Rates- à" cents a u. Aavertigoel ru l'n l Lithree papers. L" rur.iragt 01 hreý43Rcmn d MfINIMUIM CHARGE ONE ]DOLLAR. Average, of Be vords 2LN5-4p69LTN2-ltp te the lune. No black. face type uaed. »% discount on al cash advertîae- PAO JIGýAPAESEor, nEAT, CeoOk, BUTL ER monta when brouglit te Our olMe.e at 1232 Centrai Ave., Wlimette, or 561 EXPER PIANO TUNING, $alet r.gen. hplaer. Good r, Gef. Lincoln Ave;, Winnetka. 10% dilscounat on ail advertisernenta run four EPR IN UIG 3 P 1 r.'ag lc.Cl ae ln conscutie Issues. right or grand ; aiso repair work- coe 1922. 69LT'N2-ltp guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. 'AFFUR AR- DeaineforInsrtins iedadvrtl:meta lllb. 0; H. C. Thomas. Park Ridge 699- FIRST CLASSC AFFEURh hGr WILMETTH LIPE or al three papera Wednesday 9 -P. M.- for re.G ayhý.P.WlTN2ette 265 WINNETKCA TALI< and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. EIOMCIENPIIG6LN- ~ Téléphones:!Wllmnette 4300. Winnetka, 2000, Greenlea:f 4300O or Sheidrakte 5687.'MOTN GARDENERý 31 YEARS 0F AGE. 13, ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ __ N WI Q M CHIN R~ ÂJR SHO yr. exp. Flowers, jawns, shrubs, Local SEWINbMCHINoEthn Lfty yR 81101 and California refer. Write A-132, Box In ILvanstàn, lW nôwloatat îOU '40, Wilmette, Ii11 69LT2-1lp 3l LOUT AND FOUND 22 RSSAIN0akrwood Ave.. Wilmnette. Aimo e - pairing ôt al Electricàj home appll_ 70 OIT. wTa.-MAàLx AND FEMALE LOST---MAY 6TH, BLACK CAT WITH ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or W.1 4368. white. nose and whiskers, 4 white $8O.WL L. ic. Blunt. NOTICE-tf paws, abbreviated tail. Mrs. Leonard, WILL MÀICE A SMART D)RESS E ______________-WE ARE NOW IN OUR GROUND' Wilynette. 522. 3LTN2-ltp modeling,.repairîng, and alterationA.nEWERNGABeRL floor. location, 421 Fourth St., Wil- LOST-WEDNESDAY IN WINNETICA.CLAIRE M iODISTE GIL'CAS;SL N AH mtte, opposite I'L" station, Fourth short blue crepe coat. fur.trim and Winnetka 147an 1d. ladies, black suede pocket book, zIP- 22LTNS1..4tP dresse82, siz h 0and Av. Re1abe. alinn per top.. Winnetka 1729. 3L2-ltp 9-N-ty- LOS-LAIES WRST ATC. II GRDEINO___ S9LN2-tcWilmette 211 Winnetka 2662 LOTLDEWITWTH N- -GIRL SC OUT UNIFOR.N, 7-10. CUB 70LTrN2-1 te' tis D. B. Reward. Winnietka 2030. JOHN OSTROWSKXT suit, 8-11. 'affeta -lace -chiffon ev-ening 4îREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS' 3L2-îtp NUREY N~ai vevet jaeket, .16. Girls» HIGH ýGRADE EP alntonite LOS-SMLL HIE DG; ART ofershisstok t vry ow desses, 7-16. Splendidcohdition. Wiri- Réferences POSITIVELY Investigated Fitz. Finder please call Glencoe 1721. Perenials and rock plant 1-eecdi ntk 234 5LTN2-îtp ASK YOUR NEUGHBORS 3L2lt 3for 25c. Rea liow pheo hus LEE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, ___________evergreen.s, and tree4. eli BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEaS WINNE77KA 132 DAVIS S116 __________-23143 West Park Ave., Highland Park $10.00 EbTnËý,Ilj)ý0y. 1631 BENSON AVE., EVANSTON A7 TIUE LERANÇESAL HIGHLAND PARK '49 oid oil sta. on best Northt side loc..ln ___________ . 