val 's to be held in the "14" terminal businýess district the last week in June under the auspices of the re- cently 'organized "1," Terminal Busi- ness association. It wili be a three- day affair, ending with a gala cele- bration on the closing night. Exactt dates of the carnival will he aninounc-. eà tater., There will be tliree events of, im- portance on the program that ýWill mark t hée osing of the carnival, a pet. parade and a doli buggy, parade1 întendçd especially for the chil.dren and a street' dance for the aduits. It is planned to get permission to biock' off:Fourth street 'south of' Linden- avenue for the dance. A street singert will be on hand to entertain also, it is anntiounced. Prizes For Children Mr.E. R. Stone, chairman of tlhei "L" Terminal Business association conitt ee in charge of arrange- ments for the carnival, states that prizes (lonated by m nerchants "in the district will.l)e given to the first and secondI place wvinners in the dolli n-, gyr and pet parades. The winner of frst place in the doîl buggy parade is ti) receive a large (1011 dres'sed, by Rose Obermeier, whilé the second prize %inner will. get a set ýof dishés .1 Girls up to eight years. of age wil be eligil)le toenter.the doit buggy com- petitioni, according to preliminary plans. Ini the pet parade, which «vill be open to children up to twelve' years of age, the prizes will be a bicycle for first pl ace and a pair of roller skates for second place, Mrs. Stone sd.Committee Planis Carnival Meînbers of the coînmittee assist- 1 ig Mrs.'"St6iie in planning the car- nivai are AI Rodenkirk of the Fourth street garage, Morris Mann of the "Il Terminal Fýood shop,' Miss Haas of the Linden Crest Beautv shop and Jamés Ro berts'n of the Atlantic. and, Pacitfic 'store on Ilinden avenue. 0f- ficers of- the "b" Terminal Business, associatio-Harry DorninosT of the Terminal Hardware, store, president;. Rose Obermieier, interior decorator, secretarv-treasurer, and Aider Tighe, vice-presi(ent-also are cooperating *with the com~mittee in planning the event. The :L Terminal Business associa- tion mieet.s once each. w%-eek.Te dames C.. r. LDb, 0. E.îel, J. Prai- vey, R. C. Hansen, P. Hoffmann, A. Lee, 1. G. Lee, W. Mason, P. W. Mc- Kay, A. J. Nystrom, J. J. .O'Grady' and I. W. Steitz. Mr. anid Mr.s. Mil-. ton E. Reid will entertain. the chul-' drn. Volicyball, c'ards -and other gaines will be played. A life guard. will be provided to protect ail bathers, it is, announced. A large beach fire wil1 be: ighted, as well, as ýmaller _fireî for Wiener roasts and the usual picnic requirements. Mrs. Dubbs will pro- vide the ecoffee, and the gues ts may bring sugar and cream. Dancing on the terrace of the Dubbs'.. residence wiIl be another feature of-the party.ý In event oficlement weather, the party wili retire to the recreation room in the Dubbs' home. Eaéh member of, the Xilnette Home Owners. association is being requested to bring a hom'e-owning neighbor to the party. Mfr. and Mrs. Rudolph Osteriniin, 234' Warwick road, Keniiworth, will entertain at a small dinner Friday for their daughter. -Ruth, preceding, the Roycemore prom. unider way1 to 'provide f ree parking paenear the "L" terminal, with the intention of attracting World's fair viitors to Wilmette. WEEK-END SPECIAL. Rich, Creamy ICE CI VAN Per Quart Ail Flavors W. Serve Conninghatm's Ie Cream, Seventh Season BETSY N. SHAPKER, Director SWIMMING INSTRUCTION .. EXERCISES ýFOR POSTURE AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT GAMES - TORIES FOR- OLDER GROUPS: CANOEING AND OVER NIGHT TRIPS TElNNIS:FOROLDER GIRLS Three Groups Girls 8 t 14 - Children 3 to 81- Beys 8, to 1 (AVE YOUR CHILD THE ADVANTAGES 0F A SUMMER CAMP HERE AT HOME-AT A FRACTION 0F THE COST For furtker information telephone MISS SHAPKER.-WLIL. 1068 _______"It Has No Bakery Taste"______ .W LM 1ETTE 1129 Central Ave. Phone WiI. 2998 EVANSTON 508 Main St. Phono ýGre. 6132 THURSDAYP,JUNE8 mssorted filling- doz ............ ... . . .. . . . . RANDLE.VgS FormerIy Da,,uemark Electric Ce. 1165 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette,214 1301 Lake Avenue Phonie Wilniette 4200 A laIrge aim e eof ...... 35e w ,Swimming instructors- have had, four to, seven years' experience an 'd are members of the American Red Cross. bife Saving Service. Margaret Callanen B.E. who is in charge of games, stories, etc.,. of younger group, is a graduate of National Coliege of Education. Ned Shapker, in 'charge of older boys' gromp, bas directed boys for four years.