tirar~i w.V* aYuUfrita., Jack Norris, Jean P. O'Brien, HIelen M. Oison, John F. Oison, James B. O'Neill. - Sally Ann Peaslee, Mary June Peter- hans; Lowell S. Peterson, Nancy Pick- ard, Priscilla P. Pollock, Wllmar A. Popp, Joan Porter, Matie L. Porth, Mary- Alice Potter, Helen Prescott., John. D. Randail, Harold t. Ray,. Jr., Howard B. Reinwald, Peter J. Rice, Charles P. Ripley, James C.ý Rogers, P'hillp) T., Rogers, Roberta M. Rogers, Lois Ann Roeen. 1Phllip Samuelson, John E. sauvage, Donald D., Scarif, Helen E. Schaeffer. O. Roy Scheibel, Louise E;. Schreiber, Eve- lyn V. Sehuber, George ýW. Schwall,I Celia Seiden, Richard I. Shapîro, Ken neth G- Smith, Robert H. Smith, Lowvvell D. Sporf, Betty Claire Solomon, jane C. Solomon, Chuck. B. Soule, Jean G. Soanuth, William Splnney, Arthur G. Fire Chief Will Attend State Association Meet Fire Chief Walter Zibble will at- tend the annual fire college to be conducted by the Illinois Firemei's association at Champaigii from june- 2A to June 23., On recommendation, of Trustee WalterC. Farrar, chair- man of the police and fire 'com m'ittee, the Vill age board at its regular meet- ing Tuesday night voted that Chi2t- Zibble should be authorized to at- tend. Mrs.. Edwin A. Robson, 1529: Forest avenue, will be. hostess to the rnembers of her bridge club at luncheon next Tuesdav. Drapes> ILow as per pair . 9xl2 Dome.tie Rugs LOW W. gmuaat..the am uat workman.idp rendiaed te thim çomm.nuuaty for .,oiÏ than ý20 eu. ME STJIIAN BrOs. Un. 5050 Wilnm.tt SoSO wlio L ar uote graduated from the Wimette public sehools Friday night, June 16, in the Leslie F. Gates gym- nasiuin of New Trier High_ school. The exercises are being held at the high school this year on the night following thé. New Trier commence- meént b)ecause no auditorium in Wil1- mette is large enough to acconm- modate the crowd that is expected to .attend. Harper, to Present Ca"s Supt. J. R. 'Harper of the Wilmette schools will make the pre.sentation of the class, and music will be furnishe 'd by school orgaffizations. Inicl.uded in this year's class, of 192 are ten pupils from. the Higlicrest school in,,west Wrilrnette, which -becamne a part of the Wilmiette school system at the beginning of the 1932-1933'ter. Follo,%inlg is a complete Eist of the> 1933 \Vilmette graduates: Albert. A. Anderson, James F. Ander- >:on, Robert M. Anderson, Aswail 'N. An- derson. Margard. A. Bach, Mary Franceq Bwdger. .Ja mes G. Badger, Jr., Fred H. 1,»aker. ireine,. Baron, Arnnan~e Bar- ro-tt, Edith G. Bartlett, Edina M. ]3augh- immn, 0hre . Beck, <leorgia Ann BettnghusVirginlia M. Bleser, Gor- <Ion C'. B(oling, Thllmalý Nt. Bondy. Jlulia 13. BÀo±È, Helen 1. Born, Harold F.ý Bo(rre., Bes.-ë e(,uehik;:s,, FrankS Srychta. Elaine. K. Buek, Donald W. Bui-kt,, Lorothy M. Burgess, Lore Buza.In. Elnier W%. Car Ison, Albert s., Care- t er, (rc M.Centifanito, Robert R.1 ('Ihristensen, -'rthur W. Ç-ooke,. Virginia R. ou*Heln ot'.er-e., Marian E. (~<>~Daphn -Crag, -let L. Crane, Ftcadj. Curry. Alajn F. Daily, Dorothy B. Davis,' (liaý 1,. Dei Carlo, June Digre, Doro-; thy Mi. Dittmar, Betty May.ý Dodds, Fred i DriuJamjesý -W. Dricker. * futhl A-. E"belUng, Carol A. Edîenb)erg,ý * o<ih . Elsilr, Betty J. Ellis, Cas- Thedoe S Felt, tr .Follans- 1bee, Carl il1. Fredigke, B3etty Ruth, Friendt. Betty Fue.rmann. mlarie . itrJohn Ciasn (hria G. Gouzajlez, 'W. Jte Guh pNiliI >. C. Maham Betty R. Green., C'harles &. iîaigh.i Joan A. ilailiwell, 1 C oayl Hlann.en, Richard c. Hiarper, William, H. i-Irrdge, Gwendolyn Har- Niev Xrnia A.Heinrichs, Met . J{vtz Drothy. R. Hienderson, Robert W.Lenesojoseph, H.- Héns, Ed- ~vard ltess, Majorie j. Hili, Jame A tures.RobrtA. Hines, Betty B. Hloar, I THE WILMETTE BATHINO BEACH WILL OPEN FOR THE SEASON SATURDAY, JUNE l7Tu.i *SEASON TICKETS MAY BE PRQCURED AT THE BEACH HQUSE-STARTING