.,-. 'c .inyaer anaIt Mrs. R. Jennings- assisting hostesses (this circle plans to continue mieetings during the.-summer and there wlll be a discussion as to the type of meetings to be held). East circle-at the home of Mrs. W. F. Arnolds. 920 Greenwood avenue-with Mlrs, Phoebe MacLean andl Mrs. C. E, Rennieckar,. assisting hoa4t- !esses (luncheon *111 be served at 1? 'el ock for whlch thereý will. be no charge. Af ter the luncheon ltere' wili be a, business imeeting). Wesîelvh---a the home of Mrs. R. Wà.lecCaidlii, 1624 Spencer avenue---Mr*s. Roubert !Rext- nedy and Mrs. Willlitiii 1Vdmioids *as sisting hostesses <this la the mat Imeet- ing, until autunifi for th!*- group). A delegation ,of LChu rat .ahool lepie- seeta-tives ;ilteludîng is. R. 4;. Halli- Well,.Mrs. C. M. Pahlmîan, AMis. i1. V. Green. Miss Florence Branson, Miss Lucy Jorjorlan, Miss Norah %îlnImei, Miss - Helen Jones. and, the rector at- tended a Fellowmhip. supper of Wilmnette church schools Monday night at th.e Congregational ehurch. Thme rectoi' hax blan.ksised by tias church housing bureau in ceunection with the World's F ait' which can bel filied in by those having rnms to rent dimrlng the Fair. There la ne charge fnor registration of roonîs. Please apply to. the rector. . The North Shore Church school juîati. tute wlll meet next Wednesday night a i 'Christ church Parish Floeuse in Wlnnef- ka with service at 6 :30 and supper at 7 foDllowed by business and an atdtess, by Miss Blanche Carrier, well known au. tbority on religieus education. Al teachers and olficers should leave reser- vations with the rector. The, Cathollc clu.b ef Chicago will incèt at the Church of the Advent. N. Yranclse avenue and Logan boulevard Monday evening, May 29, at 6:30 o'clock. Resrqeaions for the dinner should be made wlth Royal D.- Smith. président. of the club. .Metkodist Church Rev. Oscar Thomas Olson, D. D., minister. The -mlnnister's sermon theme for'the 1l 'clock woràhip service next Sunday niornl»g will be "Falth and Character." The-muslc for the il o'clock service is as iollows: Organ Prelude-"Chorale" .Brahni,si A XL1ALF~ 1'M.'MI' 14I. P. B'ttner, 302 Sa vnte enth s t reeét.s FOURTH-10:30 .M-ra.Cari j. Zippich, 62m Forest avenue. FIF'TH -10:30 A.M. -Mrsý. George Murdock, 2111 Birchwood avenue. Fifth- division membe,'s are asked Ao reserve the evenlng of June :3 for an Ice Creanm Lawn social at the' home or Mrs. Harry Mons, 157 Woodsteck iave-; nue, Kenilworth. The. Young Peopie's graup IilhaVe a party tomorro w evening (Friday) at the home of Ula and' Anitai Johnson, 1_21 Ceelnîavenue. The Wonans Aid sueptiety will hold its annual meeting on Thurxsday. .lune 1, at 2 o'ciuck zît the tlîUt*tlî. There, Wili be agi eleetion of utca.animal re- ports, and a receptioji. Ail woInen of tlIe church are± .ordially lInvltëd 1 ttend Thie Wu îan'xIig îl sionary so- clety of thé Northern district will have the annual district nîeiingr at Avon- dale' MAethbdjst Episcopitil rhuri, Cihi- cage, -on Fridayý, JUne 2;,;at -4q-'-4ek. A 'Da îly Vacation Church school,1willl be held for ail children of the church for five weeks this Sumimer, beginning ,tne1 and ending July 21. Handi- craft. pageantry, dramnatics, cday mcod- eng, project work, and play wiIi al contribute te maklnig. a very interest- lng and valuable vacation for the chlldren of the church. Zeg».,ýtrjt ionjs may be submitted te the hr<hshj. superîntendent, Thvma.s H. West. A smalenrolîmient. fee ivilli be harged. Englisiz Lutheran, Seventh street at Greenleaf, wilmette "A House of Worship" Rev. Dav'id R. Kabele, pastor SIJNDAY SERLVICES Sunday school .-.9:45 a. in. Morning worshlp . il a. nm. Senior choir rehearsal Friday evenîng at. 7:30 o'clock. Young People's' Tea and Confirnma- tien Reunion,'ý Sunday afternoont at .4 o'clock. An invitation is extended te all the young people. One ef the fea- turcs of the pregramn will be Miss Ilelene Hiarder ef Japan in Japanese Dress who will sing for us in Japanese. *The Woman'a sncîaèty wil.nwot ThÎIrs- at 7:3,p Thme annunal meeting of the Coxy Cor- ner circle wlll be held Thursday, June 1, at 2:00 p. im., at the home of Mrs. Don Ransburg, 3025 Normandy place, Evanston. Through-the-week Üctivities for boys anid-girls are seheduled as*foliows: Tuesday---4 p. m.