quartet. The Sixth Corps Area tearn will be remembered for the gallant9 wyay it defended its rights by being runner-up in the National Indoor Open -c hampionships, against ,Win- ston Guest's Optitmîst .teamn of New, York.. Many followers of Mai. C. C. "Squire" Smith,, Capt.* C. A., "Doc" Wilkinson, and Capt. C. E. "Stub" Davyis,. will remember their spectacu- lar gaines, and this trio augmented by Capt. P. B. "Pete" .Rodes, inter- nationally famous outdoor star, will give, the Sixth, Corps Airea one. of the strongest teains ini the .country. This gaine will undoubtedlv Ie very fast and exciting as >these two amry, teais tâke the field with rnuch' at stake. The public address systei has been perfected this, year and a runinig account of the gane-s wi!l be giveri by Bill Bishop. It is expected that I the Druin and Bugle' corps of thel American- Legion post of Highland Park will be on~ hand to. enliven the, day. The liineurD for Sunday will be: Six Corps Area: Capt. C. A. "Io(," Wilkinson- 1-Fort Sheridan: Major C. K. Rhiniehart 1. Six Corps Area: Capt. C. E. 'Stuth" Davis 2-Fort. Sheridan: Capt. C. B. Cole 2. SSix Corpsý Area: Capt. P. Bi. "Pete"' Rodes 3-Fort, Sheridan: Lt. G. S.ý "Budge" Smith 3. Six Corps Area: Major ('. C. -Square- Smith 4-Fort Sheridan: Lt. L. G. Lay"Smnith 4. 26 Men Take Test f or Job as Policeman Here Trustee, Walter C. Farrar, chair- inan of the police and fire coninittec of the Village board, reported at hIe. regular ieeting of the' board Tues;- day night that twenty-six Men i 'ad taken ,the corupetitive examiinatiot, for possible einploynxent as. an addi- tional Wilinette pol.icerniln. Mr. Far- rar, on l)ehalf of his commnittee, rec- omniended the appointinent of Iofin M. Casseil. 229 Sixteen.th street. as, the mani best suited for the job. the. appointinent to be effective at a tinie to l)e designated by the, Village board after the adoption of the budget for 1933-1934. Miss Minnie C.-Hood of Boston is arriving this week to visit ber brother, J. A. }I-ood,, the father of Mrs. Lenoir Miller, 106 Sixth street. The Ralph W. Wagners have mov- ed from their home at 2403 Iroquois road to 1370 Greenlea.f avenue, Rogers Park. ci see 1f rom1 y "We ilh you al the liappines8 ;n ithe world!" giver" 'WWerever you cal1, the cost is small.