SPRING, l. U RIB ROAST 0F REEF. tand 7th ribo,22 22C SMOICED BUTTS,24 bomeless, lb* . . d r jPOT ROAST 0F lac BEEF, les u b ASSORTED COLD 2 MÈEATIS, b. ..... 5 GINGER ALE or ROOT BEER, 31qts. mC FUDMY Affed eor $Le§ per' ena, plms depeait J. Brandt. It. was the board does not tax for maintenance 4Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Webster of 1601 entb sÎreet, motored to South. Bend, Ind.,, recently. to get Mrs.. Webster's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Charles :Has- tings, wbo are, visiting themi and seeing A Century of Progress. JULY SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVEI fronty $3.95 For Apeoistmemi Phoie Wilm" e4582 ZEAUTY 1126 Central Ave..8LP 1 uesday, atter tney naci 50 geiierois- Iv contrihuted to tbe occasion: Belrose Barber, Sp Beyrer (W. G.) E-lectric Sbop Brandon (Ralph J.). Auto Servi.ce Herbon ýBros. Garage Harky (Rudolph) Market Miller Home Motor Service, Ridge Avenue Pharmacy. The Dutch, Oven Bakery The Patty Shoppe Bakery WTlmette Battery and Electric Service -George F. Sberzer, committee chairman. Proposed by-laws cf the district will. be voted. upon at the 'nexct 5ev- ent-Dstrctmeeting' cf the Ameni- can Legion, te be held Wednesday. july 19,' at a ,nearby golf club wbich bad net been determined when this wlho plan to attend this meeting are requested te communicate by tele- phone with one cf the following: Commander D. C. Leach (Wilmette 3753), Vice-Commander D. J.> L. Wal- ther (Wilmette 4567). or George F. Scherzer (Wilmette 2961). *August 18 is, th( niember ceunts fo state convention. Walther requests le last day when a r a delegate to the Vice-Commander that members geti at once, as he bas for the-. prospective The kitchen is to be screened, the tents floored and many other im- provements completed as rapidly as possible, it was anniounced this week. A new bath bouse hias been .coin-. pleted and headquarters buildings and* equipme nt> storage heuses are under construction. The eingineers stili have much %vork te do, according to Major C. A. Chapmfan of tbe Coast Artillery who is in charge of the men. The. army of wo rkers, howe ver, swarmed, into the. section southeast of the camp site last Monday for preliminary work in connection with. excavation, for one.of the lageons. The men have plenty. of 1î*istn after working hours and reading ma- ter, is in demand. As a resuit, steps were taken by Winnetka people this week to gather up, magazines and books- thyoughout the village to be taken out to the camp. VISITOR IN WILMETTE Otto A. Hege of Winona, Mlinni., returned to bis bomne yesterdav after a visit of a month witb bis nephew,.' Ben Polzin, 1241 Forest avenue. Mr. Hoge was forrnerly a macbinist for the Chicago and North Westerç railway, having retired last August after forty-six years of service. HOSTESS TO DIVISION' Mrs. Walter Lindblad cf 720 Green- wod avenue, entertained tbe Fourtb division cf the Woman's Aid society of the Wilmette Parish Metbodist church at three tables of bridge re- c4dnnouncing A NEW IGA Food Stc mark as usual.. Mr. and Mrs. Adoif C. G. Ander- son, 1359 Ashland avenue, with their Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bol and daugh- daughter, Ruth, and their son, Don- ter, Marian, cf Chilton, Wis., lfrt Fni- ald, bave just returned from a M- dav after a week's visit with Mr. Boll's Itor tnip through the west._ Tbey sister and family,* the% N. P. Zechs of visited Yellowstone and Glacier Na- 918 Forest avenue. tional: park after they bad stayed'in the cil fields cf Montana a few'days jwhile Mr. Anderson -attended te I business. s.Norn Kraft and venue, left Souvenirs for thte Children *PRIZES. The.Bible end Worka of Mary Baker, Eddy and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be ready borrow.d or puchmm.d s Sthe. Reading Room. e THE'BDC NS CORDNALLy NVITED TOATMND TMIR CHURCH SERtVICES AND VISIT THE JIUDNO 10DM 1, if :* L 1,