Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1933, p. 59

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i a'rr iIgh school's 2,006 st dlents were on the honor roll for tht excellenît scholarship during thes weeks' period ending May '5. Th represents 13.3 of th.le sciooi's ei rolinent. Girls outitnmbercd the bo, on the honor roll, 149 to lie, despi the. fact that there '1,040 ho] in school1 as comnpared. to 966, girls. To tic on thielimier rol at Ne, Trier a student rnust have an.avei age above 4'B, or, according to ti schoorls point systeîii of gzradinf an average of 325 or hettet. An aver age of 3.00, entities ýthe student honorable mlention. For, the, saine, six ivcck s' perioi 162 stude,îtsi includiîîg 84 girls am 78 boys, recei-e<îl hon orable îmention Poliliing is a list of the New~ Trie hionor students for thc six wveek: cnding _11a' 5: ilonorr Rol Annie Borovieka EWa iejani lottn 1 olly T-Iu(ddle, 'ora mlanier Alar:,Nash, J.illan N<yelarjoric S'eubold, C arolyn Yerkts, Janaet Chat- ten, lHeleýn Parker, >Na«nev PdRttledge, Amen iEdinger, Eileen Buank4, rnç Elis, Nancy Fisher, Judith Fox, Anita .Johnson, %larguct Io.rt1or '1ettibone, .aneStout, Bî~ Tri Rabi îara lVId'î G ,ee )uun Betty. weston, EfnînIa Bikhain, vin- nie. GrondaI, Prkislia Welc a tha lîhfer .Tane -lod a,.jau.Kell k leanfor Kre>Sge, iKath.pri n.- iiieapke, Iý"4uIl-el i'èyrelen Se>anvirglih Suaith, ('ecili& agnr MargretBenz, jalne lnaa«a*V gin la Campbell, Dora (nawford, Jeaua Eldridge, L'ela Happ' ( Ila rlotte Ilarvey, Catherine Hepb)tirn, L1otise Hoizinger, Iargaret -utchings, Fu'ances 1%Milî11, B rjba ra Anne MN11ln,. MavNa-v ls, 1-farriet t Ohnîan, Jeantte post, Jeanne Scarratt. HonorIRoll Ruth 1-. Anders-ton, fielen Boaady, Ruth 'oz le. Alice Eb'leI ng, Esther ifearne' Virgiia Mu-te,. elen. Sherburne, Caroline ('alloway, Alice llqway, Katlyn HoNlwaiY, Dorothy 1-IcCoy, E thel -.Jane 11()e,, Flore-ntitie Strube, Alice Freeniaru, Ruth Sager, MNarlon .%haeffler, Ferances Hoffmnan, JIeanne Jacobs, Ursula Keliner, Ruth ekrt Iiuth Williamne'lAnne Mvosser,. 2Margue-1 rite Gaston. Alma Ltindq(uist, Mary Raymnond, Carmen iWilson, Irnia Bali. Marianne-ICro<-by, marie Friedlaner Wanda 1Hansen. Est.her .jansson. Rn ilion, ,Mai ner, Bett, Josephii roll, Jant Bergh, , Barbara Gordon, ing, ýMari Kehl, JUI ,tu-j Bett y iir Jean S) sxWlnscoîl sai, Bet 'bis Lucilie luary- ee Neeves, a .r açher association; Mrs. R. Oll- AALikhart.-].Brtish Agent. tysI Ann ison, Beth Bryson, Virginla Coul- ,sn edo tecidsuygoup of dsripnclrterussof rolutl Mn,. it eMary Eleanor Myatt,. Mary MeDer- t mot , Jnet ino, Heen eteronI Wimette; Mrs. R. G. HalIiwell.,of the Mitchell...Déep Water. YS Frances 'Rapp, Edith. Rapport-, Cather- IBetter, Films, group, and Mrs. Casey, Te iystte f catan fomsln ine Stevenson, Dorothy, Straugs, Mary. mother ofthe niew St. Francis P. T. A. BanvlleNapoîeon. Jane Birong, Jean Clark, Mary Louise ~ Cnno, ranesDeilin, any Dr-president, were there to enjoy the, pleas- Wllon-Sl13r Phllip Sidney. r-gin, Jane".Ilolmiby, Peggy