non Citizens to Join in Memorial Day Rites Tuesday Legioln Committe Completes Arrangements; Progeam to Be Heèld nt Village Hall \Vilniette's -citizenry'~vI pause Tuesday, rnrning, May 30. ta pay tribute to the soldier (lead of nt. a- tion and' community. The parade this year will forni at Washington park instead of at the 'Village. hall. Green as has been the cuistom , ini the. past. The Jine of marcli will lead. f roi Washington park ta. the Village- hall Green where thée clositng prograni ivill be held. The annual -Memorial Day observ- ances.- arranged, under. thé direction of' George F. Scherzer, chairman of lhe, p atrioîic Cel.ebration& committet *for W.ýilmette «Post No. 46. of the Amierjcani Legion. viIl. begin at 6 -30 o'cdock with flag-raising ceremonies and a cannion saInite at the Village, hall Green, by the legionnaires and thie Wilmiete Boy Scouts. At 7 o'clock, the flag-rais.ýitg cere-, maonies at- memorial ýPark, cenietery wiljlibe lheld, followed by artifle saInte by * t he .United' Spatifs h - Aericapn ýý ar Veterans. EvanistonýCamp No. HoId Meniorial Service -At 7 :30 o'clock, the Legion wvilI condnct inemorial services at the grave in Memiorial Park of Walter MNcLean. miember of. Wilnwitte post, who .passed away Iast December. The services at Washington park will begin at 8 :30 o'clock, when AIrj. .Orville G. Dailv, ýpresident ýof 'Nil-: mette Post No. -46 auxiliarv, wiIl place the, wreath an the memoérial tablet. Capt. jEvers Marshal Thé. annual, street procession w,»ll ,forni at ' Washington park, leave P romptly lat 9 o'clock, finarch along varions street, and terminate at the Village hall Green. Capt. Edward A. Evers, commander of the Naval Re- the Village' hall Green will, begin, wiith. ail outstandin g man as the speaker. 'The committee in- charge of the day's activities plans to have amiplifiers at the-Village hall, Green PARADE UINE 0OF MARCH Assernblv at Wa shington Park.' The line of înarch will proceed as followsý Michigan avenue sou th to Cen- tral avenue. Central avenue w,.est to -Fourth street. Fourth st reet south to Linden. avenue. Linden avenue wsest't sixth strect. ithstreet north to Central avenue. *Central avenue wc t tao Eigbthi s treet. *Eightli street nior.thto Lake ave- nue. Lake avenue %vest ta Park ave- nMie. *Park avenueý south te. Wilniette WVilmnette av-enuet east to the \ Illage hall Green. so that ail who attend rnay ýclearly hear the prograrn. 'Fhe prograni bias bien atinounced as .follow's: Selectitin--Druin and Bugle corps-WiI- mette Pomt No. 46 and Evansto,î Post No. 42. rnvocation-The Rev. George P. Magili. "'America'---New Trier band and as- seniby. 1jntroduction of speaker--D. -Leach, commander, Wilmfette-Post No. 46. Address Benledictioni-The Rev. John G., Hindley,.' "TaPÉ"-Stanley Peterson. Raisinig of Co lorm-Wilniette Post. Selection-"To the. CoIors'-New Trier t SI LVJLqr6-,Illul lui8 A.X.8UA'j The Peter J. Huerter Post of tht American Legion will ýhold' a Me- nioia dy parade in 'the Ridge ve nue sectionof the village and a coni- mùemorative' service at St. Joseph's cemnetery next Tusa oning (Memnorial day). The parade wiII 'start about 9:30 o dlock, asseibling at S.t. Joseph's church and marching west an Lake Harvard street, south on Harvard street. to Washington, ave- nue, .east on' Washington avenue ta Ridge roadand north oni Ridge'roa.d to St. Joseph's -cemnetery. ýParticipating in the parade, be- sides the memnbers of the Huerter post,. will, be the O!d Gross Point band, the post auxiliary,, the junior auxiliary and puils fromn St. joseph%, school. A firing squad com1posed, of m.embers of the Huerter post will tire a sainte at the cofmnmorative services in the cemeterv. The committee in Charge of ar- rangements for the Meniorial day exercises has been trying to secuire Stephen A. Day of Evanston as the speaker. No definite word had been received from Mr.. Day >at the timne tis issue of LU.E 1 I.1E went to press. Mr. Dav spoke at the Huerter post's Memnorial dayv exercises last year.' ,Williamn Hillinger. 1520 'Spencer avenue, is chairman of the C()mnîlittee mn charge of the Ijuerter .post's Me- morial. day exercises.' Other, meim- bers of the cornmittee are: John Fischer, commander of the *post, Henry Loutsch and John Bleser. DADS AND SONS TO DINE A Father and Son banquet will be 1heldl in the Sunday school roomns of St1. -John's Lutheran: church for men ,and boys in1 fli parish Fridav. eve- ni .g r aya26 at6:30, O'cloclj. The showing of movies. Meibers of the Ladies, Aid society wiIl serve the banquet. James L. Donnelly to Addiress. Givic . League on Curirent Wasbington Affaira James L. Donnelly, excecutive vice- president of the illinois ,Manufacturers' association, will address the W ilmette Civic league'at its May lunicheon meet- ing in. the, Mission Tea roomi of Mar- shall Field's State street st ore Friday, May 26, at .12 :15 o'clock.* His 'subject will' be: "WVhat's Going on in Wa$h- ington ?" -Mr. Donnelly been in constap~t touchwith pending legisiation lin Wash-- inigtoni," reads an announcemnent of ýthe meeting. "His address should be of interest ta you and your f riends." Cl««e Current Seasou Friday',s luricheon fornally closes thé current season for the Civic leagtre, miembership in \whichi is open to every citizen of Xilmette. President George H. Redding, ini emphasizing the impor- tance of this final meeting and urging a. large attendance.. of, members and fred.stresses the point that Mr. Donnielly will build his talk arowid the rapid series of deve lopmnents now takcing place at Washinigtoni, and will provid valuiable information particularly con- cerning the National Industry Recovery bill now before cangress. Mr. Donnelly \ill also lay special eniphasis 'upo thie urgent necessity of awakening the. average citizen to the importance of ,aj)prisitng himself fully regarding impending legislation so tbat he will have a defiinite understanding of what congress is actually doïng in the enactineit af legislation especially dur- ing these tirnes of extreme emergency. * Brief Business Session Friday's. meeting will he given over. practically entirely ta the program, Mr. Redding assurese the members and f riends of the league, with a minimum of time devoted ta league business. 1 E.verv member is being urged to bring NOTICE. Miay 29, for decoration of graves at Meniorial Park ceinetery. The. flowers will be placed on the graves of the war veterains later that day.-Patriotic Celebrations Conimittee. WILME'ITE LIFE for more than 20 years the home, paPer oft the community IN SANITARIUM Frank Meier, owner of the Wil- mette Ice company, is at the Sacred Heart sanitarjutn, ill Milwaukee for observation. 1le is expected *ta re- humn ta.Wilmettc next week. . . ON L