'aa'muniZation vuin eldataithe Wîil mette Health Center about a month ago. Ail those who had the first dose, are urged to returu for the sec- ond. The next Infant Welfare ýclinjc wiiI ,be .held Wednesday, July12 f rom 2 to 4 p. ni. The next chest clinic which is con- ducted by the' Chicago Tuberculosjs institute, Dr. julius Novak, medicai director, in charge, wiii be held July 17, from 1 to 3 P. fi. only. People wishing to make appointments for this clinic niay 'cali. the Wfiimette Heaith Center daily, except Saturday and Sunday, between. the hours of, 1 and 2 p. in. The _phone' number ls Wilnîette 2402. 4UUUiUflnUon tdUh 01 inese ciays iflere are also two other:tours, at 10 a. mi. and.3 P. nm., covering in genieral out- standing exhibits in ail departments -anthropology, botany, geology and zoology., On Thursdays ail three' tours, 10 a. ini., Il a. mi., and,3 P.nM. are, general. The.tours are conduct- ed ystaff lecturersad r pen> to 'ail museum visitors. Parties as- semble inside the north entrance of the Museum.. Thére are no* tours on Saturadys and Sundays, but -the mu- seum is open to visitors* on these days as throuighout the week froni 9 'a. ni. to 7 p .'i Mr adONs MltnCRUISen 86 Mr. adMrs. Floyd Grimes.of Mr.andMrs MitonFrind,806Rockford, Ill., have been visiting Mrs Linden avenue, entertainied ten guests Grimes' mother , Mrs.ý Claude McL ,Monday on a cruise and fish dinner Hamilton, .430 Woodstock >avenue aboard the Blue Nose which the Col- Kenilworth, for a few days. They unibia Yacht club chartered. Their te oordtMepi,. ent da îughtr, ettyRuth alo ener-visit relatives, and will also visit Mr. tained ten guests. Grimes' father and mother in Arkan- Mrs. Honier Johnson and daugh-sa.CueHmltnwIbebi ters, Pru 1dence and Ruth, and son, froni Purdue for over the Fourth oi Horton, left' Friday for H-azelhurst, Juîy, Xis., W ,here Mrs. Johnson was chap- 0 eron for a party of the following Mrs. E. J. Brown, with her son, Young people, Mary Ellen Boozer, Jack, of Decatur, Ill., who had been Betty Ketchani and Jack Hicks of visiting Mrs. Browii's sister, Mrs. Kenilwvorth, Carl Vaughn of Park Alfred McDougal of 325 Abbotsford Ridge, and Fred and Jack Heitman road, Kenilworth, left Saturday to of Wilmette, whose parents, Mr. and visit her son, Anson, in suninic Mrs. Fred Heitman of 212 Greenleaf school at Madison, Wis. avenue, motored up to spend the 0o Fourth of july with theni. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig of 716 0 Lake avenue entertained at dinner Mrs. Frederick Byron Wooclard Mfonday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Florence, Of Owosso, Alex Rummler of Norwalk, Corin.,' Mich., and Miss Addie Crowe have who are visiting Mr. Rummler' been the: guests of Mr. . and Mrs. brother-in-law and sister, the 'Frank, Burt A. -Crowe*p 234 Raleigh road, C. *G. Whites:of Winnetka. Kenilivôrth. Miss Martha Horfman0 of Detroit was also their 'week-end ChreJoan23Rleg rod gus.Kenilworth, tefather o Mrs. *Mr. and Mrs. 1B. L. Wehmhàf of, A. Moulton, bas returned froni a trip Tacorna Park, Md., have leased tet oteladNwYr. F. B.* Crossley home at 602 Washing- ton avenue while the Crossleys have gonc to spend, the summer in Cal- ifornia. Tan Cane H.adquarters for Jumbho Juicy Peruisu LIMES d'z. 35e Largeot -Finest of 61S Dais t St JutEat 1ofFout q J 80 CuveÎSt Opoieoeaai il I SPECIALS VOR THUUS.-VRI..SAT. I if )f ORANGES 10 FreiL Milk-Fed tt VxJeu.i&-FuIJof 5 Ji*.-JS.fi Roast Stuffisd Long IaI.n4 Sprlsg DUCKLINGS 95oe&a ITender Native » POT ROAST 1/2CI Cut trou Yoig. 9 Corn-fed BeetL lb. 1645 ORRINGTON AVE., EVJ CHgcàaGo STORzE: i05 N, WA^BASH AVE. *18S.-LA SALLE 9ST. AN4STON 78 E. JACKSON BLVD. mI 2U lb21½c < Evapston's [orgest, Most Modem Food.,EMPoru i i r libby's or Six O'Cloc1k Fr UitSalad 2for 25C NEW