Anne Linde- ant occasion. WsemnBI aai lie Mann, Barbara Ormgbee, Helen 8hane, The'retiring presideît, Mrs., John J. taeY. Ig, Nathalie Waidner, Donna Webste. TaSegar-noqéàl r r-~ 'I Honorablle Menton tr. Trce>, extended a welcome to ail anîd Segaucn~r 0Titn Margaret Barrowvs,* Frances I3ebaei especially thanlkcd those who lite. av br Wagner and the three women ln his io An Binkley, Lois Caverley, Frances their splendid coopeaindrn heMrrbakaro th Adot. Collins,.- JosePhîne EarIyWlne, Ruth 'twoý years. she has been president of the 1 By the auth or of "for the Defena.' 'dForster. Florience Hagenah, Doris 3dHeaton, Lillian HorakPtHhnn, organization, Mrs. MarsalV er Moult-Mary Webb, Hter Lite and Work. Inson rsAn inV.rod>ction to beautîful novels id Margaret Johfiston Helea M1ickey, ney is to scedMr.Tae a rs- of 'nglsh- country ie n. Jean Pettibone, Pearl Rogman, Doris dent this year. Mrs. Kearney was in-. WinklerWèodrow Wlson. er Sauvage, Margery - Schumnan, Aurica troduced by Mrs. T r a ce y. Mrs. Popular 'account of a Man Whoae simion, Sue Splnney, drstood nd ow thnen hre ottedn ISENIOR BOYS Kearneys response expressed lher ap- dprnciles nd o licie ae botte un Jior Roll preciation of, the retiring officers. themn. <'harles Brnwvn, Arthur Jleinrichs. The Rev. Edwin V. Hoo*r, il, Among other new books at the library (eorge Hunit, Noraîîan Modine, Dick,reharee ollowincam leOliver, 'Stanton î Schumîan, ,IWillili chre fthe Cardinal Munelein c a Novels of -Llterary Merit r, Breuier,, Sydne'y Date,1 David Eisen- for boys, St. George, gave an instruc- B3ereQford-Mlddle Generatlon. ie drath, Shermian Taylori, Bol) Thorsen, tive talk on "Sumrner Activities for Frnde-t nd BoLa4yhi on U- Wtron'ybei. .Charles, Knapp, John- Bys1 nd irls." He advised the moth- Gl-aaL Fleur. AlMiner, ltoger Barrett, William Nor'd-crs to carefully supervise the leisure LaIn-5ea Wltch. *burg, William lZolfing, Ed Schmîidt, Toîîî tirnle Of their children during the vaca- March-Compauy K. - * Tliale, I la rmv Weese, Eugene Bel- tion nmontbs. WTcll selected Camlps are yRlngjsoutv Mon Udr a. Z-mont, Paul <'laton, Walter' MerrilI, lni rte, lesaYoT 1 tm un-Jeny Wren. 1 .la nies Woolf. Lewýis Bird-sall, Frank 'spleddfrtîm i ai.TertreHl-aDeennIe al.e i l'agt.r, Bert I"alkejiburg, Walter Ha;t.s, isewel takeni up by activities they en- en- Tw 1Detetive te. - iVlllaaîî Jacksonî, Ed Johnson. C(harles joy.Ch 1,Leonard, Eric Liaidahil Jnes ý eel trs.ea *l Slîhbeg Ed Svhweitzer,ý Bob Father H-oover suirprised li s audienceCrlteTusa Club Murdera.. it 8ejl<r, Williami Smythe. withî a few songs and piano ouumbers Jese loange Stories. .Honorable Mention He cîîjoys piaying for the boys at camp Rinehartt-Crirme Book. ti $ AI Aeckeranam iJhn Balleaugeir .Johny * ekîn 7ltnDeninon, Willianu and lic says thcy voîne home knowing S UREN ÉO -t.! Dot Bo Flteh,, al te ltes son suceses.Senior Ortiz Tirado, -former leading' Ed Frazer, Justice GAates, Victor- Han- Mrs. Frank L.. Kayé sang thirec sogste .iç' National Opera so n, William