of Vaf t "Man Park Win Bail Gaine So many, boys at Vattmani park this vear are over the age Jimnit,'that they have a basebali team of their own. We. asked the Village Green to have their over-age boys play uis a gaineWednesday of last week. The Village Green was handicapped by not having enough of the older boys to ýplay, so it used part of the senior teami. Having this handicap, the boys. playéd a very good game just * the saine, the final score being Vatt- nma 18, Village Green 6. T1he junior, teams of both play- grounds had à gane, Thursday. This time Vattmnan park was handicapped because of'the age limit. The final. ti score this time was: Vattman 2, Vil- lage Green 20. Village Green will be a hard playgroundi to beat this suimmer but ail of our,,teaIms are putting, al the effort they can into each game. Every nIorninfg the junior teain wilI il practice at Il o'clock. Boys who are Poti bai ca t ndyou for te poi pla not in thisotea adfordthe po tions they like. We hope to have -a. good team when we' meet the Vil-* 'lage Green the next time.-Frederick Aschbacber, Vattman park. Vattinan Boys Stage Daily Track Practice Every morning at Vattman park '. the boys practice high jumping, broad jumiping, bail throw, and run- ning. In high jumping thue contes- tants who jump the highest are Bill Jenkins who jwnps 4 feet, 6 inches; Fred Aschbacher who jumps 4 feet, 7 inches, and Dick Moreau who .jumps 4 feet, 4 inches. They are the boys who we think will enter the high jumping at the meet .at, the Villeage 'Green.- Charles Spinner, Vattmnnpark. STORY HOUR WEDNESDAY Every Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock Miss Hughes of the Wilnxette public librarv has a story hour at Treasure Hnts Every Saturday morning at Vatt- man park we have a treasure hunt. We are divided into about seven groups Hàp, out teacher for the boys, starts us and he also gives us a hint 'of where, the first. note1 is. Then after a while we find the first note and then we run for the treas- are. Last time the treasure was somne candyfor the group that got.-bank and, had seen ail the notes.' The littie ones are incltuded in this- hunt. If there are lots of littie ones, the big Ones drop out. except. for the leaders. 0f course,.the leaders are, always big ones.-Adelaide Koenlen, Vattman Park, 1 Village:Green juniors Beat Veittman,, 20 to 2 1The Village Green, junior'boys had an indoor game Thursday morning of Iast week at the Vattmn play- ground. The Village Green boys won, 20 to 2. Ed Platzic was the scorekeeper. The Village Green lineup was as follows: catcher, Roger Tobin; pitcher', Earl Borre;, first base,' Howard Bohnen: second base, Swede Kreusch; third base, Henry1 Janaes; short stop, Bob DeVinny;1 left field, Jack Welter; center field, Leroy Schneider, and right field, James Schneider.-Raymiond Tripié- chio, Village Green. Dogs, Rabbitsa~nd Fish Have Night at Vattmani There was to be a pet show at' Vatt- mian playgrounid Friday night, July 7, at 7 o'clock. In the pet show there we re to bel ma.ny pets. such as dogs, rab-. bits. Asih, chickens, rats, cats, pigeons1 and, many' other pets. There were first, second: *and, tbird Prizes for al> groups. I hoped we would W:in many rihbons. Everyrbody was gettinig bis pets readv for the pet show. Al dogs had to be muzzled or ieashed.- Dorothey Etienne, Village Green. for ViIlage.Wide Show Many of the chiidren of Vattinan Park were btisy grooming their pets for the village-wide pet show which Was to have been, held Friday night, .July 7, at 7 o'clock. Everybody .was wonidering whose pet wvould win, and hopinig hià would win. There was one siet of ribbons for each of the following: cats, dogs, rabbits, feathered pets and mniscel- laneotis. ýA set consisted of a, blue ribbon for. first place, a red ribbon for'second place, and'a white ribbon for third place. - Marjqrie Wood, Vattman park. Children Find Sweets During Treasure Hunt Village Green'had a treasure hunt Thursday, july .6. Hilda Voel ler cut the paper. which - was-.used for the trails.- The starting, point was the shack, and the trail led aIl around the. playground 1 iorrnd No;' 14 sucker and it was an orange one. Forty-six pieces of paper were hid- den and each piece Pf paper wvas traded in for a sucker. Forty-six suckers were handed out. Everyone. had a very nice time and wve al looking forward to another treasure hunt.-Joseph Voeller, Village Green. Prepare for Story Hour by Making Own Chairs, Mi'ss.Hughes cornes every Wecines- day to tell us stories. Wednesday of last week she told us three verv in- teresting stories. AIl the children are making' cha.irs so that they cari sit in them wher Miss Hughes cornes. Albert Sar- gent was the only one whio had bis finished for this story hour. E-verv- one hopes to have bis chair doue by next story hour. -Franik*Tripicchio, Village Green. VILLAGE GREEN WINS The boys and girls had a game with Vattman park Thursday, july 6. , The girls played kickball and of Village Green Greets Us Again ell, here I arn again, the Village Gres weeklyv reporter. I arn writ- ing ail the news of the first_ week of july. Monday: 'The us ual thing--finish- ing posters, nuaking raffia baskets. crepe-pa per bats and orange-crate chairs. Tuesday: Pourth of Juiyl Every- body enjoyed himself to the fullest' ext ent. Wednesday: Village Green senior boys lost to the Vattman team. Thursday: Village ,Green junior teams won. from the teams of Vatt- mani.- Inthe afternoon a treasure hunt ivas held. Friday- Village-wide pet show was to be held1 at Vattmnan. park.. Every contestanti looked .hopeful.-Hope Miler. Village Green.. Boys Not Too Proud' to Enjoy Raffia Work Nearly every g.irl-and many of the boys-are working on rafia work. Colors of the rainbow are used-red., yellow, bIne, green and lavendar- and also brown. White raffia is used in between the colors to nuake bet-, ter harmony. The bigger senior girls, r besides making baskets of their own. help the otiiers by joining reeds and raffia, ch oosing colors and turning the edges. - Helen Born. Village Green. POSTERS ARE, DUE We are ail working on. posters,: for our posters are due. Thelse posters are showing, aIl events. that you can do in the playgrounid. We first make our letters. We then cût out pictures that will. go with1 thé letters and that, show .sornething manhy of us do. Many children are making posters. We wiIi have a big exhibit.-Ruth Mestjian, Vattman park. ýt ofÔ HERE'S'PI.EA FOR ACT] Core on, Vattman 1 Get yoi ticles in. Don't let Village boat You., Let's hbave some next time.-Marcia Anderson, aman park. ar- jump, relay, and b een pratice very hard on ore uintil Il :15 o'clock. att- to practice track.- Vattman park. runnng ugu~.vey iliuscia th chdr n ro wert very happy that we won. W throw. We Vattman park bring their lunches were going to play a practice game 1of the things and we ail have a picnic on the play- with the samne teanu and, we hoped erybody likes ground. It is lots of fun and we en- we would win again. We surely do rriette Jones, joy it very much.-Florice Jones, have fun pIaying.-Williatn Prevalld, Vattman Park. . Village Green