-Ca-mp -Plire Girlis. Girl Scouts.. Tusday-7 :30 p. iii.-Troop No. 2, BOY Scouts. Thursdày-4 p. nm.-Jlunior Choir re- hearsal. Thursday-7 :15 p. ni. Senior Choir rehearsal. thursday-74 :30 p. ni.-Troop -No. 1 , Boy Scouts. Frlday :3. :30 1p. n.-Brownies. Strlday i:3 . ni. snorCmpNr Sauda 9 ::m m. -Iub Pack No. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willltt, nî inistèr. .Drý Wilett's aubjet for unday' May 28, will be, "In Remembralîce,". sermon appropriate te Meniorial Day. Sunday. May 28, the Sunddy achool wIll have a Memiorlal . Day service at the . apday sq-honl heur. qb:45 e'clock. Çhildren's Day exerci.-eý will be held Sunday, June 4, in the gymnasiurn at, 10 o'clock. Baptismi will be adminisý- tered. Parents are asked te notify the ininister or the secretary. This will be the final session of the Sunday school. First Fresbytertan Woman's club rooms Tenth street at Greeneaf avenue James. Venekiasen, ministèr. -Our' worshlp service at Il o'clock on Sunday mornlng will be a Meniorlal Day service, with sermon and music ap- propriate te the day., The pastor wili preach on the theme, "The Gospel ef Peace." You are cordially invlted te worship with us., lThe musical programn wfll be. as fol.- lows: Prelude, "May ight," Palmgren;. Antheni, "Seuls et' the Righteous," Noble, The choir; Solo, "The UJnknown SoldierY" Schubert-O'Hare, Mr. Edward Ott$, soloist; Choir Ilesponse, "Taps,'* Custance, The Choir with Miss 13reiden- ba.ch, soprano, and Joseph Hayes, cor- netist; Postlude, "Pestlude in A," Faulkes. Miss Ena Rou~nds is di- reetôr. Daptist Clsurch WlImette anmd Forest avehnues George D. MAl8on, minister *A Church That Cares" Our Sunday ,servieeu begin on May 28 wlth the oïenipg of the 'Church school worship at 9:,30 o'clock in ail de- partmients. There lit a classa for every age. Trhe, morning w4orship service Is at il o'clock; beautiful music bY the choir and soloiÉts, and, an Inspiring message fromn the pastor. At 6 e'élock, the. Young Peopileq Soci- ety wilI have Its meeting, deallng with, t he pr(>hlein, "Life Work.," In the .Junior-Intermediate, depai- muent next Sunday. iwill be observed "Parent's Day." The prpgrani wIll be plantned by the sixth and seventh grade boy-, and girls. They wlll utilize mater- riaIsc they* have llked best fî<im thW' first three programas in May. which liaVe 'eiî entrei a<,Uidthle home. Senior, and .Ju iiî>glr hoii a î4hleai-,ta la wilI be held at the church Thursday evening-the childr-en'tz at 7. o'clock and the adults at S. Members of the Senior choir will participate ln the large chor- us which wvill sing at the openiing of the World's fair next 84aturday' evening., TherewiI he. aniother rehearsai of "The Mes'ah' at the "Thlird Presb' -> terian urh, Chicageo fnnext Sut- day afternoon at e'ok when paèses wilI be given for the Suinday perforrn. The follewing links of the Woman'îa Society are holding 1 o'clock luncheon meetingsý this week: T4nk F---Mrs. CG. D. Allison, chairman --will nmeet, Friday. Mfay 26. with Mrs. Z. A. Parkhurst,' 1450 Lake avenue. Mrs. M. S. Diller asslstlng. Llk N-Mrs. E. E. MeDow, chairmna, -will nmeet with Mrs. Frances Clark', 331 Cumnor road, Kenllwerth, on Th'ursday, May 25. Mrs. J. Noyes,; asslsting. 1.l4nk D-Mrs., R.-E. Daîstroni, chair- man-will meet wlth Mrs'. Harvey Bowen., 1096 Ashstreet. Wlnnetka, Fr!- day, May 26, Link S-Mrs. C. D. Heller, chairman 4nd hostes. 808 Elmwood avenue. Fri- day, May 26. Link H-Mrs. A. V.,Grijhn, chairman and hostess, 1333 Elrnwoodý avenue, May 26. Link I-Mrs. F. G. Sutherland, chair- :sprng,' t a irct( byUIV miss a zeI l KoU.t e....... .......................artJt for the Iuncheon should J>e made before w1lgbepeetdy sobool groof, I 'AtiSjý"" Nw. inadaNe ld«aywhM ag hn bigh choo grou. za t ........... .Gant WUuntte 770. see t hlowabip forpraYer -aul Offetry: *lue mr' ..Stobils 0 <Ou omuion servife Wl b. ieu me ins5011u- choir numnbers 'e based onwsa- e numbers sung 2 4I43tam. the en tbe Uf - and. ore