Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 48

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atory meet wlth Si. iFrancis, prepar- ing tht way for the invitational track day after tomnorrow. There were three meets, ont for the lightweights in which only Howard and.Stolp ath- Jetes competed against eachother be-, cause St. Francis, had no. lightweight teamn,. a peewee meet between .St. Francis, Howard .peewees and Stolp ,peewees, and heavyweight:,meet be- tween the Wilmnette, school1s' "heavy" team and St. Francis. Resultà of ..the meets follow:' Peewees.: 50-yard dash: 1. -Charles Soule' Stolp; 2. Robert Smith, Howard;* 3. Jack Nor'- ris, Stoip. 175-yard'dash:, 1. Charies Soule, Stolp;. 2. Dudley Yeoman, 'Howard; 3. Robert' Smith, Howard. TI me.: 9.9 seconds. Runnng Broad Jump: 1. Dudley Yeo- man,. Howard ; 2. Jimmy Steen, How- ard; 3. Douglass. Huck, Howard. Dis- tance: 13 feet, 6% inches.,« .Running Hlgh jumip-: 1. Howard Rein- wald, Howard; 2. Tie between Doiuglass Ruck, Howard and Jack -Norris. StolP. Height: four feet, three tinches. Pole: Va.ult: 1. Charles Soute. Stoip; 2. Bill Robetst, Howard;- 3. Bill Spin- Shot Put: L. Bob, Christiansen, How- ard; 2. Paul Wbipperfurth. Howard, 3. Dick Wade, St. Francis. Distance 23 feet, 10' Inches. Hurdies: 1. Kimbali Brown, Howard; 2. Jack Nerris. Stoip; 3. Paul Whip- perfurth, Howard. Time: 9.6 seconds. IReay: Stolp echool teami: Mliraith,. Splnaey, Norris, Soule. Lightw.lgltts: 0-yard dash: 1. Lcwell Snorf, Stolp; 2. Bob de Vinney, Howard; 3. Jack Randall,. Stolp. Time: 6.7 seconds.' 75-yard dash: 1. LoweIl Snorf, Stolp; Piano. Track Stars Here for Co,tests Onie of tht five teamienetered' in Wilmette's third anniial grammar schoo invitational track meet Satur- day mor.ning will make a sixty mile journey to Wilmette in COm-7 pete.: Tht team will corne. from PIano, Ill., located mort than sixty, miles South. of. Chicago and bas ac- cepted tht' invitation to. participate in the meet although it is scheduled to begin as early as 8:30 o'clock Sat- urday rnorning at tht Wilmet'te Vil- 1Tuesdays: 7 to 9 p. m.-Men's "Soft Pitchiig" playground bail league. Village Green. Wédnesdays : 9:30 a. m.-Womeii's tennis class. Village Green. 7 to 9. p. m.-Men's "liard Pitching", playgrolund bail league. .7 to 9 a. m. Womeni's:Play class. Vattman Thursdays& 7, to 9 p. m.-ýGirl.s' play- ground bail league. Village Green. Amierican Legioný Basebaîl Ta Practice. Fridays:- 7 to 9'.p. M.-Men's, "Sof t Pitching" playground baill league. Village 'Green. Information.regarding any of the above activities may be obtained from Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea- tion, oàr his staff'assistants or by communicating. with the Recre.ation office, 914.Central a venue. 2.' Harold Borre, Heward; 3. JohnWel- ter. Hoôward. Runnlng Broad Jumjp: 1. Loweil Snort, Stolp; 2. Harvey Steffens, Howard; 3. Tom Caauey, Howard. Distancé: 16 feet, 10 in. Running Hlgh Junip: 1. Harold Ray, Stoip; 2. Harvey Steffens, Howard; 3. Tom Carney, Howard. Helght: , feet, 7 taches. Pole Vault: 1. Harold Borre, Howard; 2. Robert De Vinney, H~oward. Shot Put: 1. Harold Borre, Howard; 2. 'Harold Ray, Stolp; 3. Tom Carney,1 Howard. Distance: 32 feet, % inch. 1 Hurdies: 1. Harvey Steffens, How-0 ard; 2. Harold. Ray, Stolp; 3. Milan May, Howard. Reiay: Stoip achool teai: Lingie,a Ray, Randail, Snort.' Upavywelglits: ci Public Sohools vs. St. Francis 50-yard dash: 1. Robert Steffens, Public Sehools; 2. Jlmn O'Neil, Publie 0: Sclioois; 3. Frank Brycb ta, Public b, Schoois. Time: 6.3 seconds.,P 100-yard dash : 1. R~obert Steffens, Public Schools; 2. Jimi O'Nel, Publie- i Schoois; 3. Jim Versino, Public Schoois. rime: 11.5 seconds. b Runnlng Broad Jujnp: L. Robert Stef- lens., Public Schools; 2. Jrn Vers.inlo, a] ubllc Schools .3. John. Versino,, Public o1 Schois., Distancé: 17 feet, 6%. Inches. ]m Ruinlng'High Jumip: 1. Jim. Streeter, th Publié Schoois; 2. Tic between JIm and% *ohn Versqino, Public Schools. Helght': b2 4feet, 8 Inches. A Pole 'Vauît: i. Jilm O'Neil. Public Schools, 2. Ed Mahie, Publie Schools,' Sht fPut: 1. i,,,Versino.Pubhltie 1 p fl 4, t S'* - O - N.ub iuc c .iii cu y L rector Daniel M. Davis that1 this suit mer's coinPetition begins a new yea and those tearns competing for th year-round trophy awarded annuail in April to the team or