70LTNi-tný I'4rniture, giass, ffrin.ts. Furnish your 2?VVripte A-o;~126Box4,nd clseive. st.f country lieuse now. Bargains. WILMETTE GARDENER 6Write A-126, Boc 40, Wilmette.Y MAYANNE DICKE I itili have good icli black dirt, no 6Lor-tpWEPLc6lfed EXPER[teNCE)d ONLY. 808 Washinlgton St., 1Ilbik, south of 3iain weeds. lumps or Skokie dirt, a i iit > ooc ail lnegodres 7LTX92-Itt big Piles.. AI 'so do any kind of lawn I613l' -le Emp. ý-ý'Ic Evanston wý%ork. Now is -the time to have your LOA NS, ON A UTOM OBIIS 'e1 F ut S.Wlne e 1, ý4.1.ýFyuiti .,3t W \i e. siI s EVIElawn flxed. Flower beda, bushes and Confidential service, légal rat.. 701TN2-1]ti 1 MUNISS VIEso)ading done. Ph. Wllmette 2770.OU REAL ESTATF, TITLES ANDA- 27LTN514tp M TOR LOAN CO.UPE <>LEEEIJII' stracts examined. Legal Documentsaoneetidrlae ;,*ln.;., èxecuted. Al matters pertaining te ORl11SALE GOOD flhcH '71BLA1C11,Stata Bank Bldg., Evantn or.S n <ol)etent an ret.lae Gornes Real Estate. 16 yeai'S Titie Examiner dirt. No, weeds,, lumps or Skokie UL'M. hlauffeur, hutler oa(,rard wvork alât1 wih hiag Tti Tus C. . . dirt. 3 yds. for $5; verly good sod,e3 4. Rf.'s. Tel. Wilnwett -. 205. Fitzsimimons, Atty., ,1537 Washington -sq. f t. for over .100 sq. ft. ýWinn. 2108. se SITUATION WANTED-FIEIeALE 701,TN2-1lïp Ave. Ph. Wimette 1994. 16LTN61-4to ý--27L'IN2-2tc (Tý~ ~ JT COUPLE. E XP E*RIE NC E D TRJIJNJ2<.J AÂLPv chauffeur and butler; trained infant's DÂVENPORTS -CHAIRS nEWEBBED FOR SALE-VERY GOOD SOD, WILL No Charge to Em~poyr nreadpancoig etrf reasonabie, furniture repaired and iup- flot break to pieces. 3c square foot, Offcient Service for North Shore o nuricse adlaKein cokn52.Beteer holstered, lieuse screens made-repair- delivered. Phone Winnetka 2108. ne. aî.enwot529 ed;, cabinet work; cane, rulsh; hickor _________27L2-1 Il) We Inveetlga.teéfrncs701,2-1 t p specialist.s. The Purniture Studio,. 8PCL&LNUiWHDA-1GERA. CSPL C. E. Palmer, Wilmette 1302. Pt 8 LANTS ANDOULUB aln' m. gnis rf iW emnn itHin. WS.. __________________ aulnes Enp.Agncis d ohk; Permandent PO5itiaroun PERENNIALS 8c UP. 300 VARIETIES. 421 Fourth St., Wilmette man, gardening chauffeur, etc. Phone MOESSAREE)Rock plants, Waterlilles, Dahlias, Wilmette 2171 Winnetka 2662 Wilrnette 4814. 70LTN2-lp INCL. 5 LBS. 0F VERT-$1.75 Evergreens, Shruba, Roses. Low 68LTN2-tfc Diconto pwir lowers. Fertilizers prices. Oman Nursery on Mlwauke eXP.AN REJALE WT E WO M 71 HELP WANTED-PEMALE %lNETALOCK SHOP Ave. (Rt. 21) 3 miles-forth of Glen- EX.ANwlhsDay work Lf 1 554 LINCOLN AVE. coe-Dundee d. 28LTN51-4ep anrorceng,$a day, Aimé _____________15POSITIONS 'OPEN' ______________ __-PERENNIALS A N D *VEOET1AK1E cateiring, 40c an hour. Roms. furn.if WE ARE NOW IN OUR GROUND Ba inting Paperhanging> plants at lowes t pries at Frank deaired. Caîl Wilmette 2719. tloor location, 421-Fourth St., Wil- Floors refinished Pnnea' nHiiad68LTN46-ttp mette, opposite "L" station, Fourth QualitY,.work guaranteed Rd. iustsouth -of Lýake Ave., Wilmette. and Linden.. ,Raoalprc.Winnetka 107 . ST2-t CAPABLE WRITE WOMAN WITH R eas nab e p r c e . 