Local Charities'until its reorganization recently, hopes to raise the suni of $1,000 on the tag day it will hold1 Mon- day, June. 26, the money to be used in, caring for the more tha» one hundred needy families in 'Wilmette that the board ha'* on its, list. Members of the Welf are board state that this probably will he the last drive for. funds that the organization will make, since a new sales tax law is ex- pected to' be passed soon and f rom that, source it, is hoped that mèney ýwill be available to supply- the necessities of if e for families that are dependent on1 society for their existence. Seek Volunteers Assisting the board ini the tag day drive for f unds will be Mrs. George Bassler, -who was chairman of the com-. mittee in charge of Poppy day. 'Per- sons who wish .to help the Welfare board by offering their services for, tag day, have beeni requested* to cail at the home of Mrs. A. W. Boylston, 220 Broadway, or to phone ber' at Wil-. mette 2935. 1Under the reorganization effected re- cently C. C. Schultz is chairman of the Wilmette Welfare board,ý succeeding William H. El lis, who b, as retired fromf active participation in the work be- cause of iii. bealtlî.> Each church and civic organizatio in Wilmette has two representatives on the board.. The, mfembership of the board, was enlarged because economnic conditions in the past few years have mnade the charity work in the Village so heavy that. a larger' organization was required to handie it. Anderson Is Tree.urer F. Dewey Anderson is treasurer of the Welfare board, and Mrs. Ray War- re n is, secretary. The* committees are as follows: Finance-F. *Dewey Anderson, 'Dr. D. W. Rapp and Mrs. A. W. Boylston Adisory-Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, Mrs. P. J. Joyce and Mrs. H. O. Vonder Hoff- Visitation-«Mrs. R. W. McCandlish, Frank. Meier and Mrs. P. Huerter. Publicty-C. E. Hotze and Mrs. Ray. Warren. contributions f roui the organizations represented, and f rom other 'organiza- tions and by individual gifts. The Wom- an's club of Wilmette always bas been generous, contributing money f rom the club f unds, clothing, beddfing,,and food f rom the philanthropy department, andj since the- opening Of theéEconomy shop, f rom that branch of the club. Money also has been ra.ased in the past by hold- ing tag days. Serve la Tora&" ~Relie f In March, '920, when the tornado did so much damage in Wilmette, a special funcj was, raised for temporary relief. The unused balanice was presented tu the General Committee of 'Local Char- luies., In. 1924 the charities organiza- tion joined the Commuinity Chest. The allottment received f rom the Chest that year was $ ,748.60, andj this bas ini- creased in varying amounts since. Since the organization.of the charity board in 1913 there have' been mnany changes in its' personnel. Miss Amy Brent was the first secretary-treasurer and visitor. She served about fine months, and then accepted a position as head oi the.United Charities at Dan- ville, 111.. Mrs. W. J.;Welden took over, Miss Brent's duties and servred as sec- retary-treasurer for seven years andas visitor until- the appointuient of Mrs. [ilian à. Northam to the latter position in 1916. Mrs. Northam bas* served con- tinuously since that tume. Mrs. John 11offman bas been a meniber of the board since 913 and Mrs. -E. J. Hoff- mian since 1915. Williami H. Ellis served - f romi 1914' until bis retirement reçently. He was chairman of the board for several years. Schultz Active Head C. C. Schultz bas been another active member of the board, and bas served.1 both 'as chairman and as treasurer. He w'as vice-chairman under Mr. Ellis, and' when Mr. Ellis becarne ill Mr. Scbultz assumed the responsibility of beading the board.' During the past' winter Mrs. J. C. Blaylock handled the employment bur- starting on Monday, J une 19. Chul- dren may enroîl for all or 'part of this time. Instruction will be largely indi- vidual, tbe chief objective being' to give each child the special help that be needs, Mr. Harper explained. Convemie Each Moraing