Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 48

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Rate-'5cents a lin. Adveitisements TtmD ln al three paper. .MINIMUM CHlARGE ON£ DOLLAR. Average of fv worde to the lin.. No black facetype used. *»% diaeonst on ail cash adirertise- menta when bI'ougbt t. oui' ofice at 1332 Central Ave.,Wilhette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 10% dlseoint on ail advertisements run four coticuatlve Issu«.. -Ciasslfled advertWuments will- be ac- Deadinqe frInsertons- cpe , -ceptd upto Tuesday .9 P. M. for' Wil.ME-.TTELP LFPE or agi thre. papers; 'Wednenday' 9 P. M . for WflrNTKA TALK and Thuraday , P. M.. for- GLIENCOE NUWSJ. Telephones: Wlmtt, 4300. Winietka 30., reenlea f 4300 or Sheidrake 5687i I 1! - I NOTICas, AM MOVI No TO CALIFORNIA - Wouild like to hear froin parties do- ing Ilkewlse wlth vlew la mmid of conslidating shipnients and eutttlng freight coigt. F. L.-MlIlngton. Kenil-' Worth 4754. XLTrN6-Itc SLa"T ANDS FOUN 0 LOST - BLACK POCICETBOOK CON- talning money, on Spruce Street be- tween1 Chestnut and. Provident. Findt±r rewarded. Phone Winnetka 2759. 3L6-ItP 30 INSTRucTrION EXPERT TUTORING FOR }IIGHI sehool and coilege studentsby experi- enced University of Chicago graduate and, fieilow. Subjects: Mathema-tic, German, French, Engllsh, gr arnMar. astronomny, .physics. Roy Wilcox, Wllmette. 794-.%. 30LTN6-ltp FRENCH LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS, or advanced, private> or gro up workç, hy gi-adua«te teacher, with practic.Al knowledge, of the language. Alsi') tutoiIng chlldren of al grades. Prices reasonable., Phone Glencoe 956. LOST -A-WHT OD ELGI N 3OL6-Itp wrist watch. Naine engraved *'Re-- gina, 1932." Reward. Ph. Winnietka liMUSICAL INSTRUCTION 1135. . _________ - I . A LICE STADE ANNOUNCES A SP- LOST - SM-ALL, MALE PUPPY, alum rtrn0feso lbll, black naith whit feeleong t2. A- acrobatie, and tap dancing for begin- swer naie ~Pnto. Glecoe 22. ers and advanced pupils. 8 lessons 3LT64tp -$5.00. Winnetka Communlty Houýe,. ____ Priate ballroom-4 lessons, $5.00. For 16 BUSINESS SERVICE Inforniation cali Wilmiette,2838 SAM GOLDMAN .311N6tI JUNK DEALER Paper 40e per 100 ibs. ~j ~,i.~n50SC per- 100 lLbs. PHONE WILMETTE 5417 16îLTN6-ltp DAVENPORTS-CIIAIRS REWEBBED reasonable, ftirniture repaired and up- bolsterd. bouse screens made-repair- ed; cabinet work; cane, rush, -hickory apopil11ts. The .Wurntture Studio, C~. a Palmer, Wilmette 1302.: LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Bicycles repaired. Welding and Ma- chine work. G. SODERBLOM, t#J06 Linden Ave,, Hubbard Woods. Witi- n.tka 294. 16LTN5-4tp VACUUM CI.EAN YOUR FURNACE~ Ail soot, ruit and scale remnoved. $6.00 NOW FOSTER NISTLE Ph. Wilmette 2956 16LTN3-Itp) 34 LAUNDftY WASHING T'O DO AT HOýME. CALb.1 deliver. Wearing apparel ail finishedi, 25v lb. Fiat work al finished, 10c lb). Wjnnetka ?615. 34LTN6-Ilp REASONAI3LE PRICES ON FAMILY, finish, curtains anid biankets. Phonto Wilmette 3687. -341.-tp as LAWN MOWER SI4ARPENING LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. Work guaranteed. $1. 1222 Wilinette Ave. 35L6-ltp 40 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE - KIMBALL PLAYER Piano in fine condition, $20. Aiso benh -end ro1li. Phone Wllmette 2644. -40L6-1tp 41 NURSING WANTED-PATIENT BY NURSE IN Wlmette RADIO, BRAND -NEW 1933 SUPER, ln Walnut conàole, cornplete.' Neyer used. List $87.50, $20.or best offer takes.,It. Ph' Wllmette 1825. 49LTN6-ltc ÎÏ3 -sIWIN* MACHINE REPA§ItING IM1PÉRTANT SEWING 1ACHINE REPAIR S11011 Esta-blished nmore -than* fiftY yýears ag'. in Evpnston, ls now located, at 100F Oakwood Ave.. Willmette. -Also re- pairing of ail Electrical home :appil- anee . Tel. -Uni.. 2200 or WiI. 43rig LB . Blunt. 