awi& snuug i oou orwasi iz 44e '.UiLA ve., wumetr.e, or 5611 CTLN CA S $1.0 P âin on Ae., Winnietka. .10% diseountoni ail advertÏsemente rnANT C IQUE WCALLS. $1.50ED Il . starched by expert men, $2.50 up; w fl.JI t.,. ~Claasilied advertiaemente wilI be ac- ýroom papered, $3 Up;. bathroom * DPel o 1 D' s e ceptedUp to Tuesday 9 P. M. for etiameled, $5; kitchen walls painteèd, IlWILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wedneuday 9 P. bË. for $6 WINNETKA TALK and Thursday à P. M frGLENCOicNNe~Ws. WESPECIALIZE IN. OUT7SIDE PAINT- Telephoneà W11lmette 4300. Wlnnetka 2M.0 Greenleaf 4300 or .Sholdrike SU8. I 8 >TRIGHT WINDOW FRAMES ____________________________________________ PA1NTED, 40e 1 COAT. WE ALSO ___________________________________ STUCCO FINISH. Have workmen's'compensation.ý Best ref. _____________________________ furnIshed.'. Lewis, Winnetka 2511--* à L087 AND FOUND 10 USINEOEVC Wilmnette 5034. 42L3-mltp LOST- LADY'S YE L LO W OOLD LAWNMOWERS ;;SHARPENED, $1.75. wstwatch and bracelet, $unday,,iW Including 5 lbsi Vert. New Bartlett; ,Paint, Paper 5. Rms.* $34.50 front of :1620 Lake or Methodist Great Americ'an, Iianoyimowers, 15% AIA ADCNAS1GWR church.* Return to 1620 Lake. . e- discount. PaInts,, hardware, etc., at AIA N CNAIGWR ward.' . SLTN3-ltp discount. ýWinnetka Lock $hop 55 reas. Rm. walipaper cleaned, 75e; LOST - TOY BOSTON BULL, BRIN- TLincoIlAve. I6LTN-3-ltp edh$5; eing eim 5 ie, $1.50 up dIiwhite throat and cheet. ,Nanie, OSACE ORANGEWOOD BOWS AND 5;. flors Wahed, srued, v0 r-p "Budy'Rewrd.Waren oring arowsmad toordr.Excellent nîshed or: waxed, $8 ; exterior work- 381 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Wlninetka 473. workmanship. Write to Leo Wethhaàr, windows, 35c and Up; porches, $10. 3L21-ltp Teutopolis, Ill., for information. .ResFeeetmas. atrlsf- LOST.LAY~S OLDWRIS WACH, _____________ 16LTN3lp nished. Cail Wilrnette 1258. O.P. S. nionogram on back, between1 VACUUM CLEAN YOUR FURNCE 42LTN3-Iti>J Forest Ave., Wiimette, and, Robsart. 1Ail soot., rust and scale rernoved. PRIUA ANIGADDC Rd., Kenlworth, Tues, May 16. Re- $5.00 NOW 1..PRIUA ANIGADDC LOT-RO.P.W LmETHER POC.KETý-1t FSE XTt É.Wimette 29.56 >,Floors refinished with electrie machine. book, betw e TH t., Wi ette, nd 6LTN3-ltp VerY reasonable. Beet of referméces.- book beteen th S., Wlmete, ad >Fred Broberg. Br1argate 10i)61. Kenilworth, Friday, May 19. Pbhe 20 CLOCK REp^RING 42LTN.I-4tp) KéilwortIh 4749. SLTN3-1 tP CL.OcxJ.PflUE1TCXUMi, LOS -SCOCH'1'RRERMAE, ntque 61, t 'CIIIME, HALL, WILMETTE 418 LOST- SCTCH ERRIk, MLEÏ1antiue docki repairing. Learned IMTE48 black with white ring on tail. An- trade in Europe. (Forrnerly with PAINTING DECORATING swers to name "Scotch." Reward. Tiffany and ieds)WOIlcaîl. Free OUTSIDE WORK A SPECIALTY Ph. Wnnet.ka 985. 3LTN3-ltp3 estimate. David Johansson. Phone _______________________ LOST-CUT SEL EARRING, ALSO Dlversey 2041. 20LTN1-gtl) CN24t cameo earrig in or near St. Francis -_________________44ET Chrc, ilnete cîlWLette 603. aa DRESSMAKING ]FOR SALE - BEST LADY'S HORSE 3LN'-lc RESMKING, RFEMODELING, RE - we have ever had. Style, color, mfan-- FOUND.-.MONEY, IN NORTH SHORE lining, curtains, slip covers, and plain1 ners. If you are looking for a horse. Ci Elec. sta. Elm St. Loser call Win- sewing, by the day or at home. You wtil love and be proud of see: netka 3414, to identify. 3LTN3-ltp Reasonable price.s. Ph. Wil. 1253. him today. Very reasonable. Ladyý 22LTN3-1ti> giving up ridlng. We also have others, I. USNES SRVIE ET S ELPYO - RESMA- 3-gaited andl 5-gaited, as well as s ev-G la auIN"s ERVIC ýDR A eral huntý,rs. Glencoe Stables, G 1; n- H. R. GENTSCH inctting and fltn .Mme.Die coe. County Line Rd., 1 mile west. in charge "tth inoTim Servie.". of Skoke Va~lley Rd.. 44LTN3-2tip SILK BEADED AND NOVELTY BAG*S 15Ne.ron Noth Sh r.Uni . 