For all grade classes the summer school will be in session froni 9 to 12 o'clock each. morning. A kindergarten elass also is to 'be organized at the Central school, in addition to the reg- ular grade* work. This class, 'it is announced, will be for: children from four to seven years of age and will be in session from 9 o'clock.to il1:30. o'clock in the mnorning. Outdoor play, stories,. games and excursions willl be in cluded in the activities, and Miss Laura Flentyewill be in charge of the class., At the Howard sch ool a class in mianual arts ýwill be organized,. with Lester BaIl in charge, if, a sufficient number of pupils register. The clase Will meet from 9 to -11 o'clock. eac'h morning, and there 'vil! be individual instruction ina woodwork, metal work. leather work or electrical work, it is explained. Charge SmalI Fee The number of teachers and or- ganization of classes for the summer school will depend somewhat upon the number of pupils enrolled. A small f ee is charged. Sehool Teaeher'Retires Af ter 50 Vears' Seirvice Miss Agnes M. Watson of 1045 or- est av enue, Wihziette, was tendered a luncbeon at The Cbiinneys Tavern hast Tuesday on the occasion of ber retire- ment f rom ber duties as assistant prin- cipal of the Hayt scbool, Chicago, wbere she had been a teacher for fiftyl years. The luncheon was given by f oet'-five teachers and school aàssoci- ates. Miss Watson *was educated ini the, Cbicago schools, and bas been a resident o'f Wilmette for fortv. vears. Deing pianneci by the business mien and women of the "L" Terminal dis- trict Wbo organized recently under the namne of the "L"» Terminal Busi- ness association. The big. event of the carnival wil be the closing 'night celebration'.ôn- 'Frida'y,, Junc 30. The program for this celebration inchudes "a street dneto wbich the public wil 6e invited- and - a pet parade 'and doit buggy parade for the rbildren. Thb'e dance is to 'be beld iniFourtb street south of Linden avenue and adjacent to the 'VL"-Terminal. Pet Pa"adeFeature Mrs. E. R. Stone, chairman of the "T"Terminal Business associationts committee in -charge of arrangements for the carniival, is urging cbildrenf Who plan to take part in the pet, parade or the doil buggy -parade to register early., Those planning to, enter theý parades ,may'.registér by calling Mrs. Stone at Wilmette 1644u Girls up to, and including 8 years Of age may compete for* the large dofl to be given as a prize to the girl winning first place in tbe doit' buggy parade. The doll will bè dressed by Rose Obermeier, initerior decorator, who' is secretary-treasurer of tbe 'V' Terminal Business associ- ation. A set of dishes will 6e 'given to the winner of second place in tbe doîl buggy parade. . Botb boys and girls, up ta and in- cluding 12 years of age, will be eligi- ble to compete in the pet' parade. First' prize will be a bicycle, and sec- ond" prize will be a -pair 'of- rofter skates,: Mr. Stone announces. Clown t. 'ne ,,Mere "Bab" O'Connor, cloWn, 'Who fôrn-, erly was with the Sells-Floto and Ringling-Barnum and Baihey circuses, will provide merriment for young and' old alike at the Friday night celebra- tion marking the close of the three- day carnival. There will 'also 6e a street singer in the persan of an Italian troubadour Whbo is 'considered one. of the 'finest concertino players in this section of the country. Mu- sic for the street dance wil e fur- nîsbed .by Joev Baroeer's orchestra. UIeet wïtn a represntvIIduvt mnan's club ta consider the adv 'a a charitable organizationi mette. The plan, 'as proposed Woman's club, was accepted, sulted in, the formation of the IV £auAAl3 I in Wil- d by the and re- extra room -on these suftocating nights? - Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, chairman. Note: Econoniy Shop ls conducted by the 'Woman'B Club of, Willmette. CALL WILMETTE TJ4300 Ask for Ad- Taker to attend a service of worsnîp Defore goinig.on their day's outing. The first early service will be held Sunday june 18. The Il o'clock service wil be held every Su.nday.,marning as usual. .M.