uu lciu i INw Iier iign scnooi. Exhibits of school work will be on dis- play at the open house. It is also plan- ned to have a program. Inclucled in the progr am will be the awarding. of boys' and girls' basketball letters. GIVES. UP TOUR The Kenilworth Garden club hiad to give up its trip to -Lake Geneva Friday on accoupt of rain Its nmcm- bers were, going there to studv wil flowers on the, Hutchinson. estate. l'le tour already had been pôstponed f romn the week before. GET SCHOLARSHIPS j une Kehl and Frances Milis cacli %wete awarded a $200 schiolarship for Rockford college for thé 'ear .1933-1 34. ' These scholarships were awa r(ed because of the 'high school record of thlýese girls.> parade whicn ieatureci thle eventh dis- trict meeting at Glenview, Wednesday, May 17, when, Sesterhenn post enter- tained the legionnaires. Approxiniately si xty Sea scouts. coniprising the druwn and bugle corps of*thle Jiior Legion'of Roigers, Park, tuok part in i thé, parade. Have Surprise Party The Charles C. Henidersons have lsdtheir, home at 1630 Forest ave- niue to the W. A. Kellings, 'and are now occupying their ý other borne 'at 1405 Forest avenue. Onthe evening of -May 12,i'sixteen friends gave the. Hender- son., a surprise housewarming party. Mis k Ana Margaret 'Stansei dfaugh ter -of Dr. and, Mrs,. Gilbert Stansel of Dixon. Ill.. formerly of Wilmette, wvho is making a re'mark- clu .. XXlmete 'U5was the week-end guest of -Miss Har- fi ld its monthly dinner dance, . t et ,vos 5 Nô.so vne Iast 1)f the season, on Saturday evenl- ntNos 5 odtc vne ing at the Kenilworttt club. Thiere! Kenilworth. are forty couples who are mnerbers.' 0 Mrs. George Edward WValk is chair- Mrs. Gordon Colenian of Smieth- i ian of this party, assisted by the -port, Pa., with her two children, %vives of the board who are- Mes-; Donna and Mary Beth, are visiting daniues J. Nye Macalister. 1IZov>Ma- er parents. Mr. and Mrs. lLea 0. f.uardt. George Redding. H.,C. Toep-' Orr, of 1002 Greenileaf avenue,"o peC. M.I Burlingamne, of ý\'ilmette mnonth or. more. and( Nrs.,,Franiklini Ellis of CGýlccoe. -o-- Mrs. M.\atilda Van Deursen of 1101 NMrs. Henry W. Drucker of 1125ý Forest avenue, and her daughter, Mohawk road, acconpanied 1wy three Mrs. John D. Flint of Dixon, 111. gue-,ts, Mrs. Moritz L'oeb) of \Vinnet Who0 is hier ]îouse guest, spent last ka, Mrs. Fanny Fox of Wilmnette, and iveek-ehd visiting in Morgan Park Mlr,. J. R. Mitchell of Vilmiettej and Flossiioor. drove to Michigan last week to see the tulips in bl)oom. . They also visite(l Mirý,. l)rucker's inother. -o-. Mr. and. Mns. Charles Van Deursen, 44 F.Iden lane, Winnetka, have rent - ctheir home for the summer* and are now at ,1101 Forest avenue with Mr.. Van Deursen's. inother, Ms Matilda VanDeursen.Th Frank Tr. Wolfe of Burlingaie. of 'Remyq.iy Cal., recently visited his parents, Mr.ofRein ult anid Mn\s. F. L. Wolfe, 718 Sheridan apparent from the moment vour road, for teîi days while here on a painting ad J.coratinq ;s don.. ')usiess tp. .Save mqney by tradingboe.. No fl~i~ Paint YOUR Car It's SO Easy with NU-ENAMEL.. Add $ 50.00 to the value of your car by refisn- -ishing it with Nu-Enamel. You can do it your- self and no one will be able to tell it from- an expert's job. Just cdean off the surface, soeooth down the rough ýspots, apply one coat of NuEnamel and the next day your car is ready for use. Iis so easy. THE FINEST ENAMEI. FOR HOME USE. WiIm.ffr's Bonded 235 T.Iegraph' Floists Ridige Road Phones: Un2ve.;2I286 19.08 Lal . RE ENLEAF 7773 STATION Winimette 1368