vvI anesUy,.j uS>' LU, ELa Ui oUioci, inI thé spacioue and airy. auditorium of the clubhouse. This date is flot the one announced in the bulletin, the committee notifies club members. With.Mrs. Harvey A. Bush as chair- .man. with Mrs. Carl J. Nylund in charge of the luncheon., a large coin- mittee is at Work to make the affair a red letter one among the. season's. social évents at the saine tinle that it- acquires a substantial suin for- thé club fund. Auspicious was the beginning for 1 the :sumnmer party series given under the auspices of. the ways> and means commnittee of the club whose chairm mnan is Mes. Clifton L. Darling. ~t~JWorking with Mrs. Bush and Mes. Nylund are Mrs. Maurice Booth, Mrs, Charles R.. Bixcby, Mrs. John P. Bal 4 man, Mrs. C. P. Berg, Mns. Charles M4 Burlingame, Mes. Nathan P., Colwell, Mrs. W. A. Durgin, Mrs. Ernest 'H. Freeman, Mes. William Harridge, Mes. Willis H. 'Hutson, Mrs. H. C. Hall, Mrs. Max G. Hopf, Mrs. Oscar Ifebel, Mrs. Stephen E. Leeman, Mrs. Earl McDow, Mrs. David P. More- ton, Mrs. Elliott V. Youngberg, Mis. Charles W. Robb, and Mes. James Surpless. The large auditorium with its long windows, its attractive cretonne hangings, and its bowls and baskets of summer flowers, combined with the bright hues of summer bats and frocks, makes this locale for the bridge luncheons- a colorful spot whicb inembers and thein friends Sind opportune' to invite a table or two of guests for a summer-day, luncheon and a game of bridge. In- formality reigns, and. with a prize for each table, each group of play- ers is pentitted to make its own rules and. cease its gamne when 'it desires. Doaothy Mêrshall Fiance of Richartà W. Simmons Photo by Carlos * Mr. and Mlrs. Roy' Woltz have recent1lv returnMd fro,» <i honey- moon sfpent at lawsonia Country club, Gren Lake, Wis., 'and are noze at home in Evanstôn. Mrs. r Woltz ie the former Marion Wolf, * daughter of Mrs. Harry J. Wolf, SIC> Greeenwood avenue. Simplicitg Marks Mickegy-von Meding .Wedding On 2Julg 7 With simplicity lending its charm, the wedding of Miss Winnifred Thorndike Mickey and William von Mecing of Chicago took place hast >Fniday afternoon at 4 o'clock in St. Augustine's Episcopal church which was decorated with flowers of the season. For ber marriage the bride chose a pale pink organdie frock with a matching hat and carried a bouquet of pale pink and pale blue garde:, flowers. Her only attendanti her SIS- ter, Mrs. 1. H.' Stoeckel of, Min-. neapolis, wore 'a flowered chiffon dress and carried garden flowers. The bridegrooni, who is the~ son oi Mrs. Hans von Meding, had his brother, Victor von Meding, as his 8o:30 o'cloc, and cinner is served any time after 7:30. Planned for.-the en tertanirnent of the guests is an exhibition tennis match under. flood lights, ýwith two nationally known players performing. Added di- versions will be..a. flood-lighted putt ing green on the.south lawn for those who enjoy golf, and ping pong tables in the large ballroom. The swimming pool wil be open until midnight, at which time a buffet supper will be served in the lobby. Junior-Juniors to Have Own Danceat #Shawnee The Junior-Juniors of .Sha wnee Coun- try club will have their own dance Fni- day evening of this week, cammenc ing at 8 o'clock. Special music and enter- tainment have been planned by the club's entertâinment comniitte for the mem- bers' children in sixtb, seventh and eighth grades. Commencing with the grand naarch promptly at 8 o'clock there will be vani- ous specialty numbers supervised by Mrs. Theron M. Woolson who will di-i rect the dancing, assisted by her own1 three-piece orchestra. An eliniination waltz, a niegaphone dance, and other ý surprise features are in store for the1 young folks. The comniittee making arrangements for the party is composeci of: PolIyt Krafthefer, 'Sancy Nason, Mary Spear, Margaret Sjiear, David Kendrick, Bud Littig, Bob Raye and Jack Randail.. Vista del Lago Starting Junior Bi-mno>t hi Prtie A series of junior parties for th e children of inembers ta take place twice. monthly1 throughout the summer wfilbe initiated Fniday evening of this week at the Vista del Lago club. The open- ing party for which Bob McCloud's or- chestra is ta furnish the music will be suppleniented with a floor show of sur-d Stevens Grahains oft- iencoe, and Thomas Rogers Wigglesworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wesley Wig- giesworth of Kenilworth Wednesday evening last. GOuests at the Glencoe Union church where the Rev. Doug- las Hawley Corneillread the miar- niage service .at, 8:30 .o'cl ck, .saw, opened before them a vista at whose end wvas the Tree of Life stencil in aquamnari nie at the back of the church. At each side and forming a- back- ground for :the church's symbolical design were, first, cibotiumh fe.rns, and then palms. Just in front stood a large standard filled with orchid gladioli and, at the corners -of the pflatform.ý two, black Italian olive jars held gladioli of the samne hue. Vines of huckleberry foliîage trailed over the grilles at the organ recesses.- The- bride's dress, was a-, Chanel -model of ivory satin with its dropped- shoul1ders fihished with a, capelet of fine* seed pearîs The long- train ýwas completely veiled with the tulle which fornmed the veil andà cap held to ber head with a halo of pearîs. The verv beautiful heirloom veil of Duchesse lace which supplemented the tulle was worn by the bride as "something borrowed" and belonged to a if e- long friend of her mother. Lilies of the valley and gardenias formed her bouquet. SOrchid and turquoise blue were the ,colors worr b'y the bride's attendants. their gawns ail fashioned alike of chiffon and taffeta madle with necks high in front and low in back, with their trains edged with littie ruffles of taffeta. They wore small hats and> gauntlet organdie gioves to match their dresses,, and ail carriecl armn bouquets of orchid gladioli. The dress of Miss Virgin-ia Lee Grahamn, the bride's sister, was turquoise blue with an orchid velvet beit, and the bridesibaids, Miss l{elen Wiggles.- wortb, the -bridegroomp s. sister, and Miss 'Betty Lee Titus of- South Charleston, Ohio, Miss Katherine Keith of Buffalo0, N. Y., Miss Marf- anne Hloover of Evanston, Miss Elizabeth Quinlan- of Wilmette, and MisSsan Turneyr of Glencoe. were the 9 ut eid- READING CIRCLE H~OSTESS Mrs. W. Wallate K1 Gnd T1he Reading circle is having its avenue, entertainéd ei ýxed next meeting Monday, july 17, at the luncheon and bridge TI for haone of Mrs. B. F. Blymyer, 626 Lake week in honor of ber avenue, at 1:15 o'clock. . Eugene C. Lathrop of, 707. Forest guests at Iay of hast ,hter, Mrs. Dmme, Fia., ther .augtèr. Miss Vivian, who motored from their summer home at Lake Cath~erine for the wedding. who is visiting here for the summer. The guests were. friends ofMrs. La- throp. flowers and honorable men ber exhibit of white flowers.