priation ADMINISTRATIVE FUND: 1. Office rent for12 months, at $10 per month.......... ..................-$ 120.00 2. Office supplies (telephone, stamp s, mise.).... .............. 300.00 3. Office equlpment ......... 210.00 4. Insurance (trucks,, buildings.and workmen's compensation) ........... 700.00 5. Salary (secretary) at $350 per-annum 360.00 6.- Salary (treasurer) at $100 per annum 100.00 Total .... .................. $ 1,780.00 PARK MAINTENANCE FUND: 1. Hardware,ý supplies and materlals..$ 500.00 *.2.ý Genieral unskllled labor ..............5ý,400.00 3. Salary (park foremnan) .... .....1,800.00 4. Salary . (pairk gardener)...... ......1t860 '0. 5. Lighting parks .. ........ 400.00ý 6. Pain ting and repair !to park struc- tures. ......... ........ .......... 2,000.00 7. Vehicle maintenance ...........500.00 8. Replacement of park equlpment ....500-00 9.Police protection là parka........ 2,000.00 10. Maintenance of greenhouse,' flowers and -plants ............ ...............500.00, il. lHaullng and trucklng ........... 500.00 12. -Water Used ln parks....... ......... 500.00 1.Spraylng trees and shrubbery...... 600.00 Total ý...................... $17,000.00 BEACH FUND: 1. Salary (beach master for season).. .$ 800.00 2. Sàlary of life guards for season,.1,500.00 3. Salary (matron of beach) for season 360.00 4. Wages of-checkroom help for season 700.00 5. Wàgeg of office clê1rks for sasn-. 00.0 6. Wages of beach combers for season 900.00 7. Saiary (policemen) for season...... 1,500.00 8. Prlntlng and supplies............ 500.00 9. Hauling rubblsh and leveling bea'ch ý500.00 10. Mlscellaneous e xp eh se (including* llght, extra help, repairs, et.....190.00 11. Water, sbowel-s and toilets......... 150.00 Total.......... ......$8,000.00 The above and foregolng items, aggregating pald ont of funds derived from the operation of lng Beach and Beach House. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS: 1. Gradng and seeding lawn, planting parkwè.ys............... -......S 800.00 2. Due on lighting syst'emr installation contract, Washington Park ..........ý4.10.00 3. Dlue on pav'ing contract, Washington Park....... >..........-.......... ...760.00 4. Park structures and erections...... 3,000.00 Total 4900 EQUIPMENT (PURCHASE OF......$4900 AND REPAIR 0F OLD) :1 1. Purchase of mower, equipment.$ 300.00 2. Sharpenlng of lawn- mowers and miseellaneôis repaira to aIl equlp- ment....... .................500 LEGAL AND AUDIT EXPENSES: 000 1. Retainer for attorn.ey . .. . 200.00 2. Auditnr's fees ........ ..........150.00 3. For extra legal services and for costs and expenses of litigation as may be approved by Board of Çommlssioners 1,000.00 Total....... ........ ....... $ 1,350.00 iTWWV 1 ? ir. ir.(T.1T . AmX1pTTS. tnan taxa.tion taxation $ 120.00- 300.00 210.00 -70e.00 350.00 100.00 $1,780.00 $500.00 5,400.00, 1,800û00 1,800.00 400.00 2,000.00 500:00 500.00 2,00.00 500.00 * 500.00 600.00 $17,000.00 $800.00 1,500"00 360.00" 70000o 900.00' 900.00 1,500.00 500-00 500.00 190.00 150.00 $8,000.660 $8,000.00, te be WilmetteBah $ 800.00 410.00 760.00 3,000.00 $ 4,970.00 $300.00. 800.00 $200.00 ,150.00 1,000.00 81,350.00 Hoffmann Floriste Bohneni H-uck Thalmann Braun Guy St. John's,(0) A. Hacker W. Harrman A. Cramée G.' Cramer W. Fosland F. Aschbacher H. Prochnow R. Christie B. Carlen J. Peterson Ce'nilworth Ice (0) A. Braun R. Steffens *S. I3ohnen 11. .*Heinzen J. Miller W. Uttenreuther. T. SchifileÉ ..D. Miller H-offmann Winberg .Drugs (3) A. Llndstromn V. Wyle J. Harrison L. Langdon C. Nordberg C. ii W. Rogers J. Keerper C. Thaylor G.Bleser Wlbrg Drugs (3) A.. Berol V.« WYle C. Hili H. Harrison G.Bleser A. Lindstrom W. Rogers C. Taylor H. Gruder M. Kneip, St.' Joseph (4) W. Hawklnson J. Schaefgen R. Klinge H.. Schiueter J. Hoffm'ann K. Moeller B. Phlllljs. T. Hopkins *J. Ciechini Ridge Vit) R. IHuck H. Johnson R. Evans P. Bohnen. M. Guy G. Huck E. Miller R. Brown St.