organizatio achieving, the best year's record, wi be available again next year an 1d th teamn managers are to bear the rule and regulations of the, Board ii mnd, in organizing their personne for the coming season. The-rule regarding eligibility ise thi moast important rule, of« the b'oart and Mr. Davis is repeating the. ruli fer the benefit of the fie* teamn: enteri ,ng -thé league. It :reads as fol. 4'It Bhall be, Incumbent on the heac of the. orgaLniitn to Insure the ehl. -glbllity ef ail players in- is organization tiret as to'residence; second as to mem-. bership tin church, hodge orotheir organ- ization. norder to encourage the best forni ef sportamanship, any gam-e played wlth an- ineligible player wll be for- felted whea the player's ineligibiiity Ws dlscovered," A player to. represent any church organization, 1. O. O. F., K. of C., Amer- Ican Legion, or similar organi2ation: mrUst be a member of local churcb, or chapter (if" other organiation), or a résident ef Wiimette at thê. start.of the playing season. A. player In order to represenït the Terminal A. C., Wllrnette Ice, Ridge Electric, State Bank, or any sinihlar organization in the Piayground and ,Recreation Board Athletie Leaguesi. mnust be an actual resident of Wiimette at the begining of the season's sports. The' year round trophy 18 won by competition on the' foilowing point basis: A silver trophy shail be. awarded the organatiton winalng the greatest nun- ber ef points every .fiscal year ina point system hereinafter stated.. The organization piacing second >4iah1 be awarded a iovlng cup. The organization piacing thii'd shahl >e awarded a loviag tnp. a. The organization wlnning firsi' will lise be awarded a trophy to be heid: one year oniy., Permanent possession, nay b had' by wlnning this tr6phy three tUnies. Tefollowingsystem' designa .ttes thc MaSis of awarding points: A. Entering a teamn or' teans and coi- peting in each scheduied game for each league so enteerd, 5 points. B. Sportsrnanship in each league -ia-, tered, 15 floints-inaxirn.uni. eThe summer adult activities, 'which lywill continue until the latter part of ýn August, will occapy ail the available playing space at the Village Green lfive evenings per week, and part of 1' the Vattman, Park, playground an- nother evening. Monday: and' Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock' are the hours Sscheduled for, the "Hard Pitching"' d men's. playground 'bail league and eTuesday and Friday evenings for tht s "Soft, Pitching" playground bal -games for men. Thursday evenings f rom 7, to 9 Io'clôck thtý girls'. playground bail -league will meet at the Village Greta -and on' Wednesday eveninge at the - same hour the womnens play class for' miarried, women,.will meet at Vattman Park. t he beginning.tenniis class. for women mete on Wednes- day also, at 9:,30 o'clock in the morn- ings at the Village Green, 1.. The women's play class and play-. ground bail league dots not begin un- tiI May 31, and June 1, respectively.. However, the. firet meeting. of tht women's. tennis classý will be' held Wdnesday May 24 at, tht Village Green tennis' courts.' The summer playground prograi will begin tht Mo nday following tht close of *school, which falîs upon June 19 this year. Two playgrounds will be operated, ont at Vattmnan Park and another at, tht Village Greea. Tht staff personnel has not been announceif as' yet but will be available in a short time according to Daniel M .Davs,-director of. rec- reation. Informationî regarding any of the activities, ,aduits or.,chil1dreri's, imay be had by conmunicating with' Mr.. Davis' or the inembers of - his: staff', or tht Recreation of,-. fice, 914 Central avenue. GIRLS PLAY IBASEBALL Tht girls' basebail teamn of the Highicrest. echool played two games lace Ili al1î Ilve'li aiay winning it for three years. Director Davis and his staff assistants, Dudley C. Stone .and Gien W. Gathercoal, i .arç,.Soches of tht Wilmette team. 4 Central. avenue., 1 thie -ui uat '--uduu5 g'stortej to Wisconsmn for a short trip il league has been mcivtd on Monday, May 15. n park 'to thte'Village 0r ýeague will meet Thure.- Mr. and Mrs. G. Dewey Bertke, from 7 to 9 o'clock ac- formerly of Chicago, have taovtd to ýn annouzicement f rom their new home at 1306 Greenwood in board. avenue. I.

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