The Kev. iDr. Kowell of the Conlgre- gational church of Hinsdale 'will of- ficiate at the wedding which wilI be a very small one. .Miss Stewarts sole attendant will be her cousin, Miss Gretchen Puetz of Chicago. Dillon Kalkhurst of.At- lantat Ga., formerly of Evanston, will serve Mr. Buesch as best mian. Both Miss Stewart and Mr. Btiesch were students at Northwestern uni- ,Vers ity, where the former was a miem- ,ber of, Kappa Kappa Gammna and the latter of Sigmia Chi. The young couple will live In Chicago. Miss. Isabel Eustace of Eva nston was hostess ,at a dinner dance 'last Saturday at the Barrington Country club in honor of Miss Stewiart, and Mr. Buesch., Mrs. Gordon Rogers, (Catharine" Farrar) of 1210 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette, entertained at abridge lunicheon and miscellane- 'Ous shower on Wednesday, and today (Thursday) Miss Madeleine 'Holmes and',Miss Jetty Archer are giving a -bridge- tea anrd kitctien -shower t' the latter's home in Evanston in honor of the bride-to-be. Mrs. Andrew Buesch, Jr., of Glencoe will be host- ess in Miss Stewart's bonor Friday., gown with a jacket, a small white cap and white tulle circtlar veil. She carried an old fashioned bouquet of gardenias, white' roses, and liles of the, vallry. U er only attendant was her, sister, Miss, Esther Nilsoin, who wore, yellow, embroidered or- gandie, and carried blue delphinium and white 'daisies. The, bride's broth- er, Howar 1d'Nilsoni, served Mr. John- son as best mai. Following the ceremony there was. a réception for relatives only at the Nilson home, 1522 Glenlake, avenue. .Mr. and, Mrs. Johnson are on a motor trip to Montreal, and,on. their- return will make their, 1425 Summerdale avenue, Chicago. 'The former Miss, Nilson, is a graduateý of- the University of Illinois'and is a past president- of the Junior auxw- iliary of the Womnan's, Library club of, Glencoe., North S ho re Girls Go to iibedine Ranch Seventeen north shore girls lef t Thursday, of last week for a sum- mer ohi Timberline ranch, a 150,000- acre cattle ranch in northeastern Aizona, -wnere tney will lve a reg- Celebrate Fourth of J d y ular cowboy life. The group of Neighbors on Elm- The group inclucles Marioni Grable, wood -avenue who have gathered to- Marjorie Mock, Mary Bauman, Nan- gether for years to celebrat e the cy Blaine, Barbara Bruce, Jean Bar- Fourth of July with an on-the-lawn thelme, Axin Harding, Hermonu picnic, hiad as their lxost and hostess Clark, Judith 1Fox, Louise Galbraith, this year, Mr. an~d Mrs. Joseph B.,-Nancy Wolcott, Joan Bersbaçh, Bar- Marshall of 1040 Ellmwood avenue.' bara Ballingèr, Dorothy Walker and the director of the -excursion, Enuily Mrs. Dudley Taylor and son, Lan- Marsh Michener. don, 244 Cumnor road, Kenilwvorth These girls will try a hand, at learn- spent the Fourtlî of July at thieir ing the cattle business-rounding up cottage at Powers Lake, \Vis. cattie by the hundreds, branding WIscoNsINDFILS Spend Your Vcation Where SCEN IC ATTRACTION S 5.UULU1I Peioi pi or p nuuuirous laices on the rancn will DC other events filling their summer program.i The climax will ,be, a trip to the-Grand. canyon. Cluùb Dances The two regular clu b parties will take place. this week-end at Shaw- nee Country club. Friday night thiere will be, the usual junior dance, and Saturday night the senior dance. A party for: the sixth, seVenth and eighth graders b as been scheduled for Friday evening, July.. 14, with~ dancing from 8 until 10. o'clock. LA WSON lA À 1246 acre WONDERLAUfD GOLF DANCIC BIDE' FUR! amld the elaboratenese of WISCONS.IN'S FINEST SU3IMEXR ESORT IMOTEIL 85 laike-front rooms eaeht with bath ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOP' MODE RATrE RTE LAWSONIA COUNT.RY CLUB HOTEL CLERANESL THE CLOTHES RACK' 936 North Michigan Avenue Chicago'ý the. New Shop acrous frêm the Dbrake THE S PORTS 976, Unden Avenue SHOP Hubbarci Woods THE SPORTS 265 Market Square SHOP Lae.Forest Smart Clothes FOR Town and Country Printed and Plain Sheers and Siks~ Afternoon and Evening Gowns-Sportsweer R4dMoed DR ESES-ORMRL~Y 5.'5 t.'24.95 AND t> CORRESPONDIN$ RIEDUCTIONS IN COATS- SUITS SWEATERS -ACCESSORIES CLEARA NCE SALE.