ut the"L TERMINAL. - I C)STOP WINBERG'PS, for those ~W FAMOUS, M~OCOLATE SODAS Co.mplese Founiain Service. >r, your summer reading carry a most. complete Sck of high-grade peri- icalsa nd m~agazines. High Grade Drugs nberg's D'ug tr 417 Linden, Ave. (S'outit Side of S'tr*eet') PoeWlil.: 4500 Sperial Fubilee Sale ts. Quaker State, Penzoil or ffIoil. Regular $12 Ivalue. is. ýtexaco or Pennsy lvania Regular value .........%AV i. Midcontinent Motor75c Regular $1.00 value. C ',nnsylvaniia Tires at Mail Order Prices. ,.US 1 year road warranty Ti c oc What Can You Ser v eThat Everyone .Will,1 Consider the:Greatest Treat Ever? rhe :anawer is easy-bocause Peacock',. Ice il.w ream is so creamy and i. nmade in ihe,-, t~ lavors that maire î s'uitable for any and ail.a it the best ever-and it's mighty g-ood for them, too. Week End Special Pecan Kruùnch,5 c Quart Brick ......... .....*0 PE'ACOCK'S ICECREAM 523 Fourth. Street phone Wilmnete 4 120 Better Refrshments . .,and . -Lunches The New Sweet Shop, kiglit on the Souhwet orner of Linden and 4thSt E r __ IIL PHONE WIL. 2171-WINN. 2662 PAULJNEle'S E MPLOYMENT SE~RVICE~ H'A- LAU NDRY 35 Years' Ex 513 jirth St. ~METTE Wilmette Our 25e and 35e Oppeite "L." Terminal OPEN ALL NIGHIt Complote RestiILiai INSURANCE in alli habranches *w0 aTê au8stimUaya nimb.er o Our elients la u nembua their bomes and *iartm..te fer the limmer. ,gay wire eor aSltamee te 70E! PIio11,W». 4ffl4 43 i1den A. SM k t