Eight stars, each playiîig the typ)e of rule ini which he or -she lhas wvOn the greatest, success, bring Pl St.ong's popular novel, "State Fair," to) the screen of the Teatro del Lago, Sundav, Monday anti Tuesd ay, May 211 22 and 23. Jaiiet Gavnor, Will Rogers, Lew Ayres, Sally Eilers,. XNor.man Foster, Louise Dresier, Franîk Craven and Victor jory are the stars of the pro- Miss Gavnor andt Ayres. are the lovers -of 'a. romance Ibetween ,a ittle farm girl anti a dashing newspaper reporter, andi Miss E4ilers and Foster are the -Iprincipals of another afl ai r, saidt t be. as intense as it -is uncon- ventional. Rogers bas what is re- porteti as-'the greatest c om.edy role of bis career, that of a midwest far- iner whose.great ambition. isto ',andi a grandl cbampionship for blis prize hog, Blue Boy. Miss Dresser takes the part of Rogers' wife, Craven a>ljeais as a couniry stôrekeeper ai.1 Jorv po(rtray\s a carnival stand harkeri 'l'lie actioni locales are Rogers' Farin1 11011W andl tbe 'grounds of.a big state London Applauded This -Romne Express." the picture %Nhiicli lias lieeni the sensation of London for the pà 1st two namonths, bas been brougbit to Ainerica, andi will. be secCI at the Teatro del Lago, Wednlesdav anti Thursday, 'May 24 anti 25. EN - cîtement, sustaineti suspense, revolv- ing about the tbeft of a priceless Vanl D)yck pa inting, and a rudiless, suave super-criminal wblo controls tbe it- uation-all tbese abound iniii-Rome h.,xpress." * In add(ition to the uinusual typ of storv. andi settinig. filin patrons %vill. sec two of the fineèst. stars of. the screen. hoth of theni.well- known in America. Onie is Fsther Raîston, Who * returns to thle talking screen nM. ."Rome. Express," andi thé othier Coni- rad V\eidt. the international scrýcn andi stage star. VeItit ivjll bceremeiem- hereti for Ilis work ini "The Mlan \hk. Lauglhs.", abo~ut one hundred and fifty - stars, directors, singera, song writers, boof- ers, crooners,. comics, heav.ies, juveniles and ingenues - they're ail there in "42nd Street," dramatic story of the theater of today, which will be show»l at Commtnity House this'Friday anti Saturday. Several of the many stars in "42nd Street' include Wgrner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, George Brent, Una Merkel, Ruby Keeler, (Mrs. AI jolson), Guy Kibbee,, Ginger Rogers, Dick Powell and Henry B. Walthall. Ruby Keeler, ini her starring clebut, is great as the smyall-town girl who makes good in a big wvay. Warner.,Baxtergives an ex- cellent, portrayal as the, high-tension directorof a. musical. comedy. The, dancing is nifty, *the settings ipterpret the swift if e of today, and the songs are both peppery andi pleas- ingly haunting. ATTENDS CONVENTION Mr 0. E. Geppert, of. W\ilmette,, secret.ary-treasurer of Denoyer-Gep- pert company, educational publishers in Chicago, has returneti fromn Louis- ville where he attended the meeting of- the Kentucky, Education associa- tion, which was followed. by a mneet- ing of the American Physical Educa- tion association. At each convention the Denoyer-Geppert company ex- hibited mapa, globes, charts, anatomn- ical models, etc. which it publishes or manufactures. A son, Richard Warren, was borin April 18, at the Evanstoif bosal to Mr. andi Mrs, Roger Behan of Auburndale, Mass. Mrs.. Behan is the former Estelle Farley of Kenil- worth, who is the guest of ber par- ents, the Kelso Farleys of 300 Abbotsford road. David, the older son of the Behans, is visiting 'bis grantiparents, the. W. P. Behans, at Ottawa, Kan. NIr.. anti Mrs. Russell Matthià s (Helene Seibolti) who have beeni occupying the Seiboldi home, S22 For- est avenue, since tlheir marriage, have taken an apartmnent at 924 Juti- son avenue, Evanston. anti arc miov- ing Saturtiay. bis motion picture debttt in. "State Fair,'" the ail-star production. The stars of this Fox Film are Janet Gaynior, Will Rogers, Lew Ayres, Sally Eiers, 'L'orman Foster, Frank Craven, Louise Dresser 'and* Victor Jory. After winining his titie n om petition at the leading faits of the midwest,, Blue R.oy was taken to Hollywood to appear.iii the picture as Rogers' prize Iiog. Henry King directeti. LANGDON AND LAUGHTER Harry Langdon will soon set the north shore a-quake with laughter. when he éontributes bis, ch aracteistic grimiaces1 and shufflings to the rollick- ing action of bis new~ comedy, "The Hitch Hiker." WHEN HEARTS WEkE BIC Days ..of yesteryear-whenI films really flickered and romani4tce-reakj flowered-are being revived by 4 -Screen Soui%'enirs." Pungent puns %will acconipany the acting of those %i)celess stars of yore. UTA Sat.. Aise Comedy SiIIy Symphoày News Sun. to Tues. ' May 21-22-23 Aise Donald Novis in "Singing Boxer".. Screen Souvenirs Wed., Thurs., May 24-25 '1141 Clark & McCullougk Comedy Frîclay Only-May 26 Jean Hershoif-Stuart Erwin in ""CRIME 0F THE CENTURY" Saturday Only-May 27 Bill Boyd-Chic Sale in h6MEN '0F AMERICA" Abbotsfor second one, takes place. * ovsaonitepaso oa to arreat a mani and endis in an une.x- Warner Baxter Stars pected climax involving infatuation Warner . Baxter, liandsome, debon- and love. air,. socially-prominent jewel thief. There are a number of - hilarious and Miriarn Jordan, one -of the new- séquences to which Herbert Mundin est of screen stars, have the leatiing..prominent comedian, contributes bis roles in the ýproductioni, "Dangerously 1rare abilities. wiJII LIUUWI DUl7iJIVIU