Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1933, 4B

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home andA merican [home1Vlite. m.&YI Ernest Lynn Waldorf is one of the members at large and also a member of the comnmittee wbich ~will study the Christian bome's relation to schools, individuals and churches. Mrs,' Oscar Toison ' and Mrs. R.,M.. Campbell are members of the same co mmittee.. 1 About two hundred Methodist nmen and wonien have been appointed to.this commission. Most of theni are resi- dents of Illinlois, but a few Methodists' *from ' Iowa, Minnesota. and New York, have been appointed. The commission bas been sub-divided by Bishop Waîdorf into three commit- tees, each of which wiIl conduct in- tensive research into, one, phase of ýthe problem., One will investigate the ^facts as to the stâtus, of the home in the United States. A second will rnake a study of the forces, which buiîd the. home and those whici. destroy it. And a third will consider the relations of the home. to such institutional forces in- American life as the schools, the pa rent-teacher associations and the church itself. 'Special attention wîll be given to methods of inducing modern families to restore theý famly pew. Catholie Club Juniors Appoint New Chairmen' At a recent board meeting held at, the home of the new president, Miss. Dorothy Pettinger, the junior àuxiliary of the Catbolic Woman's club appoint- ed the following girls as committee chairmen for the' coming year. In the fine arts 'department 'Miss Mary Alice Shaugbnessy is to have charge of the art division, Mrs. Charles W Camp- bell of the music, and Miss jane Nor- mani of the, literature. Miss Louise DeTamble is the new civics' chairman, and Miss Mary Hughs and Miss Vivyenne Morin will work unider bert in cag of, the Girl. Scouts and motioni pictures. respectively. The philan-i * thropy department %Vill be headed byi Miss Dorothv Bichî, with Miss Maryc Dillon to ass;ist ber as chairman of thef St. Vincent's sewing group. Missa Clara Meter is ini charge of the audit-1 'Schoolmates and f iends of Eugenia Serry (rdght) and Patricia Mroz wiil be pieased to hear that tbhey will take part in ýthe recital, to -be given in th e Lyon. and Healy Concert hall, Saturday, lune 10,, at 3:30 o'clock. Eugenia Sherry, 'a membier' of the graduating class froni thé eighth grade at, the St. Francis' Xavier scbool, is the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sherry, 321 Fourth Sbe is regarded as. an excep- tionally, accomplisbed -violinist for- ber, age. Her nnrn!er ini this engagement is "Fîfth Air front Dancla." Shte wil be accompanied by Patricia Mroz. Patricia Mroz, a seventh grade stu- Ident. at. St. Francis Xavier school, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jillson, 225.Lnenaeu. atricia too, shows a marked degmee of pianistic ability for one so younig. She was lead- ing accompanist 'for the year-etfd op- eretta, gîven a few weeks ago by the school- chiîdren. Patricia will play 'Valcik," by Mokrejs, and'"At Morti" by Godard. Botb Patricia and Eugenia have pîayed several times for the Parentz. Teacher association and at other per- formances. Both are members of the school orchestra. (Photo of Euigenia Sherry by New Camnera Art Studio, of Patricia M1-rc'z hy Mathew Franci) Win Blue Ribbons for Garden Club Contest Winners of the blue ribbons at the garden contest of the Kenilworth Home and Garden club held on Monday were as follows: Mrs. Frank Nason, for ber dining room arrangement of low pewter 'bol witb wbitewater lilies, was presented with a bird bath; Mrs. F. B, MacKin- non, for ber living room arrangement of blue japanese iris and pink japaniese peonies in a pewter pitcher, was given a green wrought-irôn garden tea table. F~or 'ber specimen of. Yolande- 'iris, school, secretary, and Miss Alice O'Connell, kindergarten teacher ati the Highcrest school, treasurer. *This siate of officers was nomi- nated by a committee composed of, Miss Roena Mulford of the Tenth street school, chairman, Miss