Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 55

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* 1~. ~o, 0' >.~) ~»,.. ---~- Growzh liof the ii,~','pbiibrary ini the' (ast tuviity v ~ears is shozcpt in ttis.chart. In that Per-iod of t ta>e, according to figures compiled by Miss Annie L. Whitmiack, librarian, 'the, library"$ circidation iras încreased 9.2 tilites, w/ic the POPuI(atlc?,, of IVilniette has in.crea,çed 3.1 times.1 The. nu»:- bero . ,-liee *t)ý( '1 h ýi . i)ts :ý-a t z-s3e RLC ORD By Anne. L. WhitmnacIg of the year whi'cb ended with April, INmI. and Mrs. 'Burt J. It is said 'that the American Public 1933. Linden avenue, are returi library. is the most democratic of ou rlaedoos dle of this week f ronm a institutions. Do you know your own Your library lae 150,949 bos or five days with their public library here in Wilniette? Do This 'was an increase of 21,429 or 16,5 Charlotte, N. C. you know ývhat its resources are, what percent -over the previous year, and a work it is accomplishing, what, it is 77 percent increase over the accorn- 11r s. E. P. Knafffr flot doing which- it should be. doing, plishmnent of 1929. It wasý an average Ill., baj enth us Why itiot doinig these things? daiy cruaino 40vlms u f Mr s. Garry 'Garner of Read thes5e few, facts about the work greatest day 'was 786 volumes -wbich bine avenue. nung the i11141- visit of four ciatghter at om Freeport, :for. a week, )f 100 Wood- -Mr. and Mrs. Louis Joues, 32È Richmond road, Kenilworth, has as Ierl ges ts, Mrs. jolies' cousin, Mrs. C. -C. Snoyenbus and her son, Dorr, fronI o0vi, Wis. Mr. and XMrs. 'Kingsley B1. iCoiton 354, Ken',iilwortbavenuçe, Ken ilworth,. entertained' ber family on Suinday- fat, a Mother's day dinner. or LuzzIt conitests. Tne diÉtionary 1 1 and September 15 must :-bé muz'- ba s beentori to pieçes, and nthe zld. encyclopedias have been well thumbed. About three years ago the Kenil- 'Éle main iibrary gave service every ivorth Village board aménded the day except Sunday -and six holidays. village's dog muzzling ordinance so Those who think of the public library as to require muzzling only between merely as, a source of supply for fic- these' dates instead of 'througbout tion readerswill be surprised to learn the year, .as had, been' the customn. that the aduit fiction was only 40.2 This action was taken, offliciais of the" percent o f the total circulationi, and the village' explain, flot because the dan- juvenile fiction 21.7. ger of less in winter than in There was an increase iii the use of sumnimer, but because children do flot ail -o-ito, but exceptionial, in- play outdoors and. ningle with stray creases in ýthe olwig 47 percent il dogs as much in winter as in sum- economnics, social welfare anid pôlitical mer. science; 25 percent in philosophy; 35 The principal provisions of the percent ini religious books; 30 percent, Kenlworth dog ordinance. are as in-art and music books,; 23 percent iii fOllows: literature and 21 percent in- history. LICENSE REQUIRED. On or before Stoiries were told to -over a thou- June 1 each Year, every owner or keep- sand of any dog,-regardlesa 0f,.breed, age, sandchidre. .or size, is required to pay a fee of $3 Menmbers of the library staff spoke and secure a license tag, *hieh> tag before clubs and schools. mlust lbe attached. to a collar securely The number of books in the collec- fastenedaround the dog's neck. LICENSE TAGS M UST ]BE WORN. ions is .18,555. 1,500 new b(ooks Were The Police departments of 'ail the near- added, and 690 books, withdrawin as bY forth shore towns, includin ,g K efil- wornout, etc. W'?rthdhale joined in acampaign te, ~Expenditures for iibrary purposes am u (à tfQn runing at rg te wdearu were $11,717.74. a. _cer1e in order to get straY doge off The library bas been of service te' the streets. In case tags are lost, ail sorts and conditions of meun, womnen dUPlicates will be issued without charge. MUZZLINC, REQUIRED. Between and children. There is, no interest, -,,,y 15 and September 15 each year, ail icivic,. industrial,. educational, recrea- dogs. regardless of breed;, age, or size, tionai, to wvhich it does flot contribute, are required to be securely muzzled no ilmiuint hc tcno fe when running at large at any time f day or night. Dogs strictly contlned to coopération. the owners' premilses. or kept in leash, Are you among the 5,449 registered are flot -running at large." borrowers at the- public library? . If IMPROPER MUZZLES., The ùsual notwhynotmake its acquaintance type of leather strap muzzle is flot tight notwhyflo enough or secure enough to prevent a nio%«'? If you have no need forit dog fromnfipping and does flot enforni service, you can help it be more use- to the provisions of the ordina-nce. fui to others. If good books.are stand- Wire gauze or, leather basket ituuuzes ing unused on your home book-shelves. F'IERCEDOGS. Fierce or danger- you niay wish to start theni on a iise- ous dogs may not run att large at any fui career by giving theni to the t'me, whether muzzled or unmuzzied. libÉary, tu help meet thé demand for ENOCEET Pr-im o Latchers'have been sworn in to aast. books which is so miuch greater than the Police departmient in the efforCe- it can supp. ment of this ordinance.à Ail dogopicked. Spn paucasoayfre or.a he!p in violation of this ordinance will be Spe d a oc asona fr e h ur at he fm pounded for a period of five days library, -investigatinig itS stores. If Y' and then be destroyed If not redeemed. are initerested iin any special sublect, ' n Wilmette, muzzling of dogs is nlot. only mfake use of the books on that required between May 1 and Novem- subject ini the h brary, but also report to ber 1i accordance with a Village . the lib1rarians any important ,naterial ordinance passed a few months .agoi, which is lacking f romn its shelves, and Winnetlça has no dog ordinlance, but discuss with thern possible waYs and the president of the village 'is nîeans of procuring this material Make. empowered to order thé muzzling of

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