lUhïncggo. raay Cvenitng, june 16, iý the time, Skokie Country 'Club th< place, and the sponsors are nort! shore members of the Gads ll Cenl ter board and of the north shore aux- iliaries that meet during the 'winter months to sewfor the families in the settlement district. Carnival features and, entertainment highlights of last year's, party, wiII again be includeci The. Mexican Strolling -Players. Who have been the' Mexi- can 'Village at the World's Fair. havé beeni engaged to, attend the party' and will play and sing between thé dances They, will be on the out- door pavillon so. that their music will drift in. Miss Mira Lee Benoist,, Miss Lucy Trumbuil, Miss Frances Bell, Miss Betty Gillies, and Miss Betty E2d- .,monds are among the .1932-33 debut- antes Who have. promhised to assis,,. Dinner parties large and small will precede the dance. Mrs.-William P. Baker, wlio las been extremely ac- tive in working for the success of Jhe Party, will have fifty guests at dinner at ber new home in Deere Park., Mrs. Willis D. Nance, witb bier sist *er, Mrs. Harry B. Sutter of Evanston, will entertain at her home in Ilidiail Hill estates. Mrs. Allan G. Hendry of Winnetka is another hostess. The work of Gads Hill is explained by the committee as follows: For 34 years Gads Hill Center. at 1919 West 2th street,. Chicago, in the great southwest industrial district oi Chicago, surrounded by factories, smokestacks, and tenements has car- ried on, witb Miss Ruth Austin'. one -of Chicago's ablest social workers asý head-resident since 1918. Gads. HilIl has. always emçhasi-zed. the idea of "social insurance" -tlhc service which safeguards health, i)rr-, serves morals, protects family,if e,, and trains for citizenship. It isone of the great centers which, in periods of economic depression, act as van- guards of défense against a break-t down in the social structure.1 In a section where fathers' ha~ve Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pearson1 of'2009 r*horituoodaVenue, Wil- telte, ainotit.e t/seenlgagemient o.f thctr dauighter, Elirab;eth, to HentV George Rontald White, son of Maj. and Mu-. H' H. R..White of Lon-, doni,.E "lianid and L'oueghcske Castlei, KOniegal coiinty. Ireland. Miss Pearson. is a graduate of New Trier High school and Moniticello sem-ý kma ry She also studied under Eniily oberts of the Americaji Conservatory of, Music. The weddinig .will take place June 24, et thehomeé of thebride's parents. Junior Summ Formai at Sunset Ridge Club Sunset Ridge Country club is plan- ning a series of four junior summer formai dances to begin Saturday eve- ning, June 24. They wilI be spon- sored by the woman's executive board of the club and the entertain- ment committee, and will be under supervision of Miss Jessie L. Pocock. Invitations are being extended not only to children of club members but to ail members of Miss Pocock's Fortnightlies, 'and Asseniblies in Ev- anston and along the north shore. The two summer fornaIs wbich the club- sponsored last season were so successful that this season it is planned to have a party each montb throughout the summer for the Young people. League Sponsoring Classa to.Study Causes oflWar A study class on the causes of war, under the auspices' of the commit- tive ut i teyoutniui actors. The cast inclucied: The Scarecrow. played by Jean kiedel; The Blonde Lady, Ann Little; The Brunette Lady, Clarissa. Weeks;. The Gypsy Girl1, Catherin'e Ann B road; The Gypsy boy,, May Iliff; 'the Dancing girl, Fiora Pagliarulo;. Fidler, Francis .Bermingham;. Mother Gypsýy.Margot McKay.;. Polly,- Mary 'JaIne -Kent,r The cbarming littie skit was onlY the first part of the program. The second part consisted of three dra-m matic. readings delightfully1 inter- preted by Margot McKay, who gave "I Have a Pain in My -Sawdust," by Clarissa, Weeks, who read, "A Morti- fying Mistake" and by Jean, Riedel,. wbo presented "Aunt Eleanor's Hero.'P At ,the conclusion of the captivat- isng program, fgiven under the' direc- tion of Mrs. Broad, Mrs. BËerming- bam served refreshing orangeade and cookies in her garden. Mrs. Broad's class will resumne in September. After the dreýss rehiearsal the Fr1ý- day p receding in the -yard', of Mrs. C. M. Weeks, 735. Ninth street, the, hostess gave the children> a surprise garden party. MacDowell Society to Have Election Lqte(r Sixty menibers of the North Shore MacDowell society enjoyed the program sponsored by the society last Monday evening in HJighland Park. Mrs. R. j. *Beatty was hostess. Owing to the seri- mis illniess of Otto R. Barnett of Glein- coe, election of officers was postponed until a later date. The musical progran, was given bw Miss Ruth Breytspraak, solo violin teacher at Ferry hall, and Wally Hey- mar. second concert mnaster. of the WVomaii's Symphony orchestra. Their s1elections were arranged especially for two violins.' Miss Bell Kennedy of the Scbopl of Speech at Northwesterni read selections of poetry froni the "Peter- boro Antbology." Mrs. Beatty, the' hostess read some of her own delig4t- fui .poems. tnat the cIU lu ad been very active in every department during this past year and. expressions of satisf action were heard on al $ides., .The new officers, Mrs,. Leonard J. Van I)eursen, president; Mrs. 'Stan- ley1 Johnson, vice-president; Mis.. HY B. Ingersoîl, siecretary, and Mrs. William Hughes, treasurer, Were in- troducei. The following new chairmen of committees w ere presented: Mrs. Staffley Johnsn, .press and publicitY;: Mrs. J. D. Kannear, program; Mrs. Harry Temporal, membership;. Mrs. Frank. Crawford,. child ,and home;- ýMrs. Axel Ahlstrand, philanthropy; Mrs. Edward Devlin-, community in- terest;é Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan, gar- den, Mrs. Ray Treon, literature.. When the new president took the gavel she spoke'a fkw words of ap- preciation for the very fine1. work whÎch the past president, Mrs. Kin- near had done, and presented ber with a gift bearing the esteem and good will of the club. Following the installation of offi- cers,' everyone thoroughly enjoyed a brief musical program.. Mrs. John Petaja played the Iovely "First Mod- erm Suite" from «Praeludium" by MacDowell and Mrs. Edward Devlin sang "Kasbmiri Song" by -Amy Woodford-Finden, and "Philosophiy" .by Emmeil. The meeting was adjourned and was voted by aIl a very enjoyable Alpha O micron Pi Ha Beach Picnic Tonight, Th.e North Shore Aýlunznae group of Alpha Omicron Pi is having a beach partY tonight (Thursday), ýat 7:30 Ô'clock on the shore back . of the ýPatte,, Gymnasiùm in Evanston, * at whichl the' husbands an.d friends Of mem-bers wil ýbe guests., Mrs. Eugene Becknan of 7237 Rogers av- enue, Chicàgoc>, is in charge. The group bas elected the following ne .w officers for. the ensuing year: Miss Gretchen Daarsch,.of Evanston. nres- ool but extends of social recons )od are for uncleprivileged cbildren , LvjLi-. anaîrnwooS creon ben h, work of the Gads Hill sixteen guests at cn- Nursery school, and is the reason Saturday, later tal f the that several groups of north shore the North Shore( to the women have. been so active in its finals of the N.- iction. behaif.. tournament. Duuuvi. uncheon K'ittrecige is on her way home from ý their guests to the American Medical association If, club to'see the convention in Milwaukee, and is stop- :a' Open Golf Pin~g off in .Wilmette for Marian Cox's graduation- tomorrow evening.-