ence is in the stretek and comebark-you con set, how Supertwîst cord stretches and cornes back, how the cord in other tires loses 'its life and elasticity It takes about 3 minutes to tell the story-but as this custorner said-"If every car owner could see that demonstration, there wo,-uldnt bc anything used. hut Goodyear Tirers." 4.50-21 4.75-19. 5.00-19 5.25-18.. 5.50.19 .. 6.00-20 WiIn,-teDttr leicServc 740 weilth Sèseot Shawriee Service Garage 515,4th, St., WiL,636 Lynam Service Station 45Ridge Ave., Wil., 5426 Phono Wilniette 69110696 Shimonek Service 803 Main St., Wil. 5374 *Thrfty Ceai, Users ArePlcg Their Orders Now Our prices fodlay on ait grades of Consumfers Guaranteed Coal are Iower thari they have been in mnany years. Thrifty farmilies wilI mnake a decided reduction from Iast winter's heating costs if they 'wiII le+ us fil1 their coal bins now. Why, not ftephone. 1oday, and let us tell you ail about if? GUARANTEED COAL FUEL OIL SOLVAY COKE I ESLIVERY Y ARD S A.LL @pUMers@nai 0;V ERH -0,R TH': S HO10>R..Eý WILMETTE 1300 L.WINNETKA 3386, GLENCOE 75 DIlS TR.I'C.T Buit Up Style... Sereen Style . $2,1 289WILMTTEfori W. Railroad Ave. 7.60 8.50 9.70 13.60, I