celbrtedWoldwarveera, hoe 1-Jdultus cnoi.ini ym h e came to elortmeci WOrIcwarveen rawdeTechny to begin bis college and sem- depokiAend wbase alwas h been rde ary studies for the missionary Cass Aeprad ho oal ae enpriesthood and was ordained in 1921. abovereprach.He received bis doctor's degree ini Being 16 years old, and supposedlY Rome. settledin. exemplary habits, itcornes Drigtepsyasbeasen as a. distinct sbock' to find him yield- professor o dogmatic tbeology at St. ing ~ ~ t totealueetso .b PrIm- Augustine's, Bay St. Louis iss., rose, path - and engaging in the s fri.volous pastimes of. flaming youth., The Catholic, university. of Pekin But ustsoLas Frdàyeveingwas established in 1926 and at the But ustso.Las Frdayeveungpresent time bas an enrollment o)f one bis, mistress, Mrs. William c- thousand and a. teacbing staff com- Keighian, 1615 .Wa'lnut 'avenue, took posed of sîxtee .n American, six Goder o e tesi9s ft u~iropean and fifty Chinese instrue-, "L" Terminal jubilce, and it was there; tors. that be sticcumbedto temptation, fell__________ for the wilcs of perfect strangers and ,, straycd. far f rom the straight and Max GJrabo,'lioneer of narrow. And in the noise and con- Glencoe, Passes Away fusion of a big. city be lost ail sense of direction and could find neither Max Grabo, Who was born in ýGlen- mistress nor borne. Luckily E. A. coe. more than fi fty years ago 'and Strauss,- 329 Washington* avenue, lived i.that village for about forty found Goldberg wandering about and years. died suddenly early Tbursday kindly took care of him, notifying, moriling at Rhinelander, Wis.. where the police department, through wbîcb he hast been vacationing. He bad' Mrs, McKeighan learned of, Gold- beet i il only a qhort ie of pneu- berg's whiereab-outs', and recovered monia. Mr. Grabo moved to Kenil- bim later ini the evening. worth abolitr fifteen years ago and lived first with bis sister. Mrs. Henry BACK FROM WISCONSIN 1Jlrich of 626 Wayland avenue. joseph Sbiantz, Wilmnette postmas- More recentlv he had been making ter, Mrs. Shantz and Mrs. Shantz's his home with another sister, Mrs. sister, Mrs. A. W. Kenyon, returned1 Harry Lynn, who lives directly across Tuesday of last week from a two Wayland avenue from Mrs. Ullrich. weeks' fishing trip at Land o' Lakes, Twn other sisters, Mrs. Robert Page \Vis. Tbey also toured the Lake of Deerfield and Mrs. William Dan- Superior region. Mrs. Kenyon who i er. Jr., of Dianiond lake. and one is from Oklahoma City, Okia., is here brother, Otto H-. Grabo of 893 Valley vis iting bier sister for about a monih road, Glencoe, survive. Funieral serv- an-d a baîf. ices were held Saturday at Mrs. UII- rich's bomne by the Rev. Herman Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Warren ai d. Meyer of St. John's Lutheran churcb, daugbuter, I3etsy, of Raleigbi, N. C., are Wilmette. Burial1 was at Memorial visiting Mrs. . Warren 's, sister, Mrs. park cemetery. S. M. ->terson, 231 Seventeenth street, for, two weeks. White here M»r. ar- Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mtueden-of re,wo' is state secretary of ýthé Newv York will arrive Jtilv 15, to visit National. Education association, is at- the The odore Moritz fa milv of 220' tending the. National E,7ducationi As' , 1 Wàrwick road, Kenilwortb. Mr. M'ue- ciation convention- being 'held iiiClii- den is a brother of Mrs. Moritz. cago. -0-j DAVENPORTS ^ND CHAIRS Miss Emma Mue den of .New York1 REWEBBEDI leftSatudayafte a vsitwithber Very reasonablv. Fsriture repaired and Up- lef Saurdy fte a ist' ithhe holstered. Ho 's creens maide or repalred. sister andi farnily, the Theodore Mor- Cabinet work. use r. Lf~.,.L1. SThe. Bibie, and Works of Mmr Baker Eddy end £Il other audworazed E Christia Science Literature unay b. read, borrowed or piachased e the. Reading Roe,.. * THIE PUBLIC 1S CORDJALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TUE i CHUBCH SERVICES ANO VEuT THE READEN aohOO and G.eorge, Who is marrie-d and liir< at Des Plaines. Mrs. Chronis wa the widow of Andrew Chronis whi was killed last February 25 when hi automobile.was struck by a Chicag< North Shore and, Milwaukee train a the Lake Ivrenue crossing of thc Skokie line. He bad been an officia, of the Rakiios restaurants in Chi. Mother of 0. 'D. Jones Dies a t Hme inUtc Mary Rozilla Jones,, nee Davis, widow of Enioch Jones, passed away at ber home in Utica. N. Y... ini bei inety-second year, Monday, June 26. She- had been, ili for sixnionths, Mrs. Jones was the daughter of Wil- liam, C. and Content Wilcox Davis of MaYflower and revolutionarv an- cestry. She was born and brought up in >the. old >Colonial honestead. Shé leaveg three sons, Orville D. of Wilmette, Gordon E. of Bessýmer. Alabama, Rodney Wilcox Jones of N'ew Rochelle, N. Y., and one daugli. ter, Miss Gertrude Vivian Jones of Utica, N. Y. LAST CALL!!. THE BOYDEN RESIDENCE d24 Pine Street, et Prospect ansi LInroin Ave., Winnetka 18 Beig Wrecked AI] Materiasfor Sale Includlng tx4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Floor. mng, she.atbing, ssuoftett ises 1. Ing plant, radilors, tubs, basins, ïlnblng, doors, seash and al fise et Bargain prices. .Salesunan on the job frpia 8 a.m. to 8 ini. Àbb.tt Wrecklng Co, Clicago es Brunas0ilg ýO RECORDS at 5 C:each ie al' They rodwi I ry ed for $1.50 andi $2.00) wev*.lsea mmc a few wand er. fui eleetions heze; ai hrad- new r c-'b*o BEETHOVEN' 3rd Syrmphony, Berln Phllba.. moule oreb. Prâtsnerilcond. Ifo. 9000-5. Reg. Piee. . Sle Pric% Pj r BRAHMS Second Sy]ÙpjiOuy.ý Berlin Phi lhar. conduetor. No. 90217. E eg. Pie * 7.40 ..........Sale Prim. 25 1- FRANCK kt D) Miner Symphony. Lauioureux, 1. Orchestra, Of Paris, condueted by WOlff. No. 90197-200. Eeg. Prie., SM .......... .S U p i l f e f DEBUSSY - Nocturnes. Assn. 01 Concerts f Orch., Lamoureux: wolff, ecoud. No. 90158.159. Eegý Priee, $3. Sale Price, $1.00 WAGNER Lohengrin, Preiudes--Aet 1 and IL Berinu Phlhbarmonie Oreb.; Wurtwangler, eond. NO. Ni8,ý Reg. Price, *1.50.. Sale PriSe O * BACH . Brandenburg Concerto. No. 3. Philharmnine orci. Berlin. No. $0161-169. Reg. Prie, *3,6. ILYON & HEALY I 615 DavisSt Uni 6810 SPECI'AL.,OFFEIR! C."tone n ....em t cery stores, meat markets. or. No i.eik I e your favorite clrugi store. Note: Ce -OKED . -RATION .-DOS - OOD eaum1elb be bugIe.b' .in Chais *v.arcosySers