I 1195 Wilmette Ave. Read the Want Ads DULL CARE Corn to Canada and enjoy. mal! hospitality. iust 6 fiiin. utes from downto wn Detroit by the new Ambassador Brdge, the .new vehicular tunnel,,or by Ferry., HOTEL Personal Direction PRESTON 1D NORTON Finest food and sicept ion. ai service in our English Grill aW modert. prices WIEBLDT~-[ANSTON On Davis Street IN Ot Wilmefe 1 100ý M athew Francis e4o t - Miss Lenôra Kritchever, pianist and, Mathew Kritchever, violinist childreii. of Mr and Mrs. A. A Kritcheveri,1120 Central avenue, Wil. mette, are rapidly -achieving distinc- t 'ion in the realm. Of music. miss Kritchever, Who will 'bé a senior ai New Trier High school next, year, graduated from the Chicago Collegin of Music Friday, June 23.' She re- ceived the special, honorable mention' award'îinlber class. She bas'been studying1 with Kari Rekzeh, who ýis widely known as the conductor of the German Choral club, and wiIl con- tinue with him in studying for bier .màster's gre. Mathew Kritchever, wbo is only 16 years of age and will be a sopho- -more at New Trier next year, lias. appeared frequently in recital. He presented a recital Sunday, june 25, in Dramatic Arts hall in the Fine Arts building, playing the Violin Con- certo by Mendelssohn. Wednesday, june 21, hie played. at tbe luncheon of the Wilmette Rotary club off er- ing the, samne concerto and in addi- tion a violin solo from the opera "The Violin Maker of Cremona," by Hubay. He- is studying with Mischa Livschutz, who was a. distinguished pupil of tbe famous Leopold Auer. Miss Kritchever was accompanist for ber brother at both appearances. Riley E. Swart, Veteran of Civil War, Dies, Here. Funeral services for Riley E. Swart, 91-year-old Civil war veteran, who died on Sunday at the home of bis, daughter, Mrs. Arthur G. Stanten, 1014 Pontiac road, were held Wed- nesday afternoon in the chapel at 3176, North Clark street, Chicago.- 1 Burial was at Gracelandcemetery. Mr. Swart served throughout the "On june Il I1.was informed over Park board I was to have the posi- Jtion at the beach again this year. On Saturday, june 11, while awaiting a to cail for duty, 1 was. informcd, by a friend that they had à newv natron. 1 called on Mr. Gýilîson, president of ithe Park board, to ask Why the sud- den change? Tbe answer was that 1-beý bad 'been talkinhg to Mr. McAllis- -ter (the beach mfaster) wbo 5aid my services were not satisfactory and he, Lt could replace me to advantage. "I arn putting this before'tbe'. ub- lic to have their opinion as to.whetber or not my services as beach mnatron nfor the past nineteen surniers bave nbeen satisfactory to them. PuzIe1 Oer Action "While I - admit' the Park board: r bas :a perfect right to bire.wbomso- ever tbey desire as beach ratron, ýtbey knew what this position means to me' especially' this'year, and told me 1 wotild, be hired, 1 f eel a little consideration due me for the years of service that were satisfactory. I arn at least wortby a decent dismis- s al, not kicked out for the personal dislike of a couple of people. "Some of the 'finest men 1 have ever met have been on the Park board. "I sincerely tliank them for kin-- ness sbown ini the past. "I also tbank tbe kind and courte- Oius public. . "I would like the mothers tao know tbat at no time during my beacb career bas any cbild been impudent to me, r 'egardless of their feelings. 1 bave loved them ail and have seen mnany of tbem grow up froin littie youngsters into fine men and women. "Thanking you ail, and rnty bestý wishes for the new matron, I amn your> past beach matron-'Mrs..Hilt-on."" ExipIaiu8 Change L. K. Gilîson, president of the Park board, wbich operates the beach, ex- plained to a representative Of WIL-> mtTTE LnYE that the retention of beach employes was the -responsibility of I aegree at Ohio State rnivý 1lso visited ber fiance, Ardery, in Frankfort, Ky. 'Sheian Joseph Wolschc S. daughter, Miss Gertru of..Wtnnetka.. and Mrs. son, Char- Mrs. An- ~and Mr. and their, Wolachon, t t 'v Sa ti-a fa ctio0nf.,18 ýGua aran te ed