-boys and grs-will compete in the sevènth annual national high school band contest in Ivanston June 8, 9 and,10, it was announed today. H., Dyer Bent , chairinan cd :the, committee on arrangements, explained. that the contest' will be under the di-, rection- of the National School, Band association, with the Evanstonï Chamber of Commerce acting a s sponsor.. The first two days'. contests will 1é held in Northwestern university gym- nasium and. the final match-playing event will be in Dyche stadium. Massed- Uand ~laying on'that occasion ,will be thié climax. Twenty-two bands have already won their way into the national meeting, and many state and sectional contests are stili going on in various parts of the country, the winners, of which wil be eligible for the national. champion- shi p competition. Of. the-bands already aeeredited, eleven are f #oin Illinois, in- cluding four f rom Chicago; four are f rom Iowa; two from West Virginia, * .and one each from Michigan, Ohio,, Kentucky, Tennessee 'and Colorado. * The Joliet high school band, A. R. McAllister director, winner of the na- * tional championship in the class A fdivision in 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1931, will be one of the contestants. Other * Illinois. bands already listed are Harri- son, Lane, Senn and Austin of Chicago; East and West high schools of Aurora; and the high schools of Harvard, Tay- lorville, Bensenville and Arthur. Thé test of th e 'list includes bands f rom Mason 'City, Marion, Denison and Vinton, Iowa; Logan and Wheeling, W. Va,; Iron River, Mich.; Cleveland Heights of Cleveland, Ohio; Highland high school of Fort Thomas, 'Ky.; Chattanooga, Tenn., and Colorado Springs, Col. Bandi, ensemble,1 solo anid'marching- playing events, are on the programn,,with chàmpionships to be awarded in each class. There are three divisions, with class. A covering bands f rom high schools Photo by Mathéw Francis Richard Anson Finney, eleven- year-otd pianist and soit of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Pinney of 833 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, will1 give his first large recital Sunday aftern.oon, Mfay 28, at 4 o'clock at Sh.neCountry club. He will be assisted by his litile cousin, Frances Inqrain, da>îcer. TIhe prograni wilIIbe: I Sonata, C Major.... Allêgro Andante Rondo (allegretto grazioso)' Richard (a) Solfeggletto (b) Sie4lian. ..... Richard Dances (a) Da nce Sorrento (b) Music. Box Rhard V. Anitra'-s'Di. Dance.9 Richard VI Mozart 1 S Buach- Schumann Poldini &Jrieg versity of!. hicago is giving in the observance of the hundredth anni- versary of the birthday of Brahms. It is a very important festival- not~ only because it is to -be the only one. in the. city, and flot1 only beca.use, there, are to -be Egon Petri, noted Dutch pianist,: and 'Claire Dux, pop- ular soprano, as 'guest artists, but because the very ýfinest of. Brahms' compositions will be heard. The openiing concert of the Festival is on the evening of T1hursday, May 25, in, Mandel hall on the University campus. ,The. program 'includes "Tafellied"ý (Chorus of Homage), sung by the- University chorus; "Liebeslieder-Walzer" (Love Song Waltzes), . offeréd 'by the Midiway Singers and the'University Madrigal group; "Rhapsody," after Goethe's "-Harzreise In Winter," sung by the UJniversity choir and chorus, ac comn- panied by the orchestra,' a ni d 'S.chicksalsle.id", (Song of Fate), of- fered by the chorus and -the orches- tra. .Egon Petri will play with the Uni- versity Symphony orchestra on Fni- day night, May 26,: in Mandel hall when the second concert'of the Festi-' val is presented. This pianist will play *the "Piano Concerto inB F lat' Ma-; jor" as the main feature Of the eve7 ning's prograrn. The orchestra will off er "Variations on a Theme by Haydn- and the "First Symphony" In the great University chape! at Woodlawn avenue and Fifty-ninth street, 'the Festival will' be. brought to a close Saturday evening, May 27, with a performance of Brahms' "~Ger- mnan Requiem" by the 'University &çhoir, chorus, and orches tra, with Claire Dux as soprano s.oloîst. Fred- erick Marriott will play the chapel organ. 'Carl Briékeii, professor of music at the University of Chicago, will direct the orchestra'during the three Festi- val1 concerts, while' Cecil Smith will lead the University chorus and Mack Evan .s'will direct 'the .Uni'versity choir . Both inen are mnembers of the Music department faculty at the university.> APPFARS IN MU1SICAÂLE stàged 'and lIghted by Alfred Stury, will be presented at the Goodman theater under the baton of Carl Craven, Sunday afternoon, May 28, and five evenings, Monday,, Tuesday, Wednesday,', Thursday: and Friday, May 29, 30, 31, June 1 and 2. Incude assoloists are Agatha Lewis, Helien Bickerton and Leola Aikman, sopranos; Lilian Knowles,. contr'alto; B. Fred Wise, tenor, and Raymond Koch, baritone,. plus many others, al proôfessional, who have banded together under. the interpre- tative 'direction of Mme. Young and acting 'direction of Alfred Stury, of- fering their services for charity and for art. H. Lester Tremayne takes the part. of ."Nicodemus,". Eugene Hl. Gach as 'Judas Iscariot," Violet Young as.. *'Mary Magdalene" and Charlene Marmiein. as the "iWife of Nicode- mus." The: chorus in costume, will be comnposed of the leadinig choral or- ga'nizations of the city* assisted ça symiphony orchestra., *'The Messiah" is sponsored by the oratorio-Dramna guild for the. bcne- ftof the School"Children's Lunch' fund., Quartet Giving iProgram at Winnetka Sehools The last of a series of concerts for the Winnetka schools, which hay'e been arranged 'by a com2aittee f rom. the Winnetka Music club and school faculty, will be. held on Frida-'7MIf-a- 26. A splendid string quartet. coin- posed of Sol. Zimberoif and Leila Kingery, violinists; Richard Weiss, cellist, and Pearl Doty, pianist, will gîye the program ai ail. the Winnetka schools. Many parents ha 1ve enijoyed thé' previou s concerts in' this-. series by such' artists -as Mrs. 'William Mc- Adams, pianist; Mrs.,Warner Robinm- son, soprano, who.,appeared in a cos- tumne recital of Fren ch Provincial songs, accompanied by -Mrs. Everett Harris; Miss Vera Gillette and Miss Pauline Manchester, pianist; and the Sw7izart trio, Al parents are in- MessiahW june q at o3:30 p. ni.). rour Ition ot Kave's " thousand voices and the Chicago SYm- Negotiations art phony orchestra will hroadcast f rom thej the 'ballet groul Court of the Hall of Science, under the every Friday evi batôn of George' Tenney., the series. program, 2 TO MK DEBUT IN ROME n. Lily Pons recently sailed for Paris, r where she will give a benefit con- -e cert at the Salle Pleyal. She will ig make her debut in Rome June 10 and 13 in "Lucia" and "Rigoletto." I Virginia Knapp, pianist of Evanston.' recently appeared at the Lake Shore hotel at a tea given. by Mrs. Alexander .Mosely for the Northern Illinois branch of the N~ational League of Arnieican Pen Women.