Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 32

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Mrs. Artbur J. Dixon,, past presi- dent, bas charge of tbe party and ber assisting committee is coniposed of the following women: Mrs, John W. Brashears, Mrs. E. A. Anderson. Mrs. Hl. E. Cutier, Mrs. J. Camnelon, Mrs. John J. Downey, Mrs. -Henry 'W. Drucker,. Miss Rebeccaý Fitch, Mrs. Nelson V. Joyce, Mrs. R. E. P. Kline. Mrs. Edwardl Meier, Mrs. Albert J., Nystrom, Mrs. Fred E. Parry, Mrs. Rglph F.' Potter, Mrs. ýGeorge, H. Redding, Mrs. F.ý J. S-cheidenhelm. Mrs. M. J,.: Sporrerý, Mrs. Enoch Steen,, Mrs. Arthur Stanton. and Mrs. A. C. Schwarni. This promises to be quite a deligit- fuI .affair, ýand, the committee sug- gests.that reserving, tables for. them- selves and friends. would be a nice, wyay for members to help their club and also take' care of somne-of their social obligations. Tables may be re- served by calling Nlrs.. Redding, wh 'o resides at 1516 Elinnood avenue, and tickets may be secured by calling Miss Fitch, whose hoïme is at 103 Elmwood avenue. Nlrs. Cutler lias charge of the prizes and Mlrs. *Schwarmi wiIl direct the arrangem dit of flowers. MIrs. Carl J."ýNylund, the lunchcon chairnian, will be assisted by Mrs. Lincoln i'orrey. The ncwlv elected president of the club*is. Mrs. A. E. Klunder. Mn. WV. A. Richardson Head of Church Guild churci~ at its animal meeting last Fri-ý day. Mrs. Richardson will serve for. a two-year period, succeeding MIrs.. B. F. Blyniyer wlio has just con-, pleted. a similar term of service*. Other offilcers elected at this mxeeting, were: Mrs. John P. Balîman, third vic e-president and social thairmian, succeeding Mrs. George Iliff: Mrs. David I,. Anderson, treasurer, suc- ceeding Mrs. Gale M. Brooks; Mrs.. H. C. Toepen, corresponding secre-, tary, succeeding Mrs. Evan J. M1c- ng. Junet ulley, 220 Sberidap gave a bridge din- Mrs. Roger Behan N. Y., on Saturday Ais..rthfur J. Di.ron of 706 Laurcl aveinte is cizairmiap of t/he f rst of the smmer socil cvents lli7aiicd by the u' %,s and mwans *ollllmittee of fte-W.ornan's Club, of i'Vilnetle as a means of adding to the club's building fund. Thtis event, a bridge luzclco,,, wili take place iie.-t Il 'cdinesdavi at the 1Joa sclub. Mis. Carl Widney. Guest of Honar Daring Visit Pierson's parents., Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelmn, at thieir borne, 804. Fores.t avenue, is bèing entertained by ber friends while bere On Thiursday -of, last week Mrs. WVal- ter U. Clark of 418 .Nitb strcet, was bostess at a tea. Tuesday' of this week Mrs'. Widney was guest of honor at a luncheon Mrs. Pierson gave for members of ber reading club. Tbat same afternoon Mrs. Ira Westbrook of Evanston invited a group of Alpha Phis, to bave tea READING , CIRCLÈ-ITOSTESS The Reading circle bas its next meeting Monday, june 19, at the borne of Mrs. A. C. Wenban, 900 Lake avenue, at 1:30 oMcock. ieat asvenue, Uleîgcoe, Mis Mary K¶ar- ker wilI becomhe the bride of Robert Douglas Weed, son of the Charles Frederick Weeds, also of Glencoe, at 4-.30 o'clock, witb only-the familie., and intimate friends present. .Miss Eli zabeth Haack,'daugbter of Mr.and Mrs. 