3816. ~~~ If,~T Mtae to OfrL.. o.adReaird1 a gg .). - PR -] _ n nYu OnMtra HV R ODSECN pupe. Black eand pedlgreed. -Bsh BEAngD NEVor wL,. atrll ANDV EtCeR MDSE O-bom Dog and Cat Hospital, 1000 Ridge BEAEt~NEC<LCESANDplee sumnmer mwardrobe. Special Av. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 5004. ANTrIQUE~ JEWELRY Prices on linien dresses and suite. AI- 44LTN3-Ilp Bead. Bags Crocheted to Order S0 on silk frocks. Ph. Winn. 147. ________________ 130 N. State St. .Chicago, 111. 22LTN3-4p Tel. Dearborn 91830 _______________ 0 PAOTNN i6LTN3-ltp 1jX, i. rnm 1imm DAYENPOIITS-CHAIRS REWEBBED reasonable, furniture .repaired and up- holstered, bouse. screens made-repair- ed; cabinet work; cane.,.rush, hickory upecaliosa. The Furniture Studio, C. E. Palmer, Wilmhette 1302. 161.T'N52-tfe WILMETTE 4181-GOOD CARPEN- ter work, remodeling, plasterlng, roofing, cernent work, waterproofing basernents. Reas. est. N. B. ]Place. - - ieGADWJI II BLACK DIRT Sand-Sod-Compost Manure--Fertilizer The best black dirt at lowest price. Practicall), every lawn should -be tol1- dressed and reseeded. Estinates gladly giveni. A. F. VQLTZ Northbr-ookç 158 Glencoe 1052 27L3-1 tp  XL*r-;KT"INO UNING, $3.:UP right or grand; also repair wmorkpi guaranteed * 16 yrs. Steinway; N. Y. H. C. ThoÔrnals, Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN52-4tp [53 SE'WIN2 Ii5LTN3-tfo EXP. AND RE1LABLZ WHITE WOË- an wls*ies day work of gny klnd. Laundry or cleaning, $3 a day. Also cateri ng, 40e an hour. n~efs. furn. If destred.. Call Wilmette 2719. COMPFTENT WHITPE GIRL"-COOK- Ing. flrst floor, or general, $12 to ,X15. Exper. Good North'Shore refs., many years in Wlnnet.ka.i Cal any time, 'day or eve.ning, Dlversey-7440. 68LTN3-Itp EXPER. MIDEAE F R E N C1, 1 governeqq, speaksi German, Englimh fiuently; Infant training; competent exp. trae. 983 Vernon Ave. Ph. Glenicoe 1292.. 68LTN3-ltý EXPER. COLORED MIAID WISH ES position, general housework. Prefer .qtaylng on place. Good -ref. Pho>ne Gl,'enene'1344. -. 68LTN3-1 tp NURSE, HO S PIT AL TRAINE D, wotild like a case, or care of cbjîdren. Best North Shore, refs. Call mrs. Wright, Winnetka 2552. 168LTN3-ltp EXPER. WHITE WO.MAN WANTS laundry or cieaning by the day. Refs. -CaIL Wiimette 3082 after 6 :30 P. IM. 68LT. -1 tp ýEXPER. ENGLISH WOIMAN WS position, generai hou.'ework or ecook- in4g N. S. ref. Write A-140, Box 4ô, WISI- TO FIND WOR FOR M-%ÏY Colore.d laundress. $3 day and car- fare. Phone' Winnetka 1094. 18T3-iI COL04ED G ïIRL WISHES POSITION is maid or gene-ral houseéwork. North ShGre refs. Call Glencoe 1288. 68-3-ltp, CÇ)MPETENT WHVI-TE G -ÏIRL WANT- first floor and cooking or- generail. Wages $12 to $15. North Shore rtfs. Phone Winnetka 508-J. 68L,3-ltlp FRAD)UATE ýNURSE - COM.-ET charge of children, or any vase. ' ree to travel. Pest ref. Ph. Winn. 30:ý1. 681,TN3-lti) WOM £:Ç'WOUL6 IKE LA(UNURýy work or cleaning. North Shore:refs. Phone Uni. 2882. 681TNT3-Itl) [AID - FIRIST CLASS COO0(K AÀND general hou.sework. Bést N. S, refs. Ph. WNilmette 1170. 6LTN3ý-Itin OUtNG WOMAN WILL TAKE CARE of baby by hour or day in her ovvn eoS SIUATION WANTED-MALE YOUNG MAN, NORWlEGAN. EXI>. all-around houseman. chauffeur, take care ôf garden, steady.or part time. Reaeonable wage. Honest and neat wrr.Good N S. ref. Phone Win- v EXPERT WATCH, C L Jewelry repairing.. Ph. 229 Sylvan road, W'. S. 20' PL P'EÏiENNIAI plants at P-senicka's Rd. jusf soi ta-te Bank Bldg.,. Evanston Gt'e. 3200 65LTN36-tfe LOANS IN ANY A M 0UN T ON LISTED Stocks or bonds. Knudtson- Mortgage and Loan Co., 1167 Wilmette Ave. 65LTN3-1tc, Carlenville, II, fi ing coînpýetent cooli for outside work. n, gardener, would home or estate. 70L,3-Iti ÏN COLLEGE, nterested In secu-* s, m.aids, or menl 7OLTN3-1 tp ý 1 1