AMERICA is the world's foremosf example cf. pro-,* gressive aftainiments . .the _______ yourigest of thie great na" fions and, thée most:advanced in accomplishments., Ica s greatest ciaies, opens ACICAG , oeOFAer- RESS on May 27h-an un-- ---- forgeffa6Ie demonstrafion of _____ hka the pas+ century, has________ developed . apoise of the century 'o. come. when - we shail enjoy even greafer in alil things that m ale for a progressive civi- lization-. The future holds so much for ail of us - ut mostly for *those wifh vision to look ahead. SAVING in 'order to fake. advantage of future *opporfunities is a habit thaf HtAL0 CEC wiII, neyer go out of fashion. But one of the meny exhibit This bank offers ifs facilifiesgopt esêne as a deposifory for savers. A CEN.TU)RY 0F PROGRESS Yowr Home Banik