Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 54

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________3000 ._____S rvie________-_-_--- --______________ O e' incud ng a aucea TO ~ PUIlicOSrvie orthrn gop fBacl. chorales, a Palestrina Other Interesting btys, also good rentais 131 FOR SAIEMIC'IACOS o ' s 10W suffering from reduced canzonettaofnualcrmada furnished and unfurnishied. BEAUTY .EQUIPMENT FOR SALE- bsns tatm hndet h rhn Ofnupsuaon. ad Frne .X isotNew lac iàl chair $85, self $40; e buiesaa iewedetth Brmsc poton 90 Sres. Winnectkqlt nia'icure table $25, sel $26; 1 used IpropoSed federal inflation, the price Plorate fuii Israel .......Carissirnif 902 prue S. Wineta 1r#7 dryer $15. Ridge View Barber Shop, o f commodities entering into its ope Ah! You Would See....Palestrina flILTN2-1tc 8S15 Ridge Rd. Ph. Wlmette 2433. -rionaeo h nadare ex- ui yTeChral So..c Vitori NUW BRICK HOME-4 2, DRMS.,u uMyst at x-T ehralun i.....ito bat.« ',at)r-hatwLTN2-lttacedppected to ,gio much higýher: Chorales':.................J.Sy Bc ba az ats Vapo r ea *with o t , tt O A L U E L TO lU TaP iets, Stars, and A irs nE Space garae, aseent ecratin rornlot boar'd notor, ln perfect 1 condition. These facts are, broughlt oti1te FotteS.MthwPsin *65xk180. $treet atqse.stiénts al paid. Reasonabie. Cal'Wilmette 3486. Opuyssatmn fldt i h ers y O od, h hSt. arfewso i T Building of most. modern construction. o ans tteitfldTu,â 0Lr WhD -st St he Near school and transmportation. Bar- ý131LTk2-ite fti ekwt h lios on hu with Ht urone gain price $12,000. Herbert A. La ROY', AUTO CAMPING TENT, 7X7, COMf- mreCO0si Bl OffCtOnWt es siel es rure 176Wsigo v. h i.44. Piete with Inos<quito nets and p o 1e.tnwt eu rles re 111TN-lt Wterrof foo. Rasnable. Tel. th1itto for a re.view of its rates. The. Choral. Society GIREY SHINGLE Wliilmette 4882. 131LTN2-ltp- Stating that. "the ùew Mangmeî afeliied.. Brahine Pleasant home in Hubbard Woods schl. PYROPAX GAS OUTFIT-JUST ri-E CorDotfngHarvLeters.......rahms dist. 7 rins., 2 tule bathIi, of! lit., att. thing -for sunînlr cottage. frmtinTHae Chorlsociet....rack gat fr., n t5x5.$3iO.Oîeo u'al.Tl .lnet 82 3LN-t with -respect to rates and their effect The -Lusely Itose .. .German Folksong MUS. FULLER & WMýt. PICKARD 12WD-Ioavmni iAzQ» uo an ,.Jrcoý... ... er prta Winnetka Office - Winnetka 12ý 3 T.T U-MUELNOU UO earnîgs, It iS .pointed out tîat Onerino............... egro ssohina Evanstoni Office, GRE. 7220, or Wil. 7.10 WANTED-TWO .E' RAEIGthe coxnpanà sprî oa prt h e' leCu 111LTN2-lte as rsutassan 1malward'robe igCmay lt we*o o-Turn l3ack OMan .. ..... s 10%LCTO,.OENBIK trunk.- Must. be ln good condition and 'ioidb n Coletta..................... Gevaert 10,LOAIN NOENBIK reasonably priced. :Give description, toldb n otheér cornpany, ardCli yn........Rbro .Colonial, tile roof; 5 bedrms., 1/2 pie-n hon unilier. Write A-35, ta I ftedrcos fies dSasea Towlrrn ......... .rr. Rb I-os baths, breakfast rm., off heat; 2- Box, 40; Wilmette, 111. 132LTN -It1 filys swIIa bu 500o car gar. Now vacant. Ownr W s br 5,flo The'Choral Society .wants lquicl< sale. BAIRD & -_________________ he 27,536 stockholders, are residetîts WARNER, 522 DaviA St., Hly*o othm r.hsrecc liru court 1855, Greenleaf 1855. 11lI récecî e ïhrtwl ___________________IAt teBridge: able DeveIpunenef here 11LN-t h ew evlfrientds ltrthat ArthurI.. Ri c, 18 I RýevIewviI.g t.he developinentofIl Central .aven.ue, wbho was taketi se- 1'13 wANIrTp nuy-Quss 3FRg ritoy.. etictysppvriously ill while in1 Miai ,FIa., is u WILL YOU TAKE $7.,500 FRYOUR territory'saeJdctrîît3' suppj3' fMi1>,1 home? If you will, tell us. Oustorner Clarise K.