S-k t1» DAY RROWShits wil ploas.i Dad on "Sunday morning., Fuil Sanforiz.d shrunk - thats what. makes Arrow, Shftssopopular. ARROW TRUMP Unusual .Va.1u e' $88 !n this sale are Prints, Pastel and Plain Dark Colors. .A speý cial arrangement with our manufacturer makes this price possible. Feet, Hot and Tired? Tiy à pair of titês. cool mesh sandals et 9 0 0 Yu will more than Jantzei one pair. nS w in and others suit Straw Hats malce a nice gifi. MALLORY SAILORS $2-50 Others $ 1.00 to $ 1.95 TURN DOWN BRIM $100to $3-95 FAULTLESS PAJAMAS ~$ 10a I95 CAPS,ac ..$. CAPS each.7 5C for Father's Dept. Store-l Men's Sore-4 WiImette A Phone Wtm.tt. 588-589 .-Phone Wlmefte 2655 55C - 85,c A Most $1. E -$1 r -_ 7 7