-John's (5) A. Hacker W. Harrman A. Cramer G. Cramer B. Christie W. Fosland, F. Aschbacher H. Prochnow D. Kassel B3. Carlen St.- Joseph (1) W. Hawkinson R. Klinge J. Schaefgen H. Schlueter K. Moeller J. Hoffmiann T.: Hopkins S Keil B.Phillipa . ilcchiffl ,w Service (3) R. Nord G. Ludiger 0. Wieberg A. Lundberg H. Schlldgen E. Bléser C. Welter M. Steffe ns W. steffens J. Casiell Tam standings in Fast Pitching league:- W. L. Pct. HoffmannFois ........ 2.:01.000, Rlnky Dinks..... ...........1 O 1.000 St. John's....... ...... ...1 1 .500 St. Joseph................«*1 1 .5010 Wlnberg Druge .............i1 1 .500 Ridge Vlew Service.........O0 2 .000 Kenllworth Ice ............. 0 1 .000 UIJys ieiers.I ~ l VII De 8AC./lna4 in the following Iist, gold, star (***) denotes 'a letter earned in football.' basketball, track and basebali; "T" denotes a etter earned in track; "Wý' denotes a letter earned in basebail, and 'V' denùtes a letter earned for first time during year. Frank -Brychta ***; Robert Chris- tensen **** ; James La..mb *4*. Ed Mahie ***,-James O'Nell ****; Harold Ray ****; Robert Smith *** ; Charles Soule ****; Harvey Steffens ***. Robert Steffens 4**; James Versino **;John Versino ****; Douglas Huck **;James Steen *** Harold Borre TB, Howard Reinwald, TB. -Lowell Snorf TBi, William Spin- ney TB, James Streeter TB, John Wel- ter TB, MilanMay TBL. William Rob- erts TBL, Murray Triplett TBL, Dudley Yeoman TBL, Kimbaîl Brown TL. Jack Norris TL, and. Paul Wipperfurth TL. James Anderson B. Gene Drake B. John Gleason B, Jarvis 1,ingle B, Van McQuide B, Evan Mcllralth- B, How-* ard Moulding B, Jack Randaîl B, Eric Samuelson B, and Roy-Scheibel B; Arnold Abrams BL, Albert Anderson BL, James Badger. BL, Tom Carney BL, Robert Cochran BL, Robert.,De- Vlnny BL, David Geppert BL, William Graham BL, Bud Hallwell BL, James, Himies BL, R1obert' Himes BL, Wayne Hotze BL, Ed Johnson BL. Walford Johnson BL, Rodmnan Joyce BL, Paul Kellogg PL, Robert Lonergan BIL, Robert Lyons BL, Jerryr Peterson BL, Harry Seifert BL, John Sauvage: BL, John Se4ldon EL., Ashton Taylor.,,BL, and Tom Zaremba, BL. Presents Posture Pins Lowell F. Todd, principal of the How- ard school, awarded silver and bronze posture pins to both boys and girls of, Howard and Stolp schools, wh6 had won themn in the past year. Gold, silver and bronze inedals were awarded to the boys and girls who had wvon them in the varlous events held on. fid day, June 1, and the room pen- nant and relay . pennant awards were also made." J. R. Harper, superin- tendent of schoois, made the latter awards. *Robert, son .of Dr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Wetterer,' 220 Raleigh road, Kenilworth whowas opetdofr appendicitis at the Childreni's Me- morial. hospital,- has returrned home, stili confined to his bed. -- 'Mrs. R. .W. Starrett, 221 Wood- 'stock avenue, left Friday to attend 6: 6 6 6 A~' ~ .'A~SGA ~, *ý.Cfll*iYVJ t .i-y(ie xossand tai ly o[1'O 321 LC st- L7-ltc -0 nut avenue. Mrs. W...G. Dorman and two chil- -o- Mrs. L. G. Hutchison, 425 Wash- Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Davis, Dorland dren of Gary, Ind., spent a week 'ith Phyllis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 1 0 mv~ue, left Sunday to visit and David, 721 Elmwoocl avenue, left Mrs. Dorman's sister and family,wthe Augustus Hollands, 107 Robsart road, 1. Zuhte', Mr. 'E. Southwick, Monday' for their suimmer home at Howard Krunis of 85 Robsart road, Kenilworth, wilI entertain at a dance -$'taMonici Calif' Crystal lake- Mlch, Kenilworth.. and supper ontheir terrace Friday. - E E E E E E E E E 'E E E E E 6 E *6 6 4' 6 e 6 6 6 $ 6 6 6 6 .6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 * 6 6 .6 * 6