given for the Theatre Giuld. x. The benefit Mr- and Mrs. Harold S. Cherry of Albany, N. Y. arrived. Sunday 'to' visit Mr., and 'Mrs' Charles H. Brown )f 809 Lake avenu e. -On Tuesday, Mrs. Brown entertajned at luncheon in honor of Mrs. Cherry at the Cen- tuy lu a ACntury of Progress. Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Wegenen Alling of Lake F~orest, are entertaining tonight, (Thursday) at a buffet supper at Onwenstia club ini honor of the Cherrys. Mrs. L.- H. Ruehl, Who lives 'with her daughter, Mrs. Walter W. tSteg- mnan of 2135 Kenilworth avenue, lef t Iast week f or Powers Lake, Wis., forý the sumnmer season. Hâarriet Webster of 1604 Tenth street, formerly of .Kenilworth, a Connecticut college student, motored homei stopping on the wav to visit ber grandmother in South Bend, Ind. 0o Miss. Mary Whitworth of Pasa- dena,.Calif., returned Saturday after a visit with the Lloyd, M. Willis family of 326 Essex road,, Kenil-. worth. *.-o Eleanor, ýdaughter of 'Mr. and> M-rs.ý Dana Morrison of 306 Cumhberland avenue, 's leaving Kenilvortli july 5, for the Joy Camps at H-aelhuirst, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Archambault, 300 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, left Wednesday for New York, f rom where they sailed Thursday onth Ie Conte Di Savoia, sister ship to the. 1kex,- for a seven weeks' tour of Europe.. Their itinerary. includes France, Italy, Holland.,, Belgiumi, Ger- many, .Switzerland,: and' EngIand, Their young son. jack, i8 in school at St. Patriclc's academy in Momence, Ill., for the. summ ner. Miss Josephine, Coinfort of 812 Prairie avenue has had threeý house guests, recéently., Miss Ina, West of Big Timber, Mont., left for ber home on Saturday, June 10. after spending about two weeks in Wilmette, and Miss Mary and Miss, Martha White, after a few. days' visit, returned to Dana, Ind., Monday. 0o Mr. and Mrs. James W. Aider, 931' Greenwood avenue, Ieft. Friday. mo- toring to HIanover to st their son, James, graduate June 20, at Dart- mouth college. 0o- E. L., Nygaard, principal of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, and. the teachers, were guests of the 19331 graduating class at a beach party Tue-1 day. 0o lIrs. Robert O0. Law, 32, worth avenue, Kenilworth, tained south side friends at eon and bridge Tuesday. Kenil- enter- 'lunch- sho Ihrows hor clothos in the tu .and losa frsh as a daisy each day1 ~4~7j) I. 1~ ""WEDDING RINGS COST NO MORE AT SPAtJLDING-GORHAM'S'i ) I SPAULDING -GORHAM 1636 QRRINGTON AVENUE EVANSTON miýý MM es»»Du Ne AMIL go m J.ý6. m