purchasing career .with the old Chi- cago Edison comnpany May 17, 1893, and has been closely identifieci with the devel opment of the company since that time. H-e .bas been pur- chasing agent of the company a gr eat many. years and is a nationally known figure in the purcliasing 'Profession. - Mrs. L. W. Crossett of Geneseo, N. Y., r eturnied to her, home Sunday after spe nding the winter with her daughter and falmily, the George fKinggleys of S29.Cumnor road, Ken-. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewvis. j r.., 6I0ý Carlos. Photo ' Washington avenue, entertained thieir .lliss ac Orzvig, dauglter of bridge club Tues day evelîlîlo. Oui lte Shiermai. 1B. Qrwtigs, 921 Wednesda3-, M.\l ewi1 s was hostess (;~~flOO< avnue H",,uueIr j at a niothers' and daughiters, luncheon1 in honor of *.er mofher, lrs. J. IN. J.1t bee / el 'i e t b .lorlqr Boar' 1,Mý.. Orm ig Sil agraduiatc of 'New nrer fi gh sçhool andl a memiber of Pl * et Pli' strrt During lier sophio- moxe \car at college shie as vice- presidient of hier class and a miemlber of the ýChiristînas Promn coimjittee. Shie has slerved as chairnian of the French cluýb al]d lmail officer of the L.M.I., a literalrv organizatioiî wlich awvarded lier thlslvcr cupl) i re,-ogniitio'ii of lier con- trilmtimiîs to the college publcations. Shie la- l>en ianienîber ofdite staff of -Thie Student." the college weekly, and wvas associate editor of the college animal, -The Gale"~ for 1933. *Miss Orwig. takes an active interest iii athletics, and hias recentIy been elected president of the Women's Ath- letic ass-ociaition for the comning yeae, S. rs H ard Knigt 575 Stt)iie- ,ate terr.ace, Glencoe, is entertaining: lier bridg-e club onl Friclav.. Mav19., We Have Your Favorite DEEIR at Standard Prices We Recommend T AVERN PALE. Order a case of w6 24 botules today .$..$? Phone WIIMETTE 4092 For Immediate Delivery ERICKSQN'S DELIVERY. iBen EikW new com- pany here and aur. succesS dependson your ,Sa ti sfaýc t Bevey ,rages De Luxe Go. exclusive distributors for the NORTH SHORE Brewed Since 1854 GIN$7ER AIE - SOFT DRINKS. Winnefka 76, F -~ j *1 &iik £INVITES.YOU to Visit a "Friendly Sort of Place" ,s on. of the. t efftra. ROUTE,-4dny Rond*g0Woàslegan Rond., North go Deerfi.d shen 1'/ les s.