Miss Marion SPrenger will be ber sister's maid of honor and Lorin Mc- Ewen of Chicago will be best mani for bis brother. After Dr. McEwen and bis bride. returti from t heir wedding trip, tbey wiIl live, in, Evaniston. The bride-to-be's. sister, Mrs.' Fred Tuttie of Oak Park, is giving an af. ternoon bridge Saturday of this week ini Miss Sprenge r's honor, thehoes inviting as be r guests, a number of ber old, friends. ATTENDS DOUBLE FUNERAL Mrs. C. J. Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue, Wilmette, returned on Tues'- day of last week -from Melvin, III., wbere she had attended the, double funeral on. May 29, of Dr. and Mes. HQratio N. Boshell who were killed in a tragic auto accident. Thursday night,ý May 25,. on. Governor's high- way, six miles fromi Kankakee.. Dr.' Bosheli had been widely known in bis profession 'as a surgeon, and had a number of friends on the north- shore.. Over 2,000 people attended the funeral. shaues. . 81. DY I 7 %i. ; two 4 Mt.by 7%> ft. Color--green and white stripes., with pulleys and cords. Aimost new. $10 for ail. Winnetka '1149., 129LTN5-ltp 3-PC.. PARLOR SET, 3-PC. BEDRM. set, two. 9x12 rmg;, 100-lb. te box, Kas stove, eiectric washer and Majes- tic radio. Reamonabie for quick sale. Excellent condition. Cali after 4 p. fil.. à15 Elm'St., rear.-I 129LT95-ýltD -BABy STRLOLLER $3;~ BABýY CAR rnage; bath table, and' scale. Leather armed chair $2; dresser $3.; single bed sprIng and mnattress $3. Sanitary couch $3; chiffonier $5. Ph.,Winnet- km, 2288. 129L5-ltp S¶OVrE, AEOLIAN ORGA14 WITH rolis, china cabinets, book cases, wick- er. and antiques cheap. 823 lth. St.. Wllmette. m129L5-ltp FOR. SALE - 5-PC. ÎFRENCH GREY bedrm. set, splendid cond. Reasonaie. Plowman, W.In-netka 1131.. 129gLTN5-1 t 131 FOR BALE-M 18CLLAN Kou* TOOLS: STEEL PLANE$, HAND saws, braces and bits, reamers. chisels, etc., etc. Brand new. cant use, "eIl cheap., Aiso pressure paint spray and gun, 8-lnch saw table with motor. jig saw with, motor. Phone Wiimette 1825. 131L'rN5-ltc TWO NATIONAL CASH REGSTRS electrie, mahogany and oak finish. Good condition. Cail Winhetka 12t'6 or 121. Î3LT7;5-1tl OUTBOARD MOTOR, LIGHT TWIN, brand new. Sel cheap, can't use Phione Wilmette 1825. 131LTN5-ltc FOR SALE-EVANS POWER CYCLE. perfect condition. Price $30. Ph. Win- netkm, 2767. l3IL5-ltp 132 WTO. TO BIY-MISCSLLANEQUS A. MARTIN BUYS ALL KINDS 0F' MEN-S USE»J ciothing and shoes; also ail kinds of furs. Cail anywhere. Phone Uni. 0347. 132LTN.5-l t c WANTED-A GOOD CAOH CHEAP.1 Call iWlmette 1251. 132LTN5-ltp son -of James G.Barbers Taken by Death Tbursday James Albert Barber, 10 year old so n of Mr. and. Mis. James G. Bar- ber of 2623 Thayer street, Evanston, died Thursday, june 1, at the E~vans-~ tnose who aiready haVe made reser- vations at the Stevens hotel bea.d- quarters are Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Florence Freund, Miss Esther Hoff- mai, Miss Lillian Leaf. Miss. Anm PhilliPs, Miss Ruth Slown, Mrs., Harry, Smoot, and Mrs. Esther Stone. Women's chaning pflace- in, the business world. during the past fifty years is to be. reviewed, ber special dificulties during the years -of de-. Pression are to be. studied, and a new course for ber future is to be cbarted, according to Mrs. E. Pearli:Warwick~ of Champaign., Ili., covetion chair man. .The.women on the above 'list are' serving on 'convention .commnittees, and acting as hostesses to 5,00() busi- nesand. prof essional women whcr are ,expected to attend the conven- tion. VACATIONING IN COLORADO Miss Isabel Macalister, daugbter of the J. Nye Macalistens, 918 Ash- land avenue, bas finisbed ber first yçar of nurse's training 'at