QUIN 'LAN & TYSON1hInc.. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 1ILTN6-Itc SUNSIET VIEW SALE OR LEASE VERY BEAUTIFUL 9 room. 3 bath home on large wooded 1Lt.011 heat, Wood- burnlng fireplace. Muet be sold at once. Baird & Warner, 1071 Skokle Ridge Dr. Glencoe 1554 or Briargate 1855. .111LTN-ltc .DESIRABLE HOME ON ESSEX R ., Kenilwor-th. Priée and terms reasn able.. For detalsa phone owner, ICenuI-, Worth 716. 1LN-t lis NOUSES SUIL.T 'f0 ORDRÉ WILL BUILD AND FINANCE ON long.time payments lîke rent-if you own the lot clear and have a âmall amount of cash. Phone Gre. 4847., 112LTN6-ltp hUA SMMUMCOTASES 4-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING ,LO0G cabine with large screen porches, on beautiful Pioneer Lake in the heart of the north woods fiehing region, 7 miles north.of Eagle River. For Information cali Winnetka 3328. 116A-LTN6-4tp Lake near Fr4nkfort. Mlch. $5 to $7 wk. P~h. Wilmette 868 or write Eliz, F. Jones, Frankfort, Mich. 16A-LTN6-1We CABIN ON WOLF RIVER, NEAR Pelican Lake, .Wis. Ideal location, especially for chlldren. $10 week, $75 seaison. Phone Winnetka 1300. 116ALTN6-ltp le SUMMUR CAMPSU BEYH AND BEYE PRIVÂTE SCROOL and camp, Marcellus, Michigan. Boys. girls-3-15,. U, S. Nuietion achedule. AIl year. $1 day. $25 mo. Pho Wlnn. 428. 118LTN6-4tii 127 REAL EMYATE ACUUM>S ifl.NEW SKIE PARK projeet. Tust opposite Winnetka anud Glencoe. 5, 10 or 25 acres of the choicest of North Shore land. High, rolling, pleasingly varied, beautifV1lIy * wooded. An architets ideal. Wlth background of nattiral forest It over- looke the adjolning estates that con- tain the finest. homes in the Sunset * Ridge area. Today's preinfiation price for Immediate sale warrants purchase for fine investinent or, as a. select andospaclous location for a home that may exactly suit your plans. Will b. pleased to arrange * appointment to show at your con- venience. LEWIS T, DODDS * 725 Elm St. Winn. 3500-Uni. 7142 Seneca indiansi and who later became Mrs. John Kinzie. The leading nole is taken by Mrs. Stephen Harringioin of IndianHilI. Both plays were writ- ten, by Mrs. Charlotte Chorpening of Evanston.. Mrs. ,Robert Hoffnian, the former Emily Pope of Glencoe, ýis in the cast of ."Eleanor Lytle ;" Miss Virginia Hobart of Winnetka,,is in bath pflays, and Miss Ivelyn Bouscaren of, Win- netka has the role of one of the step sisters, in "Cinderella." 'the Holden, twins, j ane (Buddy) and Helen, 527 W arwick road, Ken- ilwortb, were, gue--ts Monday of Marge Remington of St. Louis at ber summer home at Lake Geneva. Marge was the roommate of the former, wben they attended Ward- Belmont scbool., Mary and Marsba Huck of Kenil- worth, who have been .with the W' H. Williams family of 614 Earlston road, Kenilworth, for some weeks bave* left to join their parents at Trout Lake, Wîs. Annette Williamns has gone with them. 0o- William Williams, Jr., 211 Essex road, Kenilwortb, accompanied by "Bus" Oison, as be is known to bis friends, of 'Philadelphie, a Kappa Sigrna brother at Connell,. retuirned Wednesday by automobile. 0o Miss Barbana Erwin has rented her house at 612 Warwick road, Kenîl- worth, to Mr.' and Mns. George E. Keller for the suinner. She will go to ber farm in Sawyen, Wis., until fali. Miss M1arjy Virginie Klappericbi has returned ftrm the University of Illinois. to spend the summer vaca- tion.. withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Klappericb, 412 -Central ave-1 nue. Mrs ave- to terminate the season, Instead of the usual bridge, Tripoli was the in- teresting gaine of the afternoon. The, Bently.McClouds of,338 Ken-' ilworth "v ,ue Kenilworth, have house. guesis who. arrived Saturday from -Omaha, Mrs, McCloud's