1 6 L -lt F O R S A L P E R N N I L~ À'01"rth S hore ref. w ish es generaI P u l nE ml p . ./ g e n c at a l)argain. Large clunps 10e to vie (day, ok oknJudy iîn imte27 Winnetk.,. 2602 Oil Burner Service. per cîunlip; also calla Mies. 424 Prairie wNOrker. Phi. Wilmette 3851. 71LTN2-1 te AUL BURNERS AT ALL HQUIRS Ave. Wilmette 2227. 28LTN2-ltp .. 68LTN2-Itiî GIRL FOR GENERAL 110USWR pOBTER NISTLE. Ph. Wilrette 2956 ______________C(OOR AND SERVE. EXCLLNT.. a nd c; ,... .... h- 16LTN2-4tp. "' no CLOCK RgPAnIINa 1painted CLOCK EXPERT, CRIME, HALL, tique m~ antique dlock. repairing. Learned OutsidE trade in Europe.. (ponrierjY with Also di T'iffany and rPield's.) Will caîl. Free teniaIs estimate. David Johansson. Phoneo Caîl L Divesey 041.2OLTN1-gtp meals, relïbèhUla k "'C~are ur uauy, part time É6 days a ruuseworker, Englîsh, week. $4. Prefer borne nights, 43h S-D want-s POs.htion in northside- home. i fear Chlestnlut, Winnetka 664. -okies $15.00 per ý*eek. Phone Winn. 2978. 711,2-1 t 1) 6L2-ltp.WANE EXEIND WHT EX VRVWIT GIRL WANTS' GEN, gil between 25 and 40 fr geera 2-Utp housewQrk 2 days a week or haf. housework and laundry. Hrnme niglits, ___ days. Refs. Ph. Wilrnette 2191., Bring referec.41WolwGn *68LI'N2-ltp ,coe ece 41 oo lawn G ln- .W.4 N'1 Ë-.W.AXSHIlN G AND iRO.NIuJ RELIABLE GIRL, WHITE PREFER- ýable. to do at, hdn by experience4 wo,vcra. d, for general housework. Mu4st ?e, Will eau .for and. deliver. Cali wnl- good with' chidren. Stay -nights. $5ý 1 in, mette 2922.. 68L'r1N2.îtc. per *eek.. Phonie Wlnnetka 2692. 24tp WHITE EXP.,LAUNDRESS WANTS 71LTN2-Itp 'wuk t do at homne. 20 ys ep î %» 12 Ek. SE11ýCODDMA.ID, 3 IN PH. BeaSIt ret'fa. WlI,-'al, for and deliver family. L.ocal ref. required. PAU- 2-t Reas. Ph. lne 55. 68LT2-ltý INE'S EMP. MENCY ' 4th and ~ WIT~ WU4N ~ Linden, Wltte. 711TN-to ýandyo eaig ytý(eda>'. Ref s. 1 1 E~ I» O~19 (' al Wflmiette Ï08-) 4fter ii ,o 1, %j. for general. onl cee 50ly -pi PAULTNESENI.AGNY 4th nd i4ndn, Wilinette. 7LT N2-1tcý i*tg or genêt'ai houswork, perannt 35 Wfrs. MNU1clas re2 reqired. whieifa s e fnd f ciIdrefi. 6 in t. _________________ xly. Go home nighbs. $6. Ph, * 69 B ITUTION WANTEID-MALIk Wlnnetka 1748. 71LTN2-lte 1WRITE GIRL FORÛGEN. ROUSE- YOUNG MAN, NORWEGIAN, EXP. work, Coi home nights, $6. Ph. Wil- all-'round housemnan. chauffeur. take mette 721. 71LTN2-ltp :,LS care 0f garden, Williig worker.* G9od YUG WIEGR 'nGN an- . S re . Ph ne in 6tk 2 tp ral h eusework. M ust know how te L50. 6L-t cook. $5. Phone Winnietka 3180. up. YOUNG GERMAN WISE ps-7ILTN2-lte %a- tion as houseman, gardener, valet, or $15 1:E 1WATRSJ SMALL F'AM- led. nurse for gentleman. Good ret. il>'. A-i1ef required. PAULINE'S j Phone. Highland Park 2081. EMP. &AGEcx, 4th and Linden, Wil- lt . , 9L-îp mette. 71LTN2-Itc,