An- nette KeIIey of the ýLaurel school, j Mrs. Julia P. Davenlport of the Lo- gan school, Miss Alice O'Connelil of the Highcrest school, Miss Frances Donnelîy, art. super visor, Mrs. Pearle P. jones of. the Howard school and Miss Helen Hardick of, the Central school. The entire. siate was elected Ûnanimously b h teachers' club. The club holds regular -meetings onice each month. Miss, Marie Fox of the Central school is the. retiring1 president. At the last meeting o f the -club ýH. B. Mulford,' former president, of theI Wilmette school board and now aj member -of the board of education of New Trier High school, gave a talk on the Mayan ruins and showed pic-f turcs that he took there. m~e RiiUitti reUVaJiai, tC 'coiie.iÇC friencîs that dropped sendiuig Christ- mas cards until last year, the friends in ail the places one bias lived, and. the business connections that Iust happened to be in Chicago. Is it an.,> wonder that anticipation is purpie rather than rosy? The Wilmette public library bas had catering to guests in mind for a long time, and bias brought together a mouth-watering, collection of whbat to serve, and how to serve it. These. b ooks are.the Iast word in unusual dishes for aIl sorts of people; for grandfather on a diet, for.robust 1111_- cIe John, for collegiate young men. a nd visiting bridge -clubbers who want the newest to take back to the Dakotas. Au Anamg Gem An amusing gem that starts the 1 )rain ceils working is Heaton's "The Perfect Hostess,. It. helps one plan a luncheon for an old flame of- one's huisband, tbe stag dinner, the bride's first 'and second dinner parties-, and what to do. in emergencies. Two books that women Who love Efleanor IdIer Listed > ood c o o kery swear by are "The Boston School Coo king Book." And as Roekford Graduate'"The 'Settlement iCookho'ok.", Two Miss Eleanor Idler, daugbter of Dr. l that deserve- equally strong coin- and Mrs. Percy Idier, 932 Ashland mendation' are "Everyb4odys Coolc- avenue, will graduate this nionth froni -book" by Mrs., Lord aid" the cook- Rockford college, Rockfor4, III., one 1)00k of Mrs. Wi liiarrm Vàau g hn of 'the oldest and most distinguished Moody. colleges for women in the middle west. A knowledge of nsual and ex- Miss Idler's class is tbe seventy-ninth otic dishes seemns to Ibe a post that class to receive degrees of A. B. and all traveled and sophisticated people B. S. f rorn the. coîlege._____ nust pass. 'Tou 'don't know poin- Commencement exercîses-wil con- îano or gumbo or apple strudel or clude a week-end of'festivities, given in niestmone-. WHERE have v ou~ bonor of the seniors, and will be held e?" utte ew egoaco- Monday, june 12, at 5 o'clock in th etoksxiii cuthen e I at. necank afternoon' in the college qtiadrangle. learn . alt thesýe things stay-ing 'at Dr. Horace J. Bridges, leader of the y I2.IIIdI ,.ULUF ooîeî olUllça o iý will addÉess the graduating cîass this year, on '.The Meaning of'Culture. . Miss Idler has, spent, onîy ber last two years at ýRockford, but, during that tinie bas been a memnber of College, Government board, bouse president of one of the dormitories, manager of the seniqr store and of ber swimming and basebaîl teanis, a member of League Display Some oo0ki ,.The.,;iihrary. bas: the floowi ng' J'ooks on* dispiay: Hibben-Nationai Cook Book. CoIqutt-Savanna}h Cook Book. Oruer-apeCod Cook Book._ Rhett-Two Hlundred Years of Charles- ton Cooking. Scott-Two Hundred Yeart of 'New . Orleans Cooking. Stjeff-1!at, Drink and Be Merry. ln Marylanxd. Every- **to uilve: Grover1 aftem bis academy. nn, jr., of tion at Culver with Edward L. Scheidenhelm, etka Lake avenue, will be gradual tary the Harvard Law school this is eturning home S$aturday. Jr., 704 :ed from [une and i Mr., Mr. and Mrs. John O'Coninor and >od- daughter, Martha, 149 Kenilworth ave- ing nue, left Wednesday to motor to New une York. Tbey will also go te' New Idil- lay ford, Cotin., to sec Jack O'Connor. graduate f rom the Canterbury schooL* t I

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