dola.chrg CONCERNING REFUNOS ON THE SAL ES TAX We did not. rgiais e nany special items to absorh the Sales Ta. Our prices remaind low. as usual. We did, however, charge at the rate of 3c on a dolr-éeg accounts being billed at 30/% of the total sales. Rcfunds for cs ucae r en aee i four stores. Charge customers will be credited with the' amount of ,the sales tax charged them durivig April. Sales. Tax moneys flot refunded will he turned over to the Emergency Relief Fund. ASPARviUS A()t tdwa, lilltnoif, home grown. T'en- der o tlhe end, ienuhcb erago, oer 'as leouid. 3 buaches 25c. Freh, large slze, ~.ieetsudjuley. , ery.IL9 Large Sue dozen 29e 3 dozen 790 Louions (ilalitorittla Ls>lisa s~uhpIy for 1If.,ni o il ereat npie. doz. 290 'rime large rég, iaret ,.I~al W~ei 1 wlthont Peeling- pkL Ieeboag Leflto. I .heads 15 Radlshes and Green OaaIoul f0r9'sure. 2 bunches Se Be sure to give jour eaiary a %srIg or two, ,It wilil ý mnaie hlm Singý 3 bL gayly. Uu 10 SpiIng lRhubsasb Sb. 50 N e w Sjrlng. S 4 elther raw or cook. ~u8 This is a buv thati shouldn't be missed. really .4 Tr»ii.u<il. l7nlue I Pvesh Pike.- Serve. it for luncheoin, witb dec- orated le.mon sliçes. let 02 Soie Pe. This is the "real" IL 310 Se.0. S. Cleauser Thec broiler rack end pan are 28-pad as shiny as uew when clean- k . d with this wiza d rejuye- g nator. 3 e Pot Roaut or Dem With a rich flavory grav y there is nothing better.lb15 Stealk onions or broil- what could bc lb. Deep Sea Lobster I sty on hand for luncheon d ishes. Native R-IMMtea Have it.cut thick for Swiss Steak and vcry thin for fry- ing. ISU Jauvis Ave. Rogers Park 011le Wlnnetka ;î I 5jqmEeIM For î delictous sea food cockti ac I S U C, Mixe p a wa trt ce Aid ix ,with lemon juice and liorse- I IU UIK they'eawy 0IIC CATSUJP radish. 5 .T#re i Wnl ahA Teriiùai Valme