Invoves Mucli Detail In his statement to the Chainber of C:onierÉe, M r. Ericson explains that the preparation of a dividend in- volves nj)t oniy a great.ideal of detail but considerable. time- befôre: the checks. are. actually available , to depositors.> The checks, ià is pointed out, are- drawn against a Chicago batik. hy the Comptroller of the Cur- rencv 'at Washington. Thlev are l)re-.- l)ared at Wilmette but must be re- turned to Washington, for signature. l3ecause >of the many ciosed batiks in the C,Unltry, he explains further, divi- deumil c1ecks hanidled in, the office of the Cornptroller of the CÇurirency to- tal- hundreds of' tho Ùsands and it is possible that checks mnay tiot be re- turiie(l for ten days or two weeks atter receipt i Washington. Xvirthl the work involv.ed in their prepara- tion here this means that the checks nxiay flot 1)e available for a nionth.*, "OurCentury of Progress" Iheme for Sermon Series P'arallelilig th e great Lake- front Panioramna.,IDr. John. G. Hindley will lyrecil a- series, of sermons in the ,First Conigregationaàl church on "*Our Cenitury of Progress.", The ýfirst of thie serlies ivill be delivered Suniday mioriiig, Mav 21., on ".A Ceiiturv of i>rogre\iii erica." Othiers to fol- iwiitîjis couirsé of lccture se riiotns are; Mv28-A Centitry o f Progress ili Chicago, f une 4-111 -EuIrope. Natiolialisil. and Fasci 5111: (erinanyý. ai Itaiy. J'Ine l8.ý1:IIn Europ)e. l'le Challenge of Cmuim Russia. jtiune 25-Tii As-ja.. flie Reject ion of \\'hiite. loniniance. AT H1OME :MAY 28 Mir. and(1 .Mrs.. A. L. ,Schapiro. 814 Sheridan road, MVinette. w~ill b)eat* on1ie On Sunday, Mav .28, froini3 mail 5 In tlthe afterniooni and froin 7 to 10. at nighit. in lhonor of the Coni- firmiation of their dauglhter, Vera Ruth. i-urple 1-eart. Kear Admirai Wat T. Cluverius, commandant of the Great Lakes* Naval training station, speaker of the evening, made the presenta- tion. SThe Order of the Purpie Heart,, established by George Washiiigton, is, conferred only upon. soldiers in recognition'of military mient and who were wo unded in- various major eni gagements. Rear Admirai: Cluverius, Nr.. Clu- venius, Col. ,E.H. Hadley, national president of 'the Paul. Reveres. and Mrs. Hadie)y were met at Tenth street and. Sheridan road Monday evening and escorted té the meeting place in the Stolp school by a de-- tachment of Wilmett.e PO't 'No. 46. Amnerican Legion andý the Evanston Legfion Drumn and Bugle corps. Other special guests at, Monday's patriotic rally were. the presidents of Paul Revere chapters inHighland Park, Evanston a nd Riverside who were introduced by Albert A. Mc- Keighan, president of Wilmette chapter. Pu pils Will Get Extra Holiday, Monday, May 29 New Trier Hîgh school and the pub- lic schools of Wilmette, Kenilworth and Winnetka wiil be closed on Mon- day, May 29, as.well as on Tuesday, May 30 (Memnonial day). Because of the fact that many parents plan to be, out of town over the week-end pre- ceding Memorial day, with the resuit ,tht mnv n11ri)ils wold 1w 2absent In, ities thoughtr it advisa1ble to close the - schools that day as well as on Meni- orial day. In Giencoe, where the public 'school year has been shortened as. an economny measure, the schools close for the year on Friday. May 26,,anid the commencement exercises axe 4o ie held on- Monôidas- night, the 29t h. ________F SELECTED CHEER LEADER 01 joseph FH. White, son of Mn. and †vlit lr iulaie jaier s Ko e h new station wil. open. we FORMER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Clara G. Whidden, mother of 1Mrs. Harry A. Boice, died recently at Boundbrook, N. J.,'heboneo her daughtêr, at the age of 95 years. She %vas formeriy a resident of Wil- mette. 1-rs. C. G. Litte'1, U2 Wbodstoc k avenue, Kenilworfii, we nt. east .ia st Wèek to visit her. daughter, jane, at Pine Manor in Welleslèy, Mass. She met Mrs., Grant Ridgway, Who h as been visiting ber, daughter-, Mrs. Wil- liam Plumer, in.Boston, and they re-, trned together the, first of the week. jU 13UCKLEYI I 9 ANTIQUES, I B"arfer and TradeJ J 1147 erïleà Aven~ue, WitmefN, Teleplione Wlimette et s TORItA GE If. you were fo chec ver Our many socle fountein supplies... you would find thal, without excep- iiôn, eàch item uséd lier. is of, the very choicest grede thet- money wîiI buy. 'Everything is FRESH. Everythi'ng is CLEAN ..spotless. sprlninviting. And our founfein men certeinly.cdo KNOW HOW fa serve trulydeli- cious drinks and dishes in e rnost- appetizing way. *PROVE IT YOURSELF by celling f Or your fountein favorite. We promise thait you wiII be more then. pleesed with the wa>' we serve it. Ths,,Card and' 1 0 Cents You to On. of.Our Special jumbo ChocolaleSundaes Prday or S.ê4rd.y May 19kh and 201h Cental- Wilmette Avenu. Phones. Wîi. 28-29 EVANSTON b5" Main Si. -Plhone Gm. 6131 Wilmette Chaiuber of Cominerce IAl ioneys received by us froua maies tax turned over to local cIiaitimis. Reseg.ber the Food DraJ "It Has No Bakery Taste-" reocipe. W b.