563LTN40-ttce WANTED -A FIRS'I MORTGAiÎEI, $5,000 -or $6,000, for a term of 2 to, 3 yrs., on commercial corner property located in Hlghwood, Ill.,, valued at $30,000 ýto $35i000. Choice investment, A-i1 refs. furnLshed. ddes -)S. Box 40, Wllnlette, Ill. 64L6-tp LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Vonfildenitli service, legal ratesý MOTOR LOAN CO State B3ank Bldg., Evanston G re. 3204, WiLA4 mxAKE FIItST MORTGA(IE UP to, $3,000 on good North Shore homeé. P. O. Box 162, Winnetka, -or phone Winnetka .1500. 65LT'N6-Itf- 68. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALJ COOK-A-l, OR GENERAL HOUSI- work. Capable as housekeep)er. Ex- t-ellent refs. Refined 'white girl. 8t1tiv . on pne Cail Rogers'Park 7597. 6gL,'rN6-lt1>- MOTHER. AND DAUGHTER WISH p)osition. Nurse, general housework, cýooking. - Wiiling to go to country for sttînner. N. S. ref. Phone -Win- netka 335. 68L'r?ç6-Iti) EXPER. COLORED GIRL WOULD like position in private famiiy. Stay on place. Good cook and laundress. Write Mie, 2nd flat, 4759 Forestville Ave., Chicago. -68LT6-Itp WISH 'TO PLACE MY -OS EE- er, middle aged, v'ery.good cook, eco- ' nomnical. Wriil do, generai. Phone Wilmette 2204. 6SLTN6-1 tp> TWO YOUNG "IRLS W%ýITHCAR ARE willing to care for children at beach, inorning hours preferred. Cali Wii-q mette 2415. 68LTN6-lte EXP.. GIRL. WAN.Tg flAY OR PA IABL an'wishesda~y iw LaundrY or cleanii eaterlng, 40e an h( deslired. Cali Wilrn vork of any ainu. ng, $3 a day. Also our. Ref$. furn. Îf nette 2719. 68LTN46-tflp EXP.'WOMAN 34 YEAItS OLD, WITI1 child 15ý months old,,wlshes -,po)sitioni. as housekeeper in, motherless horne.. Small salary. Refs. Cali WiI. 32'c3. 68L6-itp WHITE MAJU, GOOD COOK<, GEN- eralhousework.. 7 years' exper. Ex- ellent ref. $15. Phone Sheidrake 362G. 08L6-1îtp, 169 STAINWNE-A IST CLASS CHAUFFEUR AND GAR1- dener, 12 yrs. N. S. refs.,, wishes1 -steaîdy--posi etion o will work -as gar- dener by day or week. Winnetka 3690. ________________________6DL6-ltp FATHER 0F 5 CFIILDREN XE) furnitureand clothing. WVill work for $2.S0 day. Best N. S. chartaeter refs. Houseman and serving. Write A-164-: Box 40. Wiimette, IlLI. 691,T:%6-ltlp STUDENT WANTS ROOM IN EX- rhange for services. Expeieneed lin taking care o f est.ite.s. Will do any.- thing. Refs., Write A-163, Box 40, WNilmi-ette, 111. - 69 LTN 6-1 f 1 YOUNG COLORED MAN WSE work as chauffeur and housermin, Cir. al tround handy nman. References. Kenwood 6696., 69L1TNG-ltp EX.COLORED CAFERAND gardenier. First class ref. Ph. Green- leaf 8969- 9TN-t 70 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE FREE SERVICE TOE'liI YER HIGH GRADE HELP, ail nitionnilitl, Reféren(e' P"qTTIVFTY n*Pstigatkd - ASK YOUR NEIGHIBORS L.ENIEPLOYMEr<'T AGEN<CV WINNETKA 1.121 DAVIS 8116 1631 BENSON AVE.,, EVAN-STON- 70LT'NI-tfr- COMPETENT COUPLES WE. PLACE EXPERIENCED ONLY. Pauline's Emp. Agency,. Opposite "L" Terminial Wilmiette 2171 Wlnte2661? _____________________ 70LTN6-lte COUPLE- COLORED, tIEN. H0I'SE- .work. Womnan excellent cook, matn 11N, houseinan or gardener, also drives. Years of exp. Reasonable saiary., Phone, Oreenileaf 1142., 7OLTN9-ltlp COUPLE-HIGI-1 CLASS CHAUFFEUR and cook, wishes position. Write, A-161, Boxc 40, Wilmette, Il.. vviiN.Nm '.. ,A 'zai- -. 'an vv îimette 3082z after 6:301) 21-k'. aI.11, - .- L Mera ca rg.Wite.Airc, If no ans. eaÏlwWilmette 5034. 68LTN6-Itp ~HT GIRL OR WOMAN, NOT 1160 Oakley Ave., Hubbard Woods. 426-P ()Ver 35 years, for h ousework.Ai' 30L6-I tp MAID, COLORED, EXPERIENCED seamstress or draper'y maker. Roôm, U. 0F C. SENIOR PARTICULAR PAIXTING AN iEC n general housework. Referenees. board, and spiali wages. Glernvo- 262. WILL UTOR ATHEMTICS Floors refinlshed wlith eleetriechi .1 Wiflnetlça 3867. 6GSLT6-np 1L6l AND CHE-MISTRY Very reasonable. Bot of references. EXP. GOOD COOK AND SERVER, OR. EXP. , WHITE GIRL FOR-GENERAL MOiDEýRATM CHARCGE-WINN. 1815 Fred Broberg, Briargate 1061. generai work, by day or hour. Phoxà?Ie hniusework, gond'home, $5 week. Cal 3OLTN6-ltp -42LTN3-4tp Winnetka 508-J.-86îp Wlmte48. 1TIit I { I I t I Ta w4 e s 1~ I 4 73 r 20 66. fu c e & Lý m 1

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