'Jhere wiIl be a lirnited area for the parking of cars. in the. immediate vicinity of the Fair, and ini order that those driving fromn a distance may be accorded the greatest conivenience possible, people residing in Chicago ànd suburbs; arcerequested to leave their cars, at homne and travel by rail on their. visits, to A Century of Prog- ress, or, if they drive, to park their cai*s before reaching the groutids. 'J'his, request as conveyed by à committee f ronm the Worlds Fair ,to the mayors and chiefs of police of the suburbani communities at a meet- ing .held 'in, Chicago Frida e vening of,last week, and in turn, is now be- ing relayed by the officiaIs, to the citizens in their respective commun)- dties. The officiais at the meeting Friday evening. agrecd 1upon a program- of extending every courtesy to the thousands of motorists who wilI pass througli their coninunities enroute to the. Fair, i s w-.as announced. Clhristian Science ,C hurches "Soul and Blody' " vas the subject of the lesson-sermion iii aIl Chiurches of Christ, Scientist, on Suniday, May 21.. The- goldeni text wvas, "I beseech you therefore, brethireii, by the mer- cies of- God. that ve present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy., accept- able unto Ç_'oc, wliich is your reaso»- able service- (Romnans 12:1). Among the citations which com- prised-thec lesson-sermion was the fol- lowingf roinit Bible: "Ail the ends of the world shall rememberand, turn unito- the Lord: and ail thé kindreds of the nations' shal! worship before thee. Forý the kingclom is th 'e Lord's: and he is th e governor among, the nations" (Psalmns 22:27, 28). The lesson-sermfon also included the' following, passages f rom the Christian Science textbook, "Science and LIealth with Key f~o the Scrip - day, May 31, june 1 and 2. The pr<o- ceeds will go for the support of $eward Infant Welfare station. Tickets are be- ing sold by ail members of the organiza- tion and al >so at seve-rai depaitment stores in Evanston. AË, this is the last event, of the, season, the young wonîen are anxious' to have a large sale of tickets., Only those purcbasedfrm memhers and at the departmeit stores will benefit the WNelf are society. PROPERTY OWNERS E A.SO NO. 9 for N: THE, WHITAKER PLAN Takes ail guess work out of property values by matdng availabie a disinerested ap- praisal et e nomfial fe.. Wafch 'next w"eek for REASON NO. 10 or wrife, phione or call for our special booliet "10 Reasons Why" for Property Owners. 1B. WHITAKER COM PANY 841 EIm Sf.. Ph. Winn.3250 WINNETKA WEK DAYS-NlNE TO NINE DINNER SERVED At 7-Q'Clock The invitation lias been accepted and they Ail corne to your homle fto dine. Most ail invitations bring guests to your table'. Chicago bas issued aný invitation. to. the word this year and, the Most unexpected. May corne your way.- WiII your table appoint Ment equal te occasion? Will if have that smrtnss- that finality in c*harm you wish it .to have? If in doubt, then remember. the one firm in your city that deals with table arrangements only. At no place in the land wiII you. find more beautiful and welI selected China, Crystal and Silver. TATMAN: 517 Davis Street EVANSTON 625 N. Ivichigan Avé. CHICAGO avenue, iKenilwortn. Mrs. Cornelia A. Keith, 310 War- wick road, Kenilwôrth, entertained two tables of bridge on Saturday evening, 'May 20, 20% iluation over $400. t, oOur lViuutka or erehe use.1 Avod delay waitiug Chi 'cago delivery that cold "September Morn" when you wiII want your coat.