the Evanston bospital and is taking a nonth's vacation at Boulder, Colù. Miss Macalister attended tbe Uni- versity of Colorado there for two years and will return. for the june week festivities. David, son of Mn. and Mrs. Roger P. Behan of Auburtidale, Mass., arrived Friday f rom Ottawa ' Kas., where be bad been visiting bis paternal grand- parents, to join his inotber, wbo is visiting ber parents, the Kelso Farleys of 300 Abbotsfond road, Kenilwontb. stay a week to visit A Century of Pnog- ress ex position. Tbey aIl will returti borne together. Mr. and Mrs. Madison Welsb and ber. daugbter, Jane, o alRiver, Mass., arrived Sunday on a -visit witb Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris of 944 Sheridan road. Mrs. L. E. James, rnother of Mrs. Harris, retunned last week f rom a visit ini Aurora. 111. sage bouquet of white roses and blue flowers. Arthur Hlempker of Evanston served as, best man. Mr. Young,. an electrical engineer with the Public Service- company in Evanston, and bhis bride bave gone to Delavan Lake, Wis., on their boney- mnoon. , Tbey will return to live on the nortb shore. TOURING IN EAST' Mrs. Wlilliam. Benner' of '1420 Maple avenue, accompanied by Joan and Billy, and Mrs. Benner's mother Mrs. Charles Pfanschmidt of, Evans- ton, bave left for an extensive moton tour of, the east. Tbey will visit. Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls New York, Boston, and several othier points of interest before returning to Wilmette., Mr. and Mrs. Beniner I Joan, and Biýlly expect to spend 'sev- éral. weeks fishing up in the, northern woods of Minnesota upon Mrs. Ben- ner's return from the east. RECOVERS FROM ILLNES S Ber ard Meier, 2117 Lake avenue. t2oba been taking treatments for kid e troule at the Chicago Me- morial hospital, bas almost fully ne- covered and has neturned to bis work at tbe Wilmette Ice company. Hlis brother, Frank Meier, is also back at wonk at tbe ice company after undergoing observation at tbe 'Sac- red Heart sanitariurn in Milwaukee. RECEl VES MASTERS DEGREE. Miss Alice King, daugbter of tbe Kari D. Kings, 914 Greenwood ave- nue, received ber Masters degree this June from Teachers college, New York City. While she was there she stayed at the International bouse. Miss King returned to Wilmette last Saturday. Her brothier, Bob, who is completing bis junior year at Dart- mouth, is retûrning to his home on jute 15.1 -David Weimar, son of Mr. and Mrs.t HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Jimmie Fuidge, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Reese Fu.idge of 527 Park ave- nue, celebrated bis eigbîb birtbday on Tbursday, Jute 1. He. had as bis guests La Verne Engelbright, Shel- don Vance, John Ward Hefferman,' Bruce Borne, Rose-Marie Kusseli. Arthur Wendall, Jite McDaniel, and John Voss. Refreshînents consisting ofa huge binthday cake, sandwicbes; cocoa, candy, cookies and ice creamt were served. Mn. and Mrs. E. B. Scott and their sons, Hugb and Paul, 1723 Elmwood avenue, accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. William MacNichols of Kenilw.ortb, Mrs. Lillian Darrow (a daughter-in- law of Clarence Darrow), Miss Jessie Barry of Chicago, and Miss Nellie Car- lin of Wilmette, are leaving Saturdaf to motor to Wooster, Ohio, to see Mar- tha Johnson Scott graduate f rom the College of, Woosten. -o- Harniet Webster, 1601: Tentb street, Miss Lorraine Moone, 534 Essex a student at Connecticut college, wili rQad, Kenilwontb, left last Satunday be in the Court of Honor at com- to attend tbe senior bail at the Uni-, mencement. She does not returti to Wil- versity 'of Illinois. mette- until nextweek . .1is the .at