'Henry J., Haack, 1228. Gregory avenue, Wilmette, wilI be mar- ried .tbis Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, to, Clarence Rowland, Jr., ýof Chicago. The ceremtony will be. solern- nized at ýthe bride's borme by the Rev. John G. Hindley and will befollowed. by a smnall reception. Mrs. Georg e Haack of Nules Center wiIl be bier sis- ter-in-law',sonly Nylen of Chicago land as'best mnan. The other two day are at 8:30. of Wilmette,. at inarried to ýRoy attendant' Raymond will serve, Mr. Row- weddings on Satur- Miss Marian Wolf tbat hour, wiIl be Woltz, sol of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Woltz of Toronto Canlada, in the homûe of-ber mother Mrs. Harry J. W\Nolf of 819 Greeni- wood avenue. The marriage of 'Miss Carroll Slade. of Evanston and Ken- neth C. McKeown of Hubbard Woods takeüs place at the saine timie at the- home of the bride's parents, the John C.Slades, witb 'relatives and, a few close friends the only.guests. I On Tuesday aftertioon at 5 :30, the imarriage service will be read for Miss Mary Martin. and George Frederick Engel, both of Wilmette, in the Lady chapel of St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral. A reception will follow in the Parisb Ilouse. The :bride-to'.be is the daugh- Rudolph Enigel of 210 Dupee place. Win Ribbons for Tables' in Summeir Flower Show Omission- of the names of the ribbon. Winners ini the breakfast'table exhibits ini the surnmer flower. show of the Wilmette Garden club was miade ini the report of the show in last week's issue of WILMFTTIE, LIFE. Ths display, which was Exhibit 8 of Mrs. John Maclean, 924 Green- wood avenue, entertained a group of friends at luncheon. at the Edgewater Beach botel on Wednesday, June 7, for Miss Dorotby Sears 'of Kenil- worth and bier guest, Miss Alice Chase of Lynn, Mass. in review as thle annuai Jgncheon of the grou'p. was held Monday at the Georgiàn hotel. Nearly 150 members gathered to hear report of the year's work accomplished under the admin- istration-of Mrs. John J. Louis and to install Mrs. Alfred H. Taylor of Glencoe, (Joy Scheidenh'elin), as the new president. Mrs. James Rollins was app)ointed the new infant welfare chairnian, and. Mrs. Edward Hart was made the new dental chairman. Miss Helen Dyche was appointed executive secretary, and Miss Helen Cbapman was made chairinan .of the placementý bureau assiste.d bv Mrs. Cordon Canning, Miss Dyche,- Miss: Helen Jones,. Mfrs. Donald Lowvry, Mrs. XVilliami Norris, and Mrs. John Sherer. Mrs. Dren- nan Siater will heail the treasurer's conlnittee, with Mrs. Franklin Calla- ban, MNiss Ma.riaxi Carpenter, and M rs. John llunt as the other inern- bers. Several additions to the 1board we r.e made with.the election of Miss ,\ariaii Carpenter, Mrs. Gordon Can- ning, .Mrs. johi l erdic, and. Mrs. Hortoii Faîl ,asdrcosa-arc aloniz witlî the rctiring. presi(lent. ,Before being welcomeid as. the league's' new presidenit, IMrs. TaI'ylor brought an i iteresting accouint of t he recent national junior 1.eague- conivenition hel(lin I li iladlell)liia., F east of Lanterns and Prom Next Shawnee E Vents Thle annuiial fcatture evenit, the -ý,auriayL ai pnwIICCuotintry club with dinner served froin 7:30 to.9. and dancing hield froin 9 to 1. This affair bas àlways lieen one of Shaw-- nee's most colorful and enjoyable parties. Myria 'ds of colored lanterns gkailY decèorate',tbe, ballroomý and ush- er in tbe sum mer season. The milsic- for dancing will be provided by Har- ry Kogen's Radio orchestra. The Sin- clair Minstrels will provide special entertainment as well as Mr. Kogen's master of ceremonies. -A Junior prom for the college and Anni Lawrence Bride Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dewey LJaw- rence of 520 Lake avenue, Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daugbter. Ann Louise, to Colin Mc- Kenzje Tennant, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Colin McKenzie Tennant of Evanston, on J une'12.

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