.,tltlesenuveriy, 'iycne stadi- um, General Dawes' home, the Evans- ton hospital, and the National College of Education. A special trip will be made into the Baha'i temple where guides wiIl sbow the. visitons around and ex plai.n to tbem the beauties of tbe architecture. The tour wili continue along Sheridan road and througb Huh- hard Ravine. The exact route back wili .be determined today. Robert Fuchs Meneley Engliged to Càlifoirnian Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bovier of Glen- date. Cal., announce tbe, engag ement of their (laugbter, Florence, Rebec ca,: to Robert Fuchs Meneley- of Los Angeles (Hollywood). Robert is the Son of* Mrs.> James L. Meneley and thé late Ezra D. Fuchs of WiImette,' who, was the tounder of, the E. D. Fuchs Electric, ompanyv of Chicago. Robert was raised in Wilmette ' havinig gradu- aîed f rom the Stolp. schoo. -He. was also a mnemher of tbe Wilmette Parisb Methodist churclh and Sunday school. He is nowv connected with the radio de- partment of the Curtiss-Wright Scbool f Aeuiics ai Glendale. No definite date has bcen set for the wedding. HOSTESS AT TEA Mrs. Frank Barrett, 612 Essex road, Kenilworth, was bostess at tea on Fri- day to the Evanston and Kenilworth pilots for the annual meeting of tbe Garden Clb of America. Mrs. Barnett was assisted by tbree otber members of the transportation conimittee, Mrs. Percy Cuitler, Mrs. Ralph Starr, an~d Mrs. Harold Tideman. is.Helen Hodgkins, 431 Abbotts- fordi road, Kenilworth, will be borne Juiie .18, f rom George ýWashingt.on university. takeri for next year. GUESTS FROM NEBRAgKA Mrs.. E. E. Woodward and her mother-in-law, Mrs. W. A. Wood- wiard,'botb, of, Lincoln, Neb., are guests at the borneë of the former's. daughter,, Mrs. W.. F. Jones, 721: Prairie avenue. They ail atteirded-A Ctury of Progress exposition last Tusay.. Mr.ý Woodward is com-, ing by motor in about ten days to spend a, fortnight ' and will return to Lincoln* with bis wife and mother. Mrs. Claude C.Ftc,03 Elm- woodavene, lFitonay igh3 fo aoo .taveinute, west. S oes irt o Lsa Angteet vi gefsit bet a' doagte-a, Mr. and r sonThon- as A. Fricha, Mdrbenanto Seaýttme. ashA.,Fitoheawtb er on-inSeate ad, dat e, th e rlp . R-l bocks. EverytJeing for 014Style, Lager.. .-Our Specîalty TAVRNPL and CANADA DRY GINGER ALE TABLE W ATER AL SOFT DRINKS S/everaqes DZeXuxe iC0. Phone Winnetka 76 The mome DANGEROUS. Tlhlin athe ýWIEBOLDT'S. EVANSTONê On Davs Siree' WUm.tie 1100 §ILI à-%§UnEl0WA £=K FAVORITES PHONE WILMETTE 402 EaRICKSON'8 DIELIYM~Y, Ben Erlelkoon Gu ariz,,n teed Cas. off 24 1* ALL THE 0WD