Add auOutdoor Lliving Rooni audý -Sleýeping Porcli >3e They re coming! World's Fair visitors will soon be Lahre' Are you ready for the guests who wiII make your home their headquarters? There is time to prepare that.additional room or build a sleepingý porch. Add a permanent toueh to your home. and cure for your guests withour hardship.. Build now, for costS of materiaEs and labor May NEVER BE SO LOW AGAIN! Ask the North Sh~ore Lumber Dealer in your community. He's at. your service!. * .. nresW gour dollar NO4)%.sprset vulue I~0'1S~IT'Ii l t,,hg#bu,,1el Hq IALF as souuel Buit for out-o)f-ýdoors service, Made to withstand the wether and give rnany seasons of satisfirctory, serv- k Ice. Roomy anmi comniforta ble andi 3 never Iower pr'ced:than NOW! Chair, as illustrated, Special ............ 7 Settee, to match$39 chair ................$39 Standard Size Pence Posts, No. iNrhenW0t ea each.. 25,c 4p"x7 ïfl Fence Pi*ckets, eitber ,1 "x4" or 1l"x3' in .4' Iengtbs, each ,................... 4 Grade No. 1, 2'Mç" yellow pine, surf aced, 4 sides, Iengths 4'. to 6', per lineal foot.... 2 ýOtiier lengths, per 1 ineal foot ...2,c each. . 138c, 18-inch stakes tection, per bundle ....... e a c h . 4 9 C for Iawn pro. faced. Rooling, 901Mb. >f, per .... . . .$ x- -e. Uns. fil WINNETKA COAL & LUMBER CO. Su Center St, Wînnetka Phono ,Winuetjka 734, IoUR U-t,0C.S E 11q MERCER LUMBER COMPANJES 85 Glnoe. Rd, Winntka Phn. Winnetka 452 NOW! PUT