mother,> Mrs., Robert Olmsted, and Mrs. Frank McCoy and ber daugh- ter, Mrs. Frank Rusk. 0o Mr. and, Mrs. E. P.. Fatch, .61 1 Washington. avenue, left. Friday for Walworth,,Wîs., where tbey went to see their grandson, ýEdward Flanner ,of Blackwell, Wis., igraduate- froin Nortbwestern Military and Naval academy. Robert Fletcher. son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Fletcher, .910 Oak- wood . avenue, will leave on. Sund ay for Wilfred ("Duke"). Childs camnp, Owakonze, in, Canada. He will bc, away f or the entire suwmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ellbert Herlocker, 119 Tudor place,' motored té Ply- mouth Ind.. Sunday wbere. they visit- ed Mr. Herlocker's. brothe r-in-law and sister, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. M.. Ser-' vis, formerly of Wihnette. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Nichoils, 1001l Lake avenue, accompanied by'ý Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowe of Ev- anstcon, returned Sunday, motoriri. from Leland, b4ich., where they spent ten days at the Nicholîs' cottage. * -o- -Mr. andrMrs. Louis Bouchard, 222 Oxford road, Kenilworth, are enter- taining at a family dinner tonig¶I (Tbursday) in bonor of. their daugb- ter Beverly's graduation from New Trier High school. Duncan:Jennings, son of Mr. -and Mrs. Ralph C. Jennings,, 126 Broad- way,j, sgraduating Jlune .19, from the University of' Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. .Iennings will go up to Madison for commencement. tural development of the miîddle west during three-quarters of a century. The school's bistory is anh iiiterestiflg one, involving many engaging anec- dotes which strike the interest of local residents, loyers of historical lore pertaining to this section of the. country, as well as alumni,. patrons, and unde6rgraduates of tbe academy. Tbe week-end programn is,,as follows: Friday, june 16, alumni registrations Reid hall, 2 p.* m.;. tennis finals. 2:30 p. M.; declamation icontest 'and clais. day exercises, 4-p. m.; -class ivy plant- ing and oration, 5:30 p. m.; senior dance, 'Academy gymnnasium, 8:15 P. m. Saturday, June 17, alumni reg- istration, Reid hall, 10:30 a. m.; grad- uation exercises, front campus, .I1 a., m. ; commencement luncheon' for alumni, patrons, undergraduates and friends of the academy in the gym- nasium, 1 p. M.;, one-act historical play presented by Academy Gargoyle club, front campus, 3 p. m.; informai alumni basebaîl game, Academy base- baill diamnond, ,4 p. m.; alumni stag smoker and buffet supper, Academy gymnasium, 6 p. m, AT SÙNSET RIDGE The Sunset' Ridge club will enter- tain members and guests at a dinner and moonflight dance Saturd4y, June Ifr. 'and Mrs. William Weild -and two daughters, of New York, -have leased the Walter D. Lawrence home at 520 Lake avenue for the summer. Oswald Law of Long Beach, Miss., is a guest of his mother, Mrs. Robert Law of 321 Ken il,.oath -avtnuue. while he is seeing A Century of Progress. 0o Mr. and Mr .s. Kingsley Colton, 358 Ken ilworth.:aevenlue, -Kenilworth, wl spend: the week-end Visiting friends in Milwaukee.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis of 256 Woodstock. avenue, Kenilwortb, re- turned Wednesday from a short trip east. Mrs. George Ortseifen, 337 road, entertained a Chicago soine at luincbeon and bridge niesda3y. -o Essex four- Wed- îotoï ach 0 one The Darner5 club of Kenilworth. LBEYi Mrs. Alfred Wiltberger f Evas -Itp ton being bostess of the',day. mId., visiting friends, Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, Kenilworth, entertained her club at luncheon and- bridge on 'Tuesday, june 13. buggY Ili cdc flectric Refrîge.r el un Repahi Du j 3ervir