Parking Spctce PURE CAM, Wflniette JOMI51J Prompt Deih>ery FOURTH 0F JULYI BE SURE TO STOCK UP HERE FOR THE HOLIDAY, Going ona week.ond trip? A picnc oteFiN ma tter what the plans, thore will be moaels to; plan. Just look at ail thé goid thinga offorod this wooký. The priceg are as attractive as the 'et. Shop on Monday for Tuosdev. We shah b. closed ail dayý Tuesday, July ýFéurth. Lake SpeivWbt. à Tenlder white meat, delielous eltier bnked or Viuh. 26e 8o good for sgaled, these, warm days. Cook Ili boiling malt iuiter for eilglit lb 17 Vvesb Porli Temdroila Ali nient, fmot an unouD 0 f 0 I fi Orape uc AHlIth Book Froc with etich purchaso. Doù't mniss this low price end exceptional opportunity. Doz. IL 89 3 piflts 49e Beef., P@wk andi Verni Griund fobr meut loaf, mlgbty goofi fu Liver sauago, sandwiches and eoid ginger aie unako à good combina-lb, Weighs froin 2% te 3% lbs. each. f~ 9 Large or umail, ïqo pienie complete wtotthom. ýTom Voiliami, Jre 3 qs450 4t refreshlngly sparkling beverage a1'.waY§. And the rombination offered this week Is, a novel 0,10. Tom Collnt QlngeAl. 1 Plus Soid atithis ridie- uloisiy iow prie only ln combina. 5e bttte epoit-SOe( 3*.30 Ail for 480 Richelieu Fruit Cociktail Here's somothing mighty good. A an.dIey of fruit Sf or Wk DEETS Packcd-tore a won-7 Sderful. accompanihh toany cold cut. 3 buch 100 SWe«t CdoeIL. Large Bings, each orne a bite Jlysweetncss. lb.o 9 Toumatoas Individuaily wrapped ln tel- lophane.&2 1bs. 290 CANTALOUPEs Vîne-ripened, I1 a ir g i serve,, in chipped ice, for breakfast and dessert. Zfor WILME 402 Undon Ave.. rilmeie 169-161 WINNETICA 718 Il, St. LkAKEViEWý 3959 Iroadway EueRCklnoagm MO ROGERS PARK' 1500 jarvh Ave. Eogelrs ParIl&.>1 Deeh Nuit Peanuat Bf Extra large jaer. A treat in éÏtiior plain or-toat.d sandwiches. l190