Heyn, Bob Hie ls, William .og eo of. AfeNxo' Kili, James Kraft, Rlex Martin, Clyde -wcIl chosen for bier beautiful voice- conipaiiv, is also - an accomplished MNurphy, Richard Vlôkard, WViliard "Sylvia". by Speaks, "I L.ove thec surgeon. He is devoting the pro- lteieh, i)ave iioutsouig, Nornian Rugen,. Moon" hy Rubens and "I Pass by, Yotur ced(s of luis XBC series (WEAF, I-f'4 ry 8lîani * D ick Sillo r, I ri ng W indow ." M r .J l n J r c v a o m S tu d , a 7 p n . t h e s ab slo;Ia a, Ed 8ol.oan, Dick Steeni, MarkrsJon. ac-a J ýl(-Ii a n d e p a 1 p tii e li e a h e p a n o .is h n i c n t o f a n o r t l îo p e d ic c lin ic f o r JIJNOltBOYS- -Mrs. H. G. Dalton, prograin chair- the poor iný Mexico. houer RAll - run, has heeni responsible for the niany- J'au Bak , l oeBcadîtersing programis we have ail.c1-1 n-'Coloniel, and' Nirs. Howard -W. I-aIWillam Katz, Locke. Rogers, ;joyed this - year. 'She planlncd the teas Hodgk iis. 431 Ahbotsford> road,' are lIeer (iilbeî't, Ceorge INaxwell, 'Ver-* for the niothers of cacti grade, giving leaving 1KcnilwNoili today, motorin g noa Bigei,.lak ong ~lllaîi Caythem theop tiael Kuîia, ,Long. llamon,1-ani' mortun ity to becoie' better to . Washington to visit relatives. WoîenbrgLouis11 Klein, Mùtiey Bry- acqluainted and to exchange ideas.Thv~'Istpa iarFasan anGardinea' 1,Joinsoîî, Lester Korn- The rctiring omfcers are:- Mrs. J. jXw okatrnaigavsto * iii, Jfarry miina', 1Fvýerette. Warshaw- Tracey, president; Mrs. H. E. Lerschi, thiree wck.Tley .wifl return accom- * oh tonorable Mention first vice-president; Mrs. Ho r ace~pne y hi agteHln Schapir YIS Ani .as- x -Jean Lew-%is, Idamae Ober- inan, Roland Whitian, hiliard Apple- William W<adeaeon iln;Aud-- gaiet Schmitt, Betty Solo- yard, Sydney Craig, George Dickerson, Wolff.- Keînper Knapp and. his sister, Mar- ,ret Thalînann, Nlary Waid- Phîl Frye,j Jamies Lightbody, Frank - Honorable Mention garet, of. Chicago, opened their' sum- Voodll. Tùndall, Dlek Babeork, Phill.ll erand, AMan Babcock, 1-irani Beldiag; Ilu- mrhome at 83 lIîdian li road, onorable Mention James HIammond, Both Johinsoaî, How- bert Bjlitingt(oti 'Chester BIand, .Iarvî's Baihatchet, Jean, Bar- ard Joues, Jne -Nornanyle, Douglas Ray- Brown, Edwin ('olegrove, Michael Dide- NMay 15. ecker, Miarie Beaiz, Bertha niond, Robert Sandy,. Johhn Schaefgen, rich, Walter Dlebold, William Fetcher, iia Brooks, Julia Carroll, Allan, Stahl, David Hottman, Stuart Gilbelnt Hoffman, Hubert Howard, Mr. and Nfrs. AlbertPg 0 rk. Freda Cierlachl, Nancy L[,ake, Gridley Demieut, Ralph Elson, Mathews Krltchever, Arne Mauland, Ahadacir ae 0 ffne Hahin. Beatrice Hard- Robert -a an lel aey o Jc oter, John Records, Johnvene, cntert'ained at tea Huif, Alnma. Katz, Marilyn Hoermanson,. ,Ralph Hîultgiren,- Frank Sprenger, Landon Taeylor, Marcel Van- Sunday in, honlor of Mr. and, Mrs.- Lineberger, Mary Maistro- ;Stannard,,Gerald Taber, Miller Ulîman, Hement, Richard Weil. Gille Woshen., Frank MCClurc of Wilmette.

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