- Welînîan and RZ. Xeed- 1911, when only a fem, citiesliîad elec- ipolgad ovlsjg aMan wantsc 2 or 3. bedrms., 1 bath, 1-car hain BaIl, directors of the North tricity from siaîl, ioae dtt r.Afe coua, 32 A- gar., on nice lot for amalchild, t4)Shore Bridge club, announce thead bg aes sh olatep lanOfistsfod oa, etmndo Knîot to station. Both parents of excellent Ol)ening of sunier headquarters a u htIwsiei ad poit-; 32'0lMon ad, otoirn fro eatur, III. famili.s. Wilmèette, Winnetka, Gieîi- thée' ifdian l'rail Tea rooin, 507 Çhest- communities, telres0f g I wee h pn awe iting er,. coe pref!erred 'ln order nAnied. itthsret, iiîeta, her dpliat BILLS REAI<TY, Ilc. contract bridge' tournanients wviIl be dos î ae h oulto f Ille sister, Mrs. Everett Brown. No Mlan': Land wilinette 3740 lield every Tuesdav evening at 8 of Chicagof.h it ad ntecl 0 113LTN2-1t,: o'ciock. At the conclusion of play re-ofCia. Mrs. Cha rles F. Kre mer, 723 Laurel WE HAVE A CASH BUYER FOI' fresfiments wiII be served and tihe "h opn a lyd10sn vne netie thirty-two' mein modern brick house with 2 or more bsi and' of thei eu'wi part ini the elomnoftet-,brsfthEfi baths, on a nice lot in Wilnetteor in teresig1 a veîg wl deeo1eto h eto eso h f R. Reduan'club for Kenilworth. Must be a. bargain but be discussed. . politan area, both froin a reside.,îîiaî luncheon and bridge at her home on the buyer wiIl pay ail cash.1 Duplicate contract tournamients arc and an iîidustriaî standpoiîît, >"te 11a 5.. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. igrowing9 greatly in favor, as was evi- statenient says, "In ratio of c Ui- M rs. A:GPhls,2 re .40 Linds-i Ave. WN'ltlette 444 denced ini the annual tourxainient oIi tOfi_s -erved ýto accessible PPI~ setrann tlnho olyi 1132-lc te W8t~n Bidg asôcitio. hld ini per capita use. and in averagc lhonor of lier house guest, Mfrs. S. E. WINNETKA OR EAST KENIL' at the Palmer House, May 5, 6 andi rate per kilowatt hour for residen:- Charles Doan of West Lafayette bargin fr cah. dly pivat worth. 8 or 1.4 mm. Modern.. Just be 7. In that major. tournamnent, more tial use, the companiy coumpares1 fa- Ilid. bA-gin f oxr4cash.mtteIYpiva party. thani 300 players took part in the sev- vorably with other cmaissri~a~ 113LTN2..2tp vrai events. simiilar territories. H toVnDrHf,32 a WAN ED O B T-V CA N * The W estern Bridge association, H . O tto voedt . irle as reunDed r '1oni a332 eO k . 11 ATDY U-^AT together with the Chicago, Duluth&Mut smt antatoreme r tabuies n ruhthrom aàt, iii- WILL PAY CASH FOR VACANT' Geogan ay Transit company an- 11htee.tý n near New Trier H-. S. Give best prieeorgiahnxetinO tels trecldn B size, lodation. No. agents. Write nounces an inter-city Duplicate Con- it h xeto fte.atîrecuig Bston, and New York. A-1J3 Bx 0,Wilaete IItract tournaÊment to be played on the yeas hnteeniecuyh as . ILT-t>S.S. North American between the heen in the grip of tlic worst finanl- The Rudolph P. Engels, 210 Dupee lis UMMER RIEORTS winners froin twenty of the larger cial and economic depression il, ii.,-. place, had as their, recent bouse F'ORRENTREAyNBLy B IHF, cities, including Chicago. Thie North tory. the business of the comp'd:v, guests, Mrs. Lena Torrey and James sea.son-m-w furnlshed cottages, gai'- Shore Bridge club hias been desig-las expanded consistently. In ord r McPhail of Forest, Ontario, Canada. ags ennis, fine bathing. Craw lingnaedforply f go t ilee tjsit lias be en wa11gete frly fquaofth fy- tdemandhi Stone Lake, Lac du Flanmbeau, 1Indiiuci lReservation, near: Minocqua,. Wis. ing tournaments at dates to be an- 'Wecessary each year to construct ex- Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr., 610 Xaiing- -Winnetka 3136. 116LTN2-Itp nounced later. The ,vinners in1 these tensions of ils tranismission. and cd;s. ton avenue, Wiîm-ette, will enitertail, SUMIMEft OOTTAGF, ON ÎIINLEy qualifying rounds will plav ini the tribution s51 an ýLake, neiir Spoone,', Wis. A 'ni estn d obis e, hrbig lbathnho rf inodate.6. eb'ectrie l llt. ru rnA seii-,finals tournanient at +kt D.1. P .n d ibildnewhetbrdg clb t' uihen---A;.a.. si,-to , *1.t.l> ~ rate er ki o watt-. ~ ,"e i n at approxim ately one-half. ratePerkilo atthotir for residential 'of the àverage residentjal bill covers use has been reduced from 12 cents1 servic eg for other than Iightin uss fiper kilowatt hour to the present 6.38 i igutilized to provide Icomfort,- cents. Sînce 1928 the average resi- entertainmenî, Convenien-ce',îd econ- deintial rate bas declined fromi 7.57 omy for the home. The widening, cet.The reduction made i11 1930, scopée of its uses indicales its cheap- which -is StI in. effect, saved the ness." Il ir p w ni w

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