1122 COU" Av. WILMIrTD 3M Ail Bedding Plants at Reduced Prices, Florist ffl !Ridge Rd. wilmetS. 80W on ExpertWr-od aeii Leatber or, Composition .5. WE CALL £ ELIVER FREE CENTRALSHOE EMR 1128 Central -Ave. 1WiL 53U 0101 PINTINNGet Rea4y for. Sports SevnFrsfellesle sFod Push Up Permamient........ .83 S ourse DnerlcFaekal.... 0e aicurie. .. $se At aIL bouts sIX1 Complet. Club Steak Dinner, ige Vae hatmpo., IBlse 0 tender. and juicy,....3 5c ETEIAUYSO ethl ours ...... S M B M H Breakast Dmmer1213 WILUME AV19NUE 811 idg.Rd.Seeond Floor, Phone Wilmette 40 WiIi.tt. uê.adiat.r Co.. Blodies, Fenders, Radistors, Glass Work, Painting, Tops, Upbolsterlng, S e at Covers 1207 Wathlngton Ave. Rear of WlnIette State Ban]k, Phone Wihnette Wz TRI Co. C. O qash Tailoring w extra trous- ntil Joue Sth. lng and Alter- tk and iow ýxt thmeL Re-roof Nowi .AAX -SHINGLEcou. >QHNS-MANVILLE APPROVED ROOFERS 1137 Central Ave. wu. 1248 Complet. Radio Service Priees Beasonable Compote Stock of LATEST SIIEET MUSIC WILMETTE MUSIC & IRADIO CO. Net Iue. - Joe Marty, Jr. 1177. Wiette Ave. Wilmette 80 Shawnee Service Garage AUTO REPAIRING GREASING AND WASHIING BetUer Values at "L" Terminal 515 PQVRTH STREET Phne WLmKTTE 636 G.ed Sh.. Repaimg h O.ae MXSSTY'lS 1185 Wilseftt. Avenue graduates. andci trty otner seni- ioswho will complete their work in .August. The annual commencement exer- cises are to*be held tonight (Thurs- day) in the Leslie, F. Gates gym- nasiurn at thé high. school. The pro- gram bas . been, announced as fol,- 1oWÉ: Processional. (audience. seated) America (audience standing> . ...Carey e Audience Invocation '(audience standing).. .... ey. Oscar Thomas Oison Negro SDiritual-AII Alone In. Front of the Throne. .. Musie by Shelley Miner* Gute Nacht ... ý..... German, Folk Song Touro-louro-louro!.. Burgundian Air .Boys' Octet- Presentation of Henry P. Williams Prizes........... Lewis M. Williams 01, man River . .Arr. by F. H. Huntley Tenor solo--Arthur Katzel Basa . olo--Rîchard .Oison, Sing Me a Chantey with a Yo-Heave-Ho .....O'Keefe-Wellesley Boys' Gice Club- Presentatiori of Ciass Gît t- Robert Seller, President of Class'of 19.33 l3nrelle Moulton, President of Oins., of 1934 Acceptance of 'Class Gift- Otto R. Barnett, President, Board' of Education Eniltte Spiritum tuum.. Joseph Schuetky Glorlous Forever ..ý...... Raclimaninoff Combined GIee Clubs Presentation of Class........... . ......Supt. Matthew P.. Gaffney Presentation of Diplomas- Otto R. Barnett, 'President, Board of Educatlofl Herbert B. Mulford, Secretary, Board of Education Beçessional (audience seated). *The music for the Negro spiritual "Ail l one in Front of the Throne," one of the nunbers to be sung by the boys' octet, is the work of Shel-i ley Miner, one of this year's grad- uates. Following are the narnes of the FEJIIWARY GRADUATES Thomas Ludwig Brooks, Worthy Lovell Chambers, Genevieve Ellen D. PAGLIARULOI Jeweler I Expert Repairsng I Anei. fl8flJ J4UUW1AppelJ~, UFrank Charles Appleyard. Hilmar larance Bakkemo. John Jacob Bailenger, Marlan Farwell Bar- ber, Margaret Gerard Barrett, Roger W. Barrett,' Ray. Charles Bartelman, John Frederick Beckmann, Robert L., Beckwitb,. Doris Ruth eBell1, Eugene Harold Belmont, B etty Jane Bennett. Margaret Caroline Benz, Gertrude Ann Davis, BermIngham, Ruth Jeanne Bersch, Elizabeth Best, Helen Ruth Béttcher, Emma Hayes Bickham, Olive Adele Biilllmack,- Lewis Cole. Birdsall_ Jams Charles Blakley, James Lee Blay- lock. Helen Louise' Booz, Ann Mary Borovicka, Ernest Lennart Bostrom, Beverly. Muriel Bouchard, Henrietta Bradshaw, Lester G. Bratton, William Braun- Bremer, 'Deborah Brennemann. Lucille Mirlam Brenner. Donald Joseph* Ufrggs,, Bradford, Darnes Brown, Char- les Delly Brown, Harry Whlting Brown, Il, Jane Ellsworth Bru nson, Virginia Leatrice Buck,, Laurence Clark Buck- master, Alison Louise Burge, Elleen Burke. Ralph Ernest Burkhardt, Mary. Elizabeth Bryne. Frederlck- Bryan Callanen, :Donald Warren Campbell, Jean Hudson, Camp-' bell, Virginia -Hudson Campbell. Flor- ence , Leighton Care, ElsIa Margery Carlen, Herbert Stanley Carlson, Eliz- abeth Starr Cassels, Janet McCormick Chatten, Eleanore Lois Chichester, Lucy Clagett, Herniona Lorraine Clarke, Al- bert Leslie Clayton,,J. Paul Clayton, Jr.. Willlston Clover, William Gi Cor- mnany, Dora Miriam Crawford, Mary- Jane Crearner. Geraldine Dahi, Josephine Mary Dahin, Sydney S. Date, Dorothy Mae Davies, John W. Davis, Romnaldo A., DeCesaro, Orest William Deligiannis, Clinton William Demmon, Jr., Marshall Wellngton Doose, William Henry Doty, Grace Elise Druniond, Ray, Pearceý Dunn. Frank Riiss Eager, Jr., William Frederick Eberle, Jr., Ameni Janu Ed- itiger, March ,A Edinger, Betty Jahe Edmundson, Grant Conklin Ehrlich, Marion Loffise Ehrmiann, Normnan Sid- ney £1lertsen, David Charles Eisen-. drath. Jean. Helen Eldridge, Grace 'HUI- bert Elias, Frances Marie Elli,.s, Bruce, Gordon Ellison, Jane Brabant Engel, Helen Virginia. Enrlght, Eleanore Mable Enickson, Marjorle Elleen Eva.ns. Lee Bert FalkenbU'rË, Margery Nettie Felsenthal,. Nancy Hollis Fisher., Jane: Fitzgerald, J. Robert Fletcher, Mary Louise Foscue, Judith Muir Fox, Mar- vin Jack Frankel, Edmund James Frazer, Mary Elizabeth F'rench, Ronald Willard Fuermann. Justus Chancellor Gates, Walter John Gielen. J.. TheronF. aifford. Martha Ridge-Lake Ave.. Phione Wiluaette 316 I i qà