrs. Wil- liam Hughes, 1917 Greenwood ave- Mrs. 'Harriet C. Shipp of Wilmette, nue, Officers for the coming year recoin- chairman of, the women's golf com- n'iededby te nmxntingcomit-mittee at the 'Wilmette Golf club, an- tè the April meeting were unani- nounces. that lier -committee will- be mou,,ly elected as foilows: Mrs. Leo-' in charge of'the opening luncheon. nard, Van Deursen', president.; Mrs. ofthe season on Tuesday, May 23., Stanley Jolinson, vice -president; Mrs. 'which wiil be, foliowdbrde William Hughes, treasurer; and.Ms Mrs. Ge .Dwyi iecara H. B. Ifigersol, 'secretarfy. r.GeE ivc-hàma Mrs F.G. tecer lieraurechar-of the golf committee, which has ar- mani, reportedthat the draina reading, ranged its summer schedule of events .gophad purchased a book of plays. and' matches to commence the first to be placed in the Wiimette Public Tuesday in June. Other members of library. The book is the Burns Man- the, committee are Mrs. W. E. tie selection of best plays from.1909, Brochon of Evanston, handicap chair- to 1919. Plans were made for the Wilmette Amnerican Legion auxiliary, 'Post 46, on Poppy day, May. 25. Northridge will furnish' the workers in' Keniil- worth, as has been done the two prece'ding years. o- It wa.s voted& to send- a 'balance of t- ten dollars in the phlanthropy fundj ýr- to the Park Ridge Schiool for Girls. r- Mrs. David Johinson was presented it' with a gift in appreciation of the two. Voccasions during the year when her r-home with its fine recreation ro oni irwas so generouslv offered for ,the en- 10joyment of. the club. The short program following the business, session consiste.d of severaih readings byv Mary Elizabeth Tow'n- send of the School of Speech at NorhN,,eteiiuniversity. "The Paper PLWindmill" by 'Amy Lowell, "Dose atFord" and "M'sieu Robin" by Wal- is lace Bruce-Amsbury were well given, S_ and much, enjoyed. -ý kg 1- S. )f' S. planting will be made. Following the the' response to hast year's planting more clas thàa ithree hundred crab trees have 'a k: been planted in Kenilworth this year., the A social h.gur of gaines and coh-, tests with prizes and refr.çshmeîîts' served by Mrs. George Scherzer aind Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan, assistant host- esses, closed. a 'very delightful evç-, ning. The board will meet at the home of Mrs. William Edmonds, 1935 Green- ustDe en, anxi must home by Il o'clock. man, assisted by Mrs. L. M. deBer-. ard of Glencoe; Mrs. F. S. Jones, Who, wiil be teain captain, assisted, by Mrs. George -K. Baur of Evans- ton. Mrs. G. M.' Hambleton, Who wili sing at the. lucheofi Tuesday, and Mrs. William Potter, Jr., both of Chicago, are also members of the Cômmittee. The plan this year is to have a first and second team *of women golf-. ers competing in the Chicago Dis-_ trict. Golf association ..matches, and the Wilmette Golf club wili be one of the first 'to entertai>n the district teams. Mrs. C. T. Davis of Win'netka, is chiairman of the reguhar bridge lunchr- eonis commencing the first Saturday' in june to continue throughout 'the season. Garden Part y and Election Wellesley Circle Pro gi-rn The' North Shore 'Wellesley circle will have a garden. party'when it holds; its. next 'meeting, Tûesday, May 23,ý at 2:'30 o'coc k, at the home of Mrs. Eugene.A. Howard,. 1015 Pîne street, Winnetka. Warner WilIiams,ý noted Chicago sculptor, wili make a relief plaque of Mrs. Howards daughter, Mary Katherinie, as part of the art prograin. Officers will beelected, the follnw- ex L c SS&tU L*flfg. of Ils, READING CIkC'LE' HOSTESS to' Mrs. Leslie F, Gates, 723 Eighth of street, will have the meeting of her at Reading circle.. Monday, aft.ernoon, ýMay 22. ah 1,:30 o'cl0ock., 1 .

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