Grade Separation Will Save Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! To. intelligent residents of our com- muuitv who. stili regard with skepticisni the investnient quality of educationai tax anticipation warrants is- A Good sued by our local public' Inesme*t schools and New Trier. H igh school we offer. as conclusive evidence to dispel anylinigering doubts the report f rom the offices of New Trier High school which brings the happy information that-of the 1929 tax warrants issued, ail have been redeemied - that of the 1930 tax warrants issued. amounting to more' than $495,000. onlv approximateiy $34,00U ini warrants remain outstanding,ý and that of the 1931 warrants issued, also ini an aggregate sumn exceeding $450,000, about 35 percent already have been re- deemed. While at first thought 'the outlook with reference to the 1931 issue of warrants inay flot appear quite so encouraging, it should be borne ini niind that the collec- tion of taxes for that year carnies provi- sion for payinent in twvo instailments, the second of wvhich does flot become due un- tii sometimie in July. Taking that fact in to iconsideration it is reasonable to be- lieve Ithat a very large portion of the 1931, issue of warrants- will have been redeemed within theperiod of a few mionths. Considering,' also, that these tax wvar- rants bear interest at 6'percent, %\,ho caîi iogicaliy contcnd that they do flot repre- muddle in which-we have been enmeshed for severai years wili be adjudicated in short order so that tiaxing bodies which finci themselves in an ever increasingiy embarassing predicament,, able to ment. which we consider timely and ex- pressive of our sentiments. Here it is:- "Report to the bureau of. accident pre- vention by Officer Eriand.son,. dog-catcher, shows that practicaiiv ail of the dog bite r eports. receive d hav e proven. upon in .ves- tig;atiori, that children must be instructed to refrain from (tirst) teasing or annoy-, ing, any, dog on the street; (second) per- ,isting1 in passin g. through, or playing' on the property of dog owners, particuiariy %where the. owner has- taken care 'to keep the< dog in the yard or ordered children to keep out. and (third), taking home stray dogs. 'Nearly, ail cases, reported to the healIth department recently have disclosed that children have, intentionaiiv o r uninten- tionaily, annoved dogs in one of these three ways. "éThis resits' iW considerable expense anld inconvenience to dog owners, vho are forced to have dogs heid under observa- tion, as well as theexpense anid iniconiven-ý, Ïence, andIin, some cases extremne paiin, toI the dog's'victimi. "The police departmient wvishes to îmi- press parents with the importance of in- structing chiidren to keep away from il l dogs except their own pets. Tfhe'y need flot be miade to fear ail dogs ruiing iiat large .on the streets,. but they .must tiiot annoy dogs. en 'ter the propertv of (log ow%%ners. or take home stray dogs." Measuires to insuire the safest, possible niksupply for been adopted by NWilmette and Winnetka Vil1- Be* Cre 1la ge officiais through the Be Cae fuienactment of amendatorv A bout Af ilk mate.rialiv stif- fening the regulations ap- plving to the handling and distribution of this mnost universally used f ood coniimod- der the strict supervision of health au- thorities. Do not permit the temptation of a vheaper-priced miik biind you to the danger of using a commodity. that may be injurious to the of your famiiy! [l Who corifil depict i in ord:, or varied chromie,' Those biended tinis as royal domie meets i/one? It seenis .oo tt'oudrouis for reality- This fgrand ilisplaY of Natutre's artistrY. Or. pinit the' fringes, àzeiling every one Like siferluthe, shade, or gold in the sun Y? -Ind doien eiieath', the, ve-vet elmerald green., Stiîddcd with dutudelions' golden sheeny' lt/h.ich, ivhen t/he î>ag*cý moment fades awvay, kemnaiins on airy i/rea i. of 'ycsterday, ll'i e fairy fringes, too, will. îlien 'be found in l'rown oi nd tarnishcd stran'ds upn the grouind. E. Lanfermnan, Glencoe. An artist recently intiniated that the red roof, pictured in the prospectus Àf the Wilmett ae works, caused him violent- pains. in the region of his. gizzard. lie feared, that a person approachixig thewater. plant would be so smitteni by a red' roof that lie 1 would be ohlivious to the beauties of Lake Michigan. We're inclinëd to agreé with the artisi, although. such a roof miglit be symbolical-there's heen plentyv of. red seen during the discussion of the water question. j une, the month' of brides, approacheth. Reminds uis of the time we worked on a pa Per in a western suburb. The editor had got> wind of a wedding, and hie delegated us to cail up the prospective bride. Aiter debating whether or not1 we should talk in, a high-pitched voice to imitate'a real society editor, we finaily decided to be ourseif and to use the regular voice with which we broadcast queries for news over the phone. Well, we called up the prospective bride and began to pop the. usual questions. Ail went merry as a niarriage beli-until we asked,-,'4What songs will there be at the we*ddinig?" "I love you treuiy,'"P th e prospect ive bride mnur- mured. Right then and. thar uie decided that if we1 called. up about any more weddings,. we'd better- talk an octave or two. higher-for- our own 'good, youI kn owý. Anyway, that exprience of reporting a wedding should quialify uis to be a war correspondent. Don't shoot.! (Not j ust yet, anyway, because Gin, the office dog, likes to hear our typewriter click.) If it weren't fornr (vs. e 11..1r e'..,o'A .,.,n If you think you have troubles, just re member titis: We're facing that semi-annual appointinent with the dentist. We sincereiy hope hedoesn't hurt himself while working with ail those sharp instru- ments. -RMN