1 Overnight Bag '98 Youll agjr*e that the, tailorîng and sma,$ styling of these Cool çomfy frocks are rem* icent of Muc igher- price-idrtal Here are:frocksof oither wide, or narrow wale pqei ht n deligjhtful :pastel tints. Just the frock for. golf, -for tennis, for ait sportswear. Some feature tho new eyelet-drawn neckline « others are square of neck end jauntily buttoned. Sixes 14 to 20. Tub. Prock Shop--Second Ploor It's a Pleasure to Lug LUCCAGE As Up-to-Date As This, Wh.ther you fravel fat or aeag-ýby fetn. bodf or cai-her* is the Iuggage to ma&eý fhe tip .quit. comfortable and 'easy. 11- Convenie:nt Handý Trunk U niosa you've fried one you cennot imagine the. spaouiun.ss of tih... compact 111*1. handtrunks. Th.y are 24 inches long with Duponf cov.rnag. Ladies'ý $1.69 Case Made of g.numne 8 c o whkide, if you $8 piease. in..s*v.ral favored> sizes. thes. bags boast tht.. pockets. Outitandin;. value you'II admit, at just $2.88. s e 66JEJNE 85WIEBOLDrS MONTH EN EVANOTON" Wlet 0 